Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel

Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel shields reporting companies from the complexity of XBRL syntax. It makes it easy for financial professionals to generate EBA reports compliant with EBA XBRL Filing Rules, directly in an application where they’re already comfortable working: Microsoft Excel.

Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel Features

Build EBA reports directly in Excel

Like other regulatory agencies around the world, the European Banking Authority (EBA) has standardized on XBRL for the transmission of data submitted by filing entities, to capitalize on the benefits of standardized data. For filing companies, however, the challenge lies in getting backend data into a valid XBRL format according to the EBA Taxonomy, especially since the employees recording...


November 5, 2024Product Update
EBA XBRL Add-in 2025 引入了高级数据质量检查,提高了数据精度并简化了合规性工作流程。
Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel 2022 Release 2
Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel 2022 Release 2
March 9, 2022新版本
添加选择是否在 EBA XBRL 实例创建期间将 ID 属性添加到事实的功能。
Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel 2022
Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel 2022
October 28, 2021新版本
添加对 OIM(开放信息模型)的支持,以允许 XBRL 报表的 CSV 输出,并添加对 Windows 11 的支持。
Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel 2021
Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel 2021
October 14, 2020新版本
新的 XBRL Taxonomy Manager(分类管理器)提供了一种查看您系统上索安装分类的简单方法。
Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel 2020 Release 2
Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel 2020 Release 2
March 17, 2020新版本
新的企业版添加了批量转换和 COM API。
Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel 2019
Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel 2019
October 17, 2018新版本

价格从: $ 548.69

Altova European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL add-in for Excel is licensed per user, per year。 In order to continue to use the software after 1 year you need to renew the license。 Installed User...


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Compatible Containers

  • Microsoft Excel 2010
  • Microsoft Excel 2013
  • Microsoft Excel 2016
  • Microsoft Excel 2019
  • Microsoft 365 (Desktop version)

