Aspose.Words for Android via Java V24.9

Released: Sep 19, 2024

V24.9 中的更新


  • Accessible PDF Export: Added the ability to export documents to PDF/UA-2 format, ensuring accessibility for users with disabilities.
  • Enhanced XLSX Export: The exporter can now automatically detect the datetime format for seamless data export.
  • ActiveX Control Management: You can now modify properties of ActiveX type objects, providing greater control over their behavior.
  • Granular Markdown Export: The LinkExportMode property within MarkdownSaveOptions now allows you to control how links are exported in Markdown format.
  • ActiveX Radio Button Interaction: Added the ability to set the value of radio button ActiveX controls, enabling dynamic interactions.
  • ActiveX Checkbox Toggling: You can now easily set the checked state (checked or unchecked) of ActiveX checkboxes.
  • Chart Data Label Customization: You can now control the orientation and rotation of data labels within charts for enhanced presentation.
  • VBA Project Protection Check: A new public property VbaProject.IsProtected allows you to verify if a VBA project is protected.
  • Custom Number Style Format for List Levels: The public property ListLevel.CustomNumberStyleFormat now includes a setter, enabling you to define custom number styling for list levels.
  • Chart Customization: Precise control over chart axis tick label orientation and rotation.
  • Font Management: Expanded font information with EmbeddingLicensingRights property.
  • Document Structure: Efficiently clear section headers and footers while preserving watermarks.
  • Format Compatibility: Improved HTML and XAML export with backward compatibility for backslash and yen sign.
  • PDF Functionality: Enhanced PDF export with support for using SDT tags as form field names.
  • Document Conversion: Introduced a new LowCode.Converter class, designed to provide a set of methods for converting various types of documents with a single line of code.
  • Digital Signatures: Enabled digital signing of XPS documents using XpsSaveOptions.
  • Updated Bouncy Castle Library: Added new version of bc-fips and the jar can now work with IBM VM without error.
  • Group Shape Insertion: Added new public methods DocumentBuilder.InsertGroupShape.
  • Structured Document Tag Insertion: Added a public API to insert StructuredDocumentTags using the DocumentBuilder class.
  • Enhanced Radial Chart Rendering: Implemented the rendering of graduations on radial charts.
  • Digital Signature Improvements: Added the ability to sign documents with XAdES-EPES level XML-DSig signatures.
  • Markdown Formatting: Incorporated an option to recognize underline formatting when loading Markdown documents.
  • Footnote/Endnote Separator Access: Provided public access to footnote/endnote separators.