DevExpress VCL Subscription 15.2.6 released

Released: May 12, 2016

Updates in this release

Updates in 15.2.6

New Features/Updates:

  • ExpressSpreadSheet - Provides a command (a TAction object) that invokes the "Conditional Formatting Rules Manager" dialog.
  • ExpressEditors Library - Adds the capability to use the classic-style dropdown calendar as the default calendar style for date editors.
  • ExpressLibrary Localizer Editor - Enables record filtering using the Find Panel and adds the capability to copy a grid cell value to the clipboard.

The following issues have been resolved:

ExpressBars Suite

  • Ribbon - Customization Form - An AV occurs on selecting the "Custom Tabs and Groups" item in the "Choose commands from" list if any custom group contains a custom subitem.
  • Ribbon Form - An AV occurs on clicking the Windows taskbar icon to restore back the form's window that was minimized by pressing the Windows+D key combination while the form was inactive and a hint was displayed for any of its window buttons.
  • Ribbon Form - Office 2013 or 2016 style - The form's border size is 4 pixels less than in Office applications if a built-in color scheme is applied.
  • TdxRibbonColorGalleryItem - The Ribbon Popup Menu can be invoked for the bar item's drop-down menu.

ExpressDocking Library

  • Re-opening a project file suppresses the display of floating dock panels defined in secondary forms.

ExpressLayout Control

  • A layout control located on an inherited form creates layout elements without a name at design time.
  • Customization Form - The '<empty>' string displayed for layout elements whose caption or name is assigned an empty string cannot be localized.
  • Import - TcxPageControl, TPageControl, or their descendant selected in the Import form's drop-down list are not imported to the layout control.
  • The height of tabbed layout groups whose TabbedOptions.Options option set includes pcoTopToBottomText is incorrect.


  • The NavBar control's OptionsBehavior.Common.DragDropFlags property setting applies to the NavBar designer and Customization Form in error.

ExpressPrinting System

  • Captions of TcxCustomGroupBox and descendants are incorrectly printed if a report link's ScaleFonts property is set to False.
  • Export to PDF - Metafile images are incorrectly clipped.

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • An AV occurs on switching the cursor while the View is locked for updates by the BeginUpdate method call in certain cases.
  • Chart View - The Pen.Color property setting is not initialized for a canvas used to paint pie slices.
  • Layout View - Clicking a card/group's expand button or a layout group's tab does nothing.
  • Layout View - Data item captions are not painted in certain cases.
  • Master-Detail - The View whose OptionsBehavior.FixedGroups property is set to True misplaces expand buttons in master rows that do not fully display their detail rows.
  • The grid control is not disabled during the export operation.

ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite

  • An AV occurs on exporting a tree list whose indent cells contain images.

ExpressRichEdit Control

  • An AV occurs on loading certain DOCX files that contain two or more references to an image in various document parts.
  • The "List index out of bounds" exception occurs if selection that includes merged table cells is adjacent to another merged cell.

ExpressScheduler Suite

  • Gantt View - Changes made to the Finish column cell value modify the Start column cell value in the Tree Browser.

ExpressSkins Library

  • Form - Minimized MDI child forms cannot be restored down using the window's context menu or window buttons if certain skins are applied.


  • A multi-line formula returns #NAME? as its result.
  • A worksheet's Options.ActualZeroValues property value doesn't control the visibility of zero values that are not function results in cells.
  • A worksheet's Options.ZeroValues property value is incorrectly loaded from an XLS file.
  • A worksheet's SortByColumnValues or SortByRowValues procedure incorrectly sorts rows/columns if more than one column/row is passed as the procedure's parameters.
  • An AV occurs on double-clicking the frame painted around a floating container.
  • An AV occurs on opening an XLS file which contains a reference to a function introduced in modern Excel versions.
  • Import from CSV - Date-time values are parsed using the English (United States) format rather than the system's format.
  • Removing selected columns or rows doesn't remove the merged cells that are partially included in the selected area.
  • The "Find and Replace" dialog displaces the editors located on the Find page at high DPI settings (more than 96).
  • The right or bottom border is not painted in a merged cell that is more than 1 pixel wide or 1 pixel high if the border style is set to any other than the default one.
  • The spreadsheet control cannot be compiled if the "Minimum enum size" compiler option is set to a value other than Byte.
  • The text containing quotation marks is incorrectly pasted from the clipboard.
  • The unary double minus operator is not supported.
  • Typing an IME composition moves the caret to the previous character/symbol.

ExpressTile Control

  • Decreasing a tile group's font size doesn't reduce the group's caption height.

ExpressVerticalGrid Suite

  • The vertical grid used in an ActiveX server application doesn't display cell hints.

ExpressEditors Library

  • In-place cxRichEdit - Typing an IME composition doesn't invoke a composition window within the in-place editor.
  • TcxDBFilterControl - The FilterOptions.DateTimeFormat property setting is ignored by date-time filter items when building filter criteria for the FilterText property if the DataSet property is unassigned.
  • TcxShellTreeView - Pressing the Del key while a shell item's caption is customized attempts to remove this shell item rather than clearing the text selected in its caption.


  • Raising an exception while modifying a scrollbar's thumb position causes continuous scrolling.