ExpressNavigationPack 18.2.5

Released: Feb 27, 2019

18.2.5 中的更新


ExpressBars Suite

  • Crash with RepeatClick.
  • Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem - The gallery does not update its content on switching a filter option if the gallery size isn't changed.
  • The Customize dialog does not display a dropdown button for a large bar button whose ButtonStyle property is set to bsDropDown.
  • Toolbars embedded in the TdxBarDockControl component are rearranged at runtime.

ExpressDocking Library

  • A left and/or top portion of a floating docking panel goes beyond the visible screen area after dragging the maximized panel between monitors with different DPI.

ExpressEditors Library

  • An AV occurs on calling the cxDrawRichEdit function whose optional ScaleFactor parameter is omitted or set to nil.
  • An in-place cxRichEdit editor wraps the cell content if the Properties.WordWrap property is set to False.
  • cxLabel - An editor truncates its growing caption and displays an ellipsis instead of automatic label width increase if both the AutoSize and Properties.ShowEndEllipsis properties are True.
  • cxTextEdit - The Ctrl+A key combination sets the EditModified property to True.
  • TcxCustomComboBox and descendants - An AV occurs on an attempt to set the Style.LookAndFeel.ScrollbarMode property to any other value than sbmDefault in the TcxDefaultEditStyleController component.
  • TcxCustomTextEdit and descendants - It is impossible to enter a decimal separator into an editor with a negative edit value in a 64-bit application built with RAD Studio 10.3 Rio.
  • The EVariantTypeCastError exception occurs when the OnValidate event handler returns the Null Variant value as the DisplayValue var parameter.

ExpressLayout Control

  • An AV occurs on calling a layout item's PutIntoHiddenGroup function.
  • The "List index out of bounds" exception occurs on pressing the Tab key to navigate between tabbed layout groups if the OptionsItem.AutoControlTabOrders property is False.

ExpressSkins Library

  • A gallery item caption blends with the background if the "TheBezier" skin is applied and one of its dark-colored themes is in effect.