GroupDocs.Total for Java

GroupDocs.Total for Java is a compilation of every Java API offered by GroupDocs. It includes GroupDocs.Viewer for Java (a powerful document viewer API that allows you to display over 50 document formats in your Java applications), GroupDocs.Annotation for Java (a flexible API that lets end users annotate Microsoft Office, PDF and other documents within your Java applications), GroupDocs.Conversion for Java (an advanced class API that allows you to convert between over 50 document formats from within your Java applications), GroupDocs.Comparison for Java (allow end users to quickly and easily find differences between two revisions of a document) and much more.

GroupDocs.Total for Java includes the following document manipulation APIs for Java:

  • GroupDocs.Viewer for Java - A powerful document viewer API that allows you to display over 50 document formats in your Java applications. The viewer can work two ways: by rasterizing documents or by converting them to a combination of SVG, HTML, and CSS. Both methods deliver high-fidelity rendering. Supported file formats include Microsoft Office, Visio, Project and Outlook documents, PDFs, AutoCAD, image files...


将内置和用户定义样式保留为 CSS
将内置和用户定义样式保留为 CSS
May 17, 2024Product Update
GroupDocs.Editor for Java 24.4 添加在外部样式表中将内置和用户定义样式保留和存储为 CSS 规则集的功能。
轻松将音频片段合并到单个 WAV 文件中
轻松将音频片段合并到单个 WAV 文件中
February 28, 2024Product Update
GroupDocs.Merger for Java V24.2 添加对合并多个 WAV 音频文件的支持,从而精简了工作流程并简化了文件管理。
将元数据从文件导出到 XML
将元数据从文件导出到 XML
January 17, 2024Product Update
GroupDocs.Metadata for Java 23.12 让开发人员提取元数据并封装为公认的 XML 格式。
将所有 Excel 工作表转换为一个 HTML 文件
将所有 Excel 工作表转换为一个 HTML 文件
December 15, 2023Product Update
GroupDocs.Viewer for Java V23.11 允许您输出一个单独的 HTML 文件,该文件将 Excel 电子表格中多个工作表中的内容组合在一起。
从 Kindle 文件中提取内容
从 Kindle 文件中提取内容
December 6, 2023Product Update
GroupDocs.Parser V23.11 添加对 Kindle 文档格式的支持,可以从 Kindle 电子书和文档中提取文本和元数据。
GroupDocs.Merger for Java V23.10
GroupDocs.Merger for Java V23.10
October 11, 2023新版本
添加在将图像交叉合并到 PDF 时对 SVG 和 SVGZ 的支持。

价格从: $ 2,939.02

Developer Small Business License A Developer Small Business license permits One (1) Developer to create an unlimited number of Derived Works using the Product which can be used at only One...

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Component Type
  • Java Class

