IntelliJ IDEA 2024.2.1
Released: Aug 29, 2024
2024.2.1 中的更新
- Modified modules are now only processed and the changes propagated when needed.
- Maven auto import now has a delay.
- Ktor: Support Development mode in run configuration.
- Ktor: New run configurations UI.
- Support for implicitly imported modules in optimize imports.
- Support for GoToSuperMethod line marker in dumb mode.
- Implemented increase language level check and fix.
- Added completion for keyword module.
- Generate true and false cases for boolean selector.
- Include implicit imports in implicit classes.
- Support for resolving regular references in Module Import Declarations.
- Added completion with true, false in switch.
- Complete module names for Module Import Declarations.
- Inline breakpoints: You can now set lambda breakpoint when the line breakpoint doesn't seem useful.
- Improved error highlighting in incomplete project model.
- Added feature level check support for Module Import Declarations.
- Updated ImplicitToExplicit inspection.
- Check access module names for Module Import Declarations.
- Created an inspection for migrating to Markdown comments.
- Added an "Accept and finalize" button to the review tool window in the Space plugin.
- Support for Next.js link resolve within JS context.
- CSS scope from styled components is now taken into account.
- Auto-download plugins that are 100% compatible with existing environment.
- DevContainers: Added step about tmp folder creating and warning regarding mount in build logs when the dev container is created with clone via RD.
- Preserves custom text written in the endpoints view http client tab.
- Implemented an inspection for unknown Terraform resources.
- WireMock: Support for Handlebars templates.
- Semantic search functionality for the Actions tab in the ML in Search Everywhere bundled plugin.
- Integrated on-demand AI in merge conflict dialog.
- Open patch files as diff together with plain text.
- GitLab Integration: Added keyboard shortcuts support for adding comments.
- Replaced API for AnAction tooltip used in popups.