Syncfusion Essential Studio Blazor 2024 Volume 2 SP1 (26.2.12)

Released: Sep 3, 2024

2024 Volume 2 SP1 (26.2.12) 中的更新


  • Data Grid
    • Fixed the issue where the column menu was not opening and displaying column menu options when EnableAdaptiveUI was enabled in the grid.
    • Fixed the issue where horizontal scrolling was not working properly with virtualization and frozen columns in the grid.
    • Fixed the issue where fixed-sized columns would shrink when calling ResetPersistDataAsync or SetPersistDataAsync.
    • Fixed the issue where persistence in combination with media queries to hide columns was not working at smaller screen sizes.
    • Fixed the issue where after applying a filter with no matching rows and removing it, all rows became selected with persistSelection enabled.
  • DocIO
    • Image is now preserved properly after calling ExecuteGroup API.
    • TC Field entries are now preserved properly in TOC after calling UpdateTableOfContents API.
    • Conversion time is now reduced while converting a Word document with multiple styles to PDF.
    • Paragraph formatting is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to PDF.
    • Performance has been improved while using fallback font while converting a Word document to PDF.
    • Word document instance is now disposed properly while using DocIORenderer.ConvertToPDF(Stream) API.
  • Mention
    • Fixed an issue where a console error would occur when pressing the Backspace key in the mention feature when the target is a text area.
  • Presentation
    • Oval shape is now preserved properly during PPTX to Image conversion.
    • Text with tab is now preserved properly during PPTX to Image conversion.
    • The default transparency value is now returning properly from the ISolidFill.Transparency property.
    • Black and white recolor is now applied properly for irregularly cropped picture during PPTX to image conversion.
    • Exception will no longer be thrown while cloning and merging the slide into a new document or the same document.
  • Range Selector
    • The issue where the Bootstrap bundle script reference threw an exception on window resize with the Range Selector has been resolved.
  • Rich Text Editor
    • Pressing the enter key by placing the cursor at the start of the new line with the indentation format applied now works properly in the Rich Text Editor in Firefox.
  • Schedule
    • An issue with the CurrentAction of the Scheduler returns the incorrect values while closing the popup has been fixed.
  • Stepper
    • The issue with Stepper component styles being removed, when performing validation has now been resolved.