Telerik DevCraft Ultimate 价格

如果您需要讨论您有关Telerik DevCraft Ultimate的许可要求,请联系我们Telerik方面的许可专家。

我们可以提供任何Telerik DevCraft Ultimate许可证,包括新许可证、续订和升级。

我们标准的价格如下所示: 请登录以查看您的优惠价格。

所有的授权选项 (11)
合并隐藏全部选项 | 隐藏细节 |

Telerik DevCraft Ultimate - New Perpetual Licenses

Includes 12 months Subscription (new features and fixes) and Ultimate Support

1 Developer License

原厂厂家的产品编号: 6131-6131敝公司的产品编号: CS-554448-1492072

授权与交付方式 $ 2,155.02 加入购物车

One software license is required per developer. Runtime royalty free.

After successfully placing your order, your purchase will be added to your Telerik Customer Account. Information on how to log on to your account, manage your license and download the software will be sent to you via email.

  • Telerik DevCraft Ultimate

1 Developer License (Min Qty: 2) - Please call for price

原厂厂家的产品编号: 6131-6131


1 Developer License (Min Qty: 6) - Please call for price

原厂厂家的产品编号: 6131-6131


Telerik DevCraft Ultimate - Early Subscription Renewal

For customers renewing their subscription before the date of expiry.

1 Developer Early Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: 6131-2294敝公司的产品编号: CS-554448-1492075

授权与交付方式 $ 1,077.02 加入购物车

Extends your subscription by an additional 1 Year.


After successfully verifying your order, your purchase will be added to your Telerik Customer Account. Information on how to log on to your account, manage your license and download the software will be sent to you via email.

  • Telerik DevCraft Ultimate - Early Renewal

1 Developer Early Subscription Renewal (Min Qty: 2) - Please call for price

原厂厂家的产品编号: 6131-2294


1 Developer Early Subscription Renewal (Min Qty: 6) - Please call for price

原厂厂家的产品编号: 6131-2294


Telerik DevCraft Ultimate - Welcome Back Subscription Renewal

For customers renewing their subscription after the date of expiry.

1 Developer Welcome Back Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: 6131-2296敝公司的产品编号: CS-554448-1492078

授权与交付方式 $ 2,155.02 加入购物车

Extends your subscription by an additional 1 Year.


After successfully verifying your order, your purchase will be added to your Telerik Customer Account. Information on how to log on to your account, manage your license and download the software will be sent to you via email.

  • Telerik DevCraft Ultimate - Welcome Back Renewal

1 Developer Welcome Back Subscription Renewal (Min Qty: 2) - Please call for price

原厂厂家的产品编号: 6131-2296


1 Developer Welcome Back Subscription Renewal (Min Qty: 6) - Please call for price

原厂厂家的产品编号: 6131-2296


Telerik UI Accelerator v1.x - 1 Year Annual Subscription License

Available for Kendo UI for Angular, KendoReact, Telerik UI for Blazor and Telerik DevCraft. You will need a license for one of these qualifying products to purchase UI Accelertor.

1 Developer, 1 Year Annual Subscription License

原厂厂家的产品编号: 9995-9995敝公司的产品编号: CS-554448-1522443

授权与交付方式 $ 538.02 加入购物车

One software license is required per user, per year.
You will need to purchase an Annual License Renewal each year to continue to use the software.


After successfully verifying your order, your purchase will be added to your Telerik Customer Account. Information on how to log on to your account, manage your license and download the software will be sent to you via email.

  • Download and Licensing instructions for Telerik UI Accelerator Annual Subscription License

1 Developer, 1 Year Annual Subscription License Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: 9995-12487敝公司的产品编号: CS-554448-1522444

授权与交付方式 $ 538.02 加入购物车

One software license is required per user, per year.
You will need to purchase an Annual License Renewal each year to continue to use the software.


After successfully verifying your order, your purchase will be added to your Telerik Customer Account. Information on how to log on to your account, manage your license and download the software will be sent to you via email.

  • Download and Licensing instructions for Telerik UI Accelerator Annual Subscription License Renewal


如果您有多个续订日期不同的订阅,希望进行调整,无论您在哪里购买的,我们都可以提供帮助。 与我们即时聊天,讨论您的要求。



如果您购买了新许可证,则可以从您的 Telerik 帐户下载以前的版本

Telerik DevCraft Ultimate 许可

One software license is required per developer.
Run time royalty free.

Please Note: Kendo UI for Angular and Kendo UI for Vue npm packages now have an additional requirement for developers to provide a license key when adding any of the npm packages to their Angular or Vue projects.
This license is a physical file (in .txt file format) which needs to be included in your project. It can be downloaded from your Telerik Account.

Includes Source Code (excluding JustMock and Telerik UI for Xamarin).

Licensed Developers may install the Software on multiple machines, so long as the Software is not being used simultaneously for development purposes at any given time by more Licensed Developers than You have License seats.

Each License includes 12 months Ultimate Support

  • 24 hour response time (Monday-Friday)
  • Ticket pre-screening
  • Online ticketing system
  • Unlimited incidents per year
  • Unlimited bug and feature requests
  • Access to community forum
  • Phone assistance
  • Remote web assistance
  • Issue escalation

Ultimate Support can be renewed on an annual basis.

The license also includes On-Demand Technical and Product Training.

Renewals and Upgrades

  • Early - up to 60 days before the current expiration date, the new expiration date will be calculated based on the original order date.
  • Standard - up to 60 days after the current expiration date, the new expiration date will be calculated based on the original order date (backdated).
  • Welcome Back - more than 60 days after your subscription expired, the new subscription expiration date will be calculated based on the date of purchase of the Welcome Back Renewal or Upgrade.

Telerik UI Accelerator

One software license is required per user per year.
To continue to use the software you will need to purchase an annual license each year.

Telerik UI Accelerator is an add-on for Kendo UI for Angular, KendoReact, Telerik UI for Blazor and DevCraft. It includes:

  • Page Templates
  • Building Blocks
  • ThemeBuilder Ultimate




所有 Telerik 开发人员工具产品都是长久的。 订阅期结束后,您能继续使用所购买的产品。


您可以根据需要继续使用您的订阅中包含的产品。 订阅到期意味着您将不再收到任何产品更新或新产品版本。 您可以按照比购买新许可证低的价格续订您的订阅。 越早续订越划算,而且必须在您的订阅到期前购买。 标准续订最晚可在到期后 60 天内购买。 到期后超过 60 天的则可获得 Welcome Back Renewals(重返续订)。


可以 - ComponentSource 可以安排统一您的许可证期限,即使这些许可证最初不是通过我们购买的。 请致电我们或,讨论您的需求。


您可以通过任何单独的“Telerik UI”或 “Kendo UI”产品升级到 Telerik DevCraft 套件。 您还可以从 DevCraft 的一个版本升级到另一个版本(例如,从“DevCraft UI”升级到“DevCraft Ultimate”)。

您还可以降级 - 例如,从 DevCraft Ultimate 降到 DevCraft UI。

我可以向我现有 Telerik 帐户添加新许可证/以前的版本吗?

可以 - 您可以将同一产品的新许可证或不同产品的新许可证添加到您现有 Telerik 帐户。 您可以通过登录到您的 Telerik 帐户来访问以前的版本。


Telerik 不提供直接出售的旧版本。 但是,购买新许可证允许您无需额外付费即可下载相应产品的任何以前版本。


可以 - 受许可的开发人员可以根据需要在其自己的机器上安装 Telerik 控件,包括笔记本电脑、家庭台式机、工作台式电脑等。


可以 - Telerik 许可证没有部署限制 - 其允许将 Telerik 控件用于跨越各种服务器和域的无限量应用程序。


DevCraft 中的所有产品均提供源代码,但 Telerik UI for Xamarin 和 Telerik JustMock 除外。


是的。 购买产品许可证后,您将成为许可证持有者,并在 Telerik 系统中创建客户帐户。 您将有权访问您帐户中的特殊实用程序,从中您可以分配许可用户(开发人员或顾问)。 每个被分配的用户都将收到其自己的凭据以登录系统,并将获得软件和支持。

每当您决定将产品许可证重新分配给其他用户时,都可以从您的用户列表中删除当前受许可用户并分配新用户。 因为一切都通过联机进行,无论用户位于何处,都只是一个授权而已,因此无需进行许可证的实体转移。


Telerik 提供三个级别的支持:

  • Lite Support
    包括访问在线票务系统、社区论坛和无限制的错误修复/功能请求。 响应时间为 72 小时(星期一至星期五)。 每年最多发布 10 个事件。
  • Priority Support
    提供以上所有服务,但响应时间为 24 小时(星期一至星期五),并且每年发布事件数量不限。
  • Ultimate Support
    添加电话帮助、远程 Web 帮助和问题上报。