Telerik RadWindow

Replace browser dialogs and alert boxes.



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Telerik RadWindow 关于

Replace browser dialogs and alert boxes.

Telerik RadWindow for ASP.NET AJAX is a component that can replace the standard browser dialogs and alert/prompt/confirm boxes. Developers can easily build modal and non-modal dialogs and windows, individually or in groups that mimic the behavior of the Windows taskbar. Telerik RadWindow is built on top of ASP.NET AJAX, RadWindow leverages the benefits of the novel framework to offer enhanced performance and easier deployment.

RadWindow for ASP.NET AJAX Main Features

Full Customization of the Visual Appearance - The appearance of RadWindow can be easily customized using skins. This allows you to easily blend it with the design your web application.

Control Over Window Visibility and Location - Developers have full control over the initial visibility and position of the windows, by simply setting a combination of 3 properties:

  • Windows can be shown automatically when page loads or show on click (VisibleOnPageLoad property)
  • Windows can be shown relative to an html element (OffsetElementId property)
  • A clicked element can automatically open a particular RadWindow (OpenerElementId property)

Rich Client Event Model - RadWindow provides a few client-side events, which allow you to achieve a level of interactivity that is only possible in Windows applications.

Various Minimization Modes - When minimized, RadWindow objects can be "docked" to an HTML element, such as a DIV or a TD. In turn, the HTML element can be styled to resemble an interface element for example, a taskbar. As a result, developers can mimic the behavior of the Windows taskbar and have the minimized RadWindow objects conveniently arranged to a predefined location.

Keyboard Support - RadWindow manager can map keyboard shortcuts to commands. Shortcuts can be used to switch between active windows, maximize or close the currently active window. You can also perform additional tasks with the keyboard, since every public API method of the client RadWindowManager that does not require parameters can be associated with a shortcut.

Circumvents Windows/Browser Popup Blocker - An extremely important feature or RadWindow is that it is not affected by the popup blocking mechanism of Windows XP SP2. As a result developers can easily implement applications with advanced interfaces without being affected by the security settings of the user browsers.

Implement Cross-Browser "Modal" Dialogs - Creating cross-browser modal dialogs has always been a challenging task for developers. Thanks to the wide cross-browser support of Telerik RadWindow and the straightforward setting for modal mode (Modal property) this problem can be easily eliminated.

Implement Splash Screens - In some cases developers would need to show only the content of the window, without the border and title bar. This configuration is suitable for splash screens and for windows, which should not be controlled by the user but just programmatically.

Predefined Alert, Confirm, and Prompt Dialogs - RadWindow provides an easy way to replace the standard dialog boxes provided by the browser. Compared with the standard browser popups RadWindow bring the following advantages:

  • Fully customizable appearance - allows blending them into the design of the site and thus increasing usability
  • Re-arrangeable elements - you have complete control over the position of the popup the elements (icon, text, buttons)
  • Control over the initial size - you can provide width and height as extra parameters
  • Use HTML as content - as opposed to browser popups that are only able to display text, you are free to pass HTML to be displayed in the RadWindow popups for a richer user experience and improved usability

Window Caching - Once a window is loaded it is not going to be destroyed when you hide it. So next time it will be shown immediately with no loading time. In case you want to run some initialization code and pre-set the elements in the window, you need to put it in the in the OnClientShow event handler.

Localization Support - The elements of RadWindow such as buttons' captions, buttons' tooltips, window headers, etc., are easily localizable through an XML file. There are three default localization files - English, German and French. You can modify these files or create your own to add a new language.

Templated Windows - For each RadWindow skin the appearance of the following items can be fully customized not only in terms of css, but also in terms of html content and arrangement:

  • Minimized state
  • Splash screen
  • Alert box
  • Prompt box
  • Confirm box

The definitions of their html templates are stored in an XML file (RadControls/Window/Skins/SKIN_NAME/CoreTemplates.xml).

Several real-life implementation scenarios would be:

  • Create a left-to-right skin that puts the icons of the dialog boxes on the right side, rather than on the left
  • Change the minimized state template to remove the close button, add additional buttons, put advanced css settings, etc

RadWindow for ASP.NET AJAX Functionality
Transparency and Animations Effects
RadWindow for ASP.NET AJAX dialogs are enriched with various Vista-like looking animations and transparency effects.
Flexible Property Setting
The restriction of always having a RadWindowManager is now removed and allows you for effortless customization in a broader range of scenarios. Now you are free to easily set properties for multiple windows from a single place or handle properties for a single window separately.
Multi-mode Skinning on a Single Page
RadWindow has a flexible skinning engine that allows you to set various skins on different windows on a single page.