Telerik UI for WPF 2024 Q1

Released: Jan 31, 2024

2024 Q1 中的更新


  • What's New
    • Added DateRangePicker control which can be used to choose date intervals via user input or when selecting a range in a calendar popup.
  • Common
    • Added TicksToDateTimeConverter.
  • Docking
    • Enabled support for drag-drop of docking instances placed in different windows.
  • Examples
    • Upgraded sample applications to use configuration based on Microsoft .NET 8.
  • GridView
    • Added check/uncheck keyboard support (Enter, Space keys) for the CheckBoxes in the distinct values list of FilteringControl.
    • Added the GroupHeaderRowMinHeight property, which allows for setting the MinHeight of the GroupHeaderRows.
    • Introduced keyboard support for Filtering (F5 key), Grouping (F7 key), and Sorting (F3 key and Shift + F3 for multicolumn sort) in RadGridView.
  • PdfProcessing
    • Added support for embedding ZUGFeRD invoices.
    • Exposed the IsBold property of FontBase.
    • Introduced support for embedding file streams.
  • RibbonView
    • Improved RadRibbonSplitButton, RadRibbonToggleButton and RadRibbonButton styles when they are placed in QuickAccessToolBar.
  • ScheduleView
    • Added the GetContainerForItemOverride virtual method which is called when the AppointmentItem container is being created.
  • SyntaxEditor
    • Added the ability to input via Input Method Editor (IME). It should be used with monospaced optimization turned off.
  • Toolbar
    • You can now add a new consistent style for RadComboBox when added in RadToolBar.
  • ZipLibrary
    • Added support for extracting AES-encrypted archives.
    • Changed GetCryptoProvider() method signature. It now accepts EncryptionSettingsBase instead of EncryptionSettings.
    • Removed long-time obsoleted classes: CompressionType, ZipCompression, ZipInputStream, ZipOutputStream, ZipPackage, ZipPackageEntry. Use ZipArchive, CompressedStream, and ZipArchiveEntry instead.


  • Common
    • BooleanToVisibilityConverter Convert method throws a NullReferenceException when null value is provided.
    • The source code can not be built in Debug70 and Debug70.NoXaml configurations using scripts.
    • Wrong XAML files are shipped with the .NET Core themes archive.
  • Docking
    • Drag-drop to docking with no groups or document host is not possible.
    • RadPaneGroup's content is cropped if negative values are set to its Margin property.
  • Examples
    • The R3 2023 SP1 Demo program is missing the code.
  • GridView
    • Incorrect resizing of columns when there is a column with star(*) width on the left of the currently resized column.
    • Clipped rows when the ItemsSource is assigned a VirtualQueryableCollectionView and the rows are not of equal size.
    • Setting the default filter operator in the FilterOperatorsLoading to an unavailable operator (FilterOperator.Contains for DateTime column) leads to an exception when filtering.
    • Addressed some of the most impactful bugs affecting the control.
    • Improve the visual state when hovering the close button in the filter popup.
    • The Pin button in GridViewPinRowColumn cells is harder to click in Office2019, VisualStudio2019, and Windows11 themes.
    • Pinned rows don't work when the control is hosted in RadDocking with some of the Telerik themes.
    • GridViewMultiColumnComboBoxColumn does not have any selected value in edit mode when SelectionBoxesVisibility is set to Collapsed/Hidden.
  • Map
    • Items in VisualizationLayer disappear when using the NoXaml assemblies and the MergedDictionaries are removed and re-added.
  • MultiColumnComboBox
    • AutoComplete can suggest already selected items when there are multiple items containing the same text.
    • When DeferTextChange is False selection in the MCCB is cleared when non-matching search text is entered.
    • When DeferTextChange is True selection in the RadGridView is cleared when the selected item(s) are filtered out and then the search text is removed.
    • SelectedItems are not present in the watermark when SelecitionBoxesVisibility is Collapsed.
  • PDF Viewer
    • Interactive FormFields can be modified when IsReadOnly is set to true.
  • PdfProcessing
    • DrawTable is not setting the HasPendingContent property correctly.
    • Import-export specific document with Type1Font mangles text.
    • Missing characters when exporting a document containing different font types but with the same name and properties.
    • A NotSupportedException is thrown when decoding a CalRgb ColorSpace image.
    • A NullReferenceException is thrown on export because the value of TransformMethod property is not obtained.
    • A NullReferenceException is thrown on import because the value of the TransformMethod property is not obtained when Refence is set as an indirect reference.
    • A NullReferenceException is thrown when getting the hash code of CFF font's UnderlineThickness.
    • An unwanted Stopwatch is contained in the DocumentCatalog class.
    • A password is asked although adobe opens the document without one.
    • Some characters in Wingdings (or custom) font are exported with a different font.
  • RibbonView
    • Removed focus border around buttons in the title bar for the Windows 11 theme.
  • RichTextBox
    • The number edit field is not visible in the Table Properties Dialog in the Windows 11 Theme.
    • Enter key pressed after multiple cells selection inside a table removes content from all cells.
    • Memory leaks due to content controls and caret events.
    • Memory Leak in RichTextBox due to improper code in Telerik.Windows.Documents.Utils.DelayedExecution.
    • Setting the document to null causes an exception.
    • Shift + left in the first table cell and Shift + right in the last select the whole cell content.
    • The list text is missing from TOC items.
    • After a mouse-click on the last possible position on a line the caret moves to the first position on the next line.
    • Reverse selection starting from the last position in a paragraph before a table will select the first row.
  • Scheduler
    • Alt + Click selection cannot select the last slot for any day in WeekViewDefinition.
  • ScheduleView
    • Missing or misplaced special slots when using group virtualization and resizing the ScheduleView.
  • SpreadProcessing
    • An InvalidOperationException is thrown: The axes are incorrectly paired exception on import.
    • The XlsxFormatProvider.Import method closes the stream passed to it as an argument.
    • Left and Top-most borders are not rendered when exporting to PDF.
  • Spreadsheet
    • In Conditional Formatting, certain dialogs displayed cropped elements.
  • TimeBar
    • VisiblePeriod is changed when using the NoXaml dlls and the ResourceDictionaries are cleared and re-added.
  • VirtualGrid
    • When the TextAlignment is set to right the Filter Icon overlaps the text in the header.
  • WordsProcessing
    • Inline image surrounded by bookmarks is incorrectly measured when the document contains numbering fields.