BFO Publisher

BFO Publisher is a CSS layout engine. It takes HTML or XML as input, applies a CSS stylesheet to lay out the elements on one or more pages then writes the result to a PDF, just as a web browser would write the results to your screen.

BFO Publisher Features Include:

  • Input formats:
    • HTML5, SVG2, MathML4 or generic XML.
    • Anything you can convert to HTML, such as EPub, plain-text or AsciiDoc.
    • Embed SVG, bitmaps, video, audio, barcodes, 3D models and PDF.
    • All the worlds languages are supported except traditional Mongolian.
  • Output formats:
    • PDF and PDF 2.0. PDF/A-1, A2, A3 and A4, PDF/X and support for PDF/UA with full control over tags and attributes.
    • SVG, including options for multi-page files.
    • Any bitmap format, created from the...

Aktuelle Neuigkeiten

BFO Publisher v1.3
BFO Publisher v1.3
November 15, 2022Neue Version
Verbessert die 'ext.MailExtension'-Klasse, um die Unterstützung für Konfigurationen hinzuzufügen.
BFO Publisher v1.2
BFO Publisher v1.2
September 6, 2022Neue Version
Konvertieren Sie MathML 'content markup' automatisch in 'presentation markup'.
BFO Publisher veröffentlicht
BFO Publisher veröffentlicht
August 4, 2022Neues Produkt
Wenden Sie auf HTML- oder XML-Eingaben ein CSS-Stylesheet an, und schreiben Sie das Ergebnis in eine PDF-Datei.

Preise ab: $ 3,430.00

Production Environment (Internal Use): Perpetual license provided per server or machine when used by the company internally. Production Environment (External Use): Annual subscription-based license...

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Big Faceless Organization (BFO)
Als offizieller und autorisierter Distributor bietet Ihnen ComponentSource gültige Lizenzen direkt von Big Faceless Organization (BFO).
Component Type
  • Java Class