Big Faceless Graph Library

Big Faceless Graph Library allows you to create industry leading Graphs and Charts in Java. Backed by a full 3D engine, the Graph Library can plot 2D or shaded 3D Pie Charts, Line Graphs, Area and Bar Graphs from any viewpoint to PNG, Flash, PDF or SVG, quickly and with stunning results.

Big Faceless Graph Library Features include:

  • XML and JSP Tag Library interface, for extremely easy integration with web projects.
  • SOAP and XML Web Services interface for graph creation.
  • Very comprehensive API and Tag documentation with dozens of examples.
  • Embed JavaScript in your tags to easily create powerful rollovers.
  • Full 3D engine with adjustable light source produces the most realistic graphs on the market.
  • Output to PNG, SVG, Macromedia Flash, PDF or java.awt.Image for use in Applets...

Aktuelle Neuigkeiten

Transformieren der Datenvisualisierung mit einem 3D-Graphenmodul
Transformieren der Datenvisualisierung mit einem 3D-Graphenmodul
October 7, 2024Feature-Highlight
Big Faceless Graph Library unterstützt einstellbare Lichtquellen und lebensechte Tiefenwahrnehmung und hilft so bei der Erstellung anpassbarer Diagramme.
Big Faceless Graph Library v2.4.9
Big Faceless Graph Library v2.4.9
May 26, 2023Neue Version
Integriert Generika in allen Methoden und verbessert die Diagrammbeschriftungsfunktionen.
Big Faceless Graph Library v2.4.8
Big Faceless Graph Library v2.4.8
November 24, 2021Neue Version
Erstellen Sie großartig aussehende Grafiken und Diagramme in Java.

Preise ab: $ 784.00

Production Environment (Internal Use): Perpetual license provided per server or machine when used by the company internally. Production Environment (External Use): Annual subscription-based license...

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Component Type
  • Java Class