ComponentSpace SAML Suite Preise

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Alle Lizenzen (24)
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ComponentSpace SAML Suite (Summer 2024) - New Perpetual License - with Subscription and Annual Priority Support

Includes SAML v2.0 component for ASP.NET Core as well as the SAML v1.1 and SAML v2.0 components for ASP.NET.

1 Developer License

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516523

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 1,762.04 In den Einkaufswagen

A single developer license entitles a single developer to install and develop using the product. All licenses are perpetual. Runtime Royalty Free.

Annual Subscription with Priority Support entitles you to all major and minor updates for the year as well as priority access to ComponentSpace product developers.

After successfully placing your order the software can be downloaded straight away.

For the Subscription and Annual Priority Support you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription is active.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Confirmation Email

4 Developer Team License

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516524

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 3,232.04 In den Einkaufswagen

A 4 developer team license entitles 4 developers to install and develop using the product. All licenses are perpetual. Runtime Royalty Free.

Annual Subscription with Priority Support entitles you to all major and minor updates for the year as well as priority access to ComponentSpace product developers.

After successfully placing your order the software can be downloaded straight away.

For the Subscription and Annual Priority Support you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription is active.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Confirmation Email

1 Site Wide License (Allows Unlimited Developers at a Single Physical Address)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516525

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 5,388.04 In den Einkaufswagen

A site developer license entitles all developers within the purchasing organization and located at the same business address to install and develop using the product. This includes developers within the purchasing organization who telecommute from home or other locations external to the business address. All licenses are perpetual. Runtime Royalty Free.

Annual Subscription with Priority Support entitles you to all major and minor updates for the year as well as priority access to ComponentSpace product developers.

After successfully placing your order the software can be downloaded straight away.

For the Subscription and Annual Priority Support you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription is active.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Confirmation Email

1 Site Wide License + Source Code (Allows Unlimited Developers at a Single Physical Address)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516526

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 6,466.04 In den Einkaufswagen

A site developer license entitles all developers within the purchasing organization and located at the same business address to install and develop using the product. This includes developers within the purchasing organization who telecommute from home or other locations external to the business address. Includes Source Code. All licenses are perpetual. Runtime Royalty Free.

Annual Subscription with Priority Support entitles you to all major and minor updates for the year as well as priority access to ComponentSpace product developers.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After successfully placing your order we are required to verify your purchase before you are able to download the software and source code.

For the Subscription and Annual Priority Support you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription is active.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 Source (191 KB)
  • SAML 2 Source (517 KB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core Source code (485 KB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Confirmation Email

1 Enterprise License (Allows Unlimited Users at Unlimited Physical Addresses)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516527

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 8,818.04 In den Einkaufswagen

An enterprise developer license entitles all developers within the purchasing organization regardless of location to install and develop using the product. All licenses are perpetual. Runtime Royalty Free.

Annual Subscription with Priority Support entitles you to all major and minor updates for the year as well as priority access to ComponentSpace product developers.

After successfully placing your order the software can be downloaded straight away.

For the Subscription and Annual Priority Support you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription is active.

Lieferung per Download:
  • ComponentSpace SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • ComponentSpace SAML Component (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Confirmation Email

1 Enterprise License + Source Code (Allows Unlimited Users at Unlimited Physical Addresses)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516528

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 9,896.04 In den Einkaufswagen

An enterprise developer license entitles all developers within the purchasing organization regardless of location to install and develop using the product. Includes Source Code. All licenses are perpetual. Runtime Royalty Free.

Annual Subscription with Priority Support entitles you to all major and minor updates for the year as well as priority access to ComponentSpace product developers.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After successfully placing your order we are required to verify your purchase before you are able to download the software and source code.

For the Subscription and Annual Priority Support you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription is active.

Lieferung per Download:
  • ComponentSpace SAML 2 Source code (517 KB)
  • ComponentSpace SAML Component (1.8 MB)
  • ComponentSpace SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • ComponentSpace SAML Source Code (191 KB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core Source code (485 KB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Confirmation Email

ComponentSpace SAML Suite (Summer 2024) - New Perpetual License

Includes SAML v2.0 component for ASP.NET Core as well as the SAML v1.1 and SAML v2.0 components for ASP.NET.

1 Developer License

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516493

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 1,567.02 In den Einkaufswagen

A single developer license entitles a single developer to install and develop using the product. All licenses are perpetual. Runtime Royalty Free.

After successfully placing your order the software can be downloaded straight away.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)

4 Developer Team License

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516495

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 2,939.02 In den Einkaufswagen

A 4 developer team license entitles 4 developers to install and develop using the product. All licenses are perpetual. Runtime Royalty Free.

After successfully placing your order the software can be downloaded straight away.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)

1 Site Wide License (Allows Unlimited Developers at a Single Physical Address)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516497

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 4,899.02 In den Einkaufswagen

A site developer license entitles all developers within the purchasing organization and located at the same business address to install and develop using the product. This includes developers within the purchasing organization who telecommute from home or other locations external to the business address. All licenses are perpetual. Runtime Royalty Free.

After successfully placing your order the software can be downloaded straight away.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)

1 Site Wide License + Source Code (Allows Unlimited Developers at a Single Physical Address)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516499

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 5,879.02 In den Einkaufswagen

A site developer license entitles all developers within the purchasing organization and located at the same business address to install and develop using the product. This includes developers within the purchasing organization who telecommute from home or other locations external to the business address. Includes Source Code. All licenses are perpetual. Runtime Royalty Free.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After successfully placing your order we are required to verify your purchase before you are able to download the software and source code.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 Source (191 KB)
  • SAML 2 Source (517 KB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core Source code (485 KB)

1 Enterprise License (Allows Unlimited Users at Unlimited Physical Addresses)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516509

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 7,839.02 In den Einkaufswagen

An enterprise developer license entitles all developers within the purchasing organization regardless of location to install and develop using the product. All licenses are perpetual. Runtime Royalty Free.

After successfully placing your order the software can be downloaded straight away.

Lieferung per Download:
  • ComponentSpace SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • ComponentSpace SAML Component (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)

1 Enterprise License + Source Code (Allows Unlimited Users at Unlimited Physical Addresses)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516513

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 8,819.02 In den Einkaufswagen

An enterprise developer license entitles all developers within the purchasing organization regardless of location to install and develop using the product. Includes Source Code. All licenses are perpetual. Runtime Royalty Free.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After successfully placing your order we are required to verify your purchase before you are able to download the software and source code.

Lieferung per Download:
  • ComponentSpace SAML 2 Source code (517 KB)
  • ComponentSpace SAML Component (1.8 MB)
  • ComponentSpace SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • ComponentSpace SAML Source Code (191 KB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core Source code (485 KB)

ComponentSpace SAML Suite (Summer 2024) - Subscription with Annual Priority Support

For customer who did not purchase a subscription with their license, this provides priority support and free product updates for 1 year. Requires a perpetual license.

Subscription with Annual Priority Support for 1 Developer License

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516501

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 195.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Annual Subscription with Priority Support entitles you to all major and minor updates for the year as well as priority access to ComponentSpace product developers.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verifying that you are entitled to the Subscription and Annual Priority Support you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription is active. You will also be able to download the latest version.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Confirmation Email

Subscription with Annual Priority Support for 4 Developer Team License

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516503

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 293.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Annual Subscription with Priority Support entitles you to all major and minor updates for the year as well as priority access to ComponentSpace product developers.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verifying that you are entitled to the Subscription and Annual Priority Support you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription is active. You will also be able to download the latest version.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Confirmation Email

Subscription with Annual Priority Support for 1 Site Wide License (Allows Unlimited Developers at a Single Physical Address)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516505

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 489.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Annual Subscription with Priority Support entitles you to all major and minor updates for the year as well as priority access to ComponentSpace product developers.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verifying that you are entitled to the Subscription and Annual Priority Support you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription is active. You will also be able to download the latest version.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Confirmation Email

Subscription with Annual Priority Support for 1 Site Wide License + Source Code (Allows Unlimited Developers at a Single Physical Address)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516507

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 587.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Annual Subscription with Priority Support entitles you to all major and minor updates for the year as well as priority access to ComponentSpace product developers.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verifying that you are entitled to the Subscription and Annual Priority Support you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription is active. You will also be able to download the latest version.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 Source (191 KB)
  • SAML 2 Source (517 KB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core Source code (485 KB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Confirmation Email

Subscription with Annual Priority Support for 1 Enterprise License (Allows Unlimited Developers at Unlimited Physical Addresses)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516511

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 979.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Annual Subscription with Priority Support entitles you to all major and minor updates for the year as well as priority access to ComponentSpace product developers.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verifying that you are entitled to the Subscription and Annual Priority Support you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription is active. You will also be able to download the latest version.

Lieferung per Download:
  • ComponentSpace SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • ComponentSpace SAML Component (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Confirmation Email

Subscription with Annual Priority Support for 1 Enterprise License + Source Code (Allows Unlimited Developers at Unlimited Physical Addresses)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516515

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 1,077.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Annual Subscription with Priority Support entitles you to all major and minor updates for the year as well as priority access to ComponentSpace product developers.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verifying that you are entitled to the Subscription and Annual Priority Support you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription is active. You will also be able to download the latest version.

Lieferung per Download:
  • ComponentSpace SAML 2 Source code (517 KB)
  • ComponentSpace SAML Component (1.8 MB)
  • ComponentSpace SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • ComponentSpace SAML Source Code (191 KB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core Source code (485 KB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Confirmation Email

ComponentSpace SAML Suite (Summer 2024) - Subscription with Annual Priority Support Renewals

Extends priority support and free product updates for 1 year. Requires a perpetual license.

Subscription with Annual Priority Support Renewal for 1 Developer License

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516517

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 195.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Extends Annual Subscription and Priority Support for an additional 1 Year.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verifying that you are entitled to the Subscription and Annual Priority Support Renewal you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription has been extended. You will also be able to download the latest version.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Renewal Confirmation Email

Subscription with Annual Priority Support Renewal for 4 Developer Team License

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516518

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 293.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Extends Annual Subscription and Priority Support for an additional 1 Year.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verifying that you are entitled to the Subscription and Annual Priority Support Renewal you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription has been extended. You will also be able to download the latest version.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Renewal Confirmation Email

Subscription with Annual Priority Support Renewal for 1 Site Wide License (Allows Unlimited Developers at a Single Physical Address)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516519

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 489.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Extends Annual Subscription and Priority Support for an additional 1 Year.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verifying that you are entitled to the Subscription and Annual Priority Support Renewal you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription has been extended. You will also be able to download the latest version.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Renewal Confirmation Email

Subscription with Annual Priority Support Renewal for 1 Site Wide License + Source Code (Allows Unlimited Developers at a Single Physical Address)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516520

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 587.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Extends Annual Subscription and Priority Support for an additional 1 Year.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verifying that you are entitled to the Subscription and Annual Priority Support Renewal you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription has been extended. You will also be able to download the latest version.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 Source (191 KB)
  • SAML 2 Source (517 KB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core Source code (485 KB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Renewal Confirmation Email

Subscription with Annual Priority Support Renewal for 1 Enterprise License (Allows Unlimited Developers at Unlimited Physical Addresses)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516521

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 979.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Extends Annual Subscription and Priority Support for an additional 1 Year.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verifying that you are entitled to the Subscription and Annual Priority Support Renewal you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription has been extended. You will also be able to download the latest version.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Renewal Confirmation Email

Subscription with Annual Priority Support Renewal for 1 Enterprise License + Source Code (Allows Unlimited Developers at Unlimited Physical Addresses)

Unsere Artikelnummer #: CS-534566-1516522

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 1,077.02 In den Einkaufswagen

Extends Annual Subscription and Priority Support for an additional 1 Year.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verifying that you are entitled to the Subscription and Annual Priority Support Renewal you will be sent an email with instructions and confirmation your subscription has been extended. You will also be able to download the latest version.

Lieferung per Download:
  • SAML 2 (9.1 MB)
  • SAML 1 Source (191 KB)
  • SAML 2 Source (517 KB)
  • SAML 1 (1.8 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core (34.3 MB)
  • SAML 2 Core Source code (485 KB)
Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • ComponentSpace Susbcription Renewal Confirmation Email

ComponentSpace SAML Suite Lizenzierung

A developer license is required by each developer who is developing code and directly using the product.
Run-time royalty free.

A single developer may install the product on multiple computers including development, build and test machines. There are no restrictions on the number of applications that may be developed using the product. There are no restrictions on the number of computers on which the product's runtime may be installed.

All licenses are perpetual.

Single Developer License
A single developer license entitles a single developer to install and develop using the product.

4 Developer Team License
A 4 developer team license entitles 4 developers to install and develop using the product.

Site Developer License
A site developer license entitles all developers within the purchasing organization and located at the same business address to install and develop using the product. This includes developers within the purchasing organization who telecommute from home or other locations external to the business address.

Site Developer License + Source Code (Verification required before delivery)
In addition to the site license, complete source code for the product is included.

Enterprise Developer License
An enterprise developer license entitles all developers within the purchasing organization regardless of location to install and develop using the product.

Enterprise Developer License + Source Code (Verification required before delivery)
In addition to the enterprise license, complete source code for the product is included.

Support Options

Free standard support is provided with your license and includes:

  • Comprehensive email support with product developers until your questions or issues are 100% resolved. All emails answered within 12 hours (usually much quicker).
  • All support requests answered within 24 hours (usually much quicker).

Annual Subscription with Priority Support may be purchased in addition to your software license and includes:

  • All the benefits of Standard Support plus...
  • All major and minor product upgrades for one year at no extra cost.
  • Priority access to your own personally assigned ComponentSpace Product Developer.
