Document Solutions for Excel, Java Edition Lizenzierung

Wenn Sie Ihre Lizenzanforderungen für Document Solutions for Excel, Java Edition besprechen möchten, kontaktieren Sie bitte unsere MESCIUS (formerly GrapeCity) Lizenzierungsspezialisten.

License Overview: Individual and Team Options

Document Solutions offers tiered licensing options to meet various development needs, including:

  • Developer License for a single developer for deployment at one location.
  • Developer Unlimited License for a single developer for multiple locations or cloud deployments.
  • Team Unlimited License for teams of up to five developers and unlimited deployments.

Each developer can deploy Document Solutions applications using their licensed Distribution Key/s for seamless deployments.

Definition of License Types

  • Developer License (1 Developer, 1 Location) - A Developer License entitles one (1) developer to use Document Solutions and deploy to one (1) location (defined as a physical address or office building). If you are deploying at multiple locations or using cloud deployment, see Unlimited licenses for more details.
  • Developer Unlimited License (1 Developer, Unlimited Locations or Cloud Deployment) - A Developer Unlimited License entitles one (1) developer to use Document Solutions and deploy to unlimited locations or deployed to the cloud.
  • Team Unlimited License (2-5 Developers, Unlimited Locations or Cloud Deployment) - A Team Unlimited License entitles up to five (5) developers to use Document Solutions and deploy to unlimited locations or deployed to the cloud.
  • Distribution License Key(s) - A Distribution License key is required to deploy your Document Solutions application. Always pass the distribution key before using any part of the API; otherwise, you’ll get the unlicensed watermark.

Distribution keys can be found in the Distribution Keys section on the My Licenses page when signed into a registered Document Solutions Developer License account.

Additional License Information

  • Each of these licenses are royalty-free.
  • Regardless of the number of deployed locations, each developer working on the application that uses Document Solutions must be licensed to use it.
  • You are entitled to deploy the last available release in your last subscription year in perpetuity. Deployment of your app will never be interrupted because of a lapsed subscription.
