DevExpress WinForms 17.1.5

Released: Aug 2, 2017

Updates in 17.1.5


All WinForms Controls

  • Add a note in the Visual Studio Design-Time settings menu that Visual Studio restart is required.
  • SkinEditor - Auto-generated code snippets are provided for C# only without VB.NET programming language support.
  • WinForms Ribbon Customization Form crashes when the Esc key is pressed twice.

Data Access Library

  • Data Source Wizard - Parameters of CustomSqlQuery are lost when the Query Builder window is closed.
  • ObjectDataSource - The "Cannot find default constructor" error occurs on choosing certain types in the Data Source Wizard.
  • The DBCommandTimeout property value isn't taken into account if a custom implementation of the IConnectionProviderServier interface is registered.
  • The SqlDataSource.ConnectionOptions.DBCommandTimeout property is ineffective in Visual Studio Report Designer.
  • Visual Studio Report Designer - Report Wizard lacks the "Inherited Report" option.

Data-Aware Export

  • Data-aware export - A regular Random class is used instead of a trusted cryptographic random number generator in the XlsDataAwareExporter.CreateEncryptionHeader method.
  • Export to XLS - Cell formats cannot be applied via toolbar buttons in the resulting Excel file.

Scaffolding Wizards

  • Scaffolding Wizard - FileNotFoundException is thrown when connecting to Oracle.


  • InvalidCastException occurs on an attempt to convert SnList located in a table to paragraphs.
  • It is impossible to access the Chart if a field used in this Chart is missing in the data source after updating the data source schema.
  • KeyNotFoundException when setting a data source in SnapControl.
  • Snap document images are exported with the low quality.

XtraBars Suite

  • BarManager - Bar items are hardly visible in the Customization Window in particular skin paint schemes.
  • DockManager - ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs on an attempt to undock a dock panel from a panel container.
  • DockPanel is not shown when hovering over its header in auto-hide mode when a parent form is located within an MDI child form.
  • DocumentManager - ArgumentException is thrown in the DocumentClosedContext constructor.
  • DocumentManager - Documents are not resized after the Form is maximized.
  • OfficeNavigationBar — The maximal number of visible items can be set to 0.
  • RibbonControl - A tooltip is shown at an incorrect position when the Windows taskbar is shown on the left side of the screen.
  • RibbonControl - QAT's buttons are shown in the RibbonPageCategory's header if there is no unassigned RibbonPages.
  • RibbonControl's layout gets mixed up with high DPI settings.
  • RibbonGalleryBarItem - The GalleryItem.ItemClick event isn't raised for items shown in the popup.
  • SuperToolTip is shown above the BarButtonItem if the former is located on the RibbonStatusBar and there is no enough space to display the SuperToolTip.
  • TabbedView - DocumentGroupProperties are not copied correctly in DocumentsHost mode.
  • TabbedView - The 'Float All' command makes a document floating if its AllowFloat property is disabled.
  • TabbedView - The LayoutUpgrade event is missing.
  • TabForm - Items are still visible at run time even if their visibility set to never.
  • TileBar - Animated effects are not disabled when the WindowsFormsSettings.AnimationMode property is set to DisableAll.
  • WidgetView background is changed with a delay when switching skins if the WidgetView resides on an MDI child form.

XtraCharts Suite

  • A series point Annotation created by Chart Designer at runtime disappears.
  • Chart - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when the chart is bound to BindingList and DataFilters are applied.
  • Chart Annotations are preserved, but not loaded from XML (or stream).
  • Chart Designer - It is impossible to cast an object of the ValueDataMemberCollection type to the ChartElementModel type.
  • ChartControl does not display circle markers when their size is one pixel.
  • InvalidCastException occurs on an attempt to change the TextPattern property for series labels in the Chart Designer.
  • PaletteException occurs when the layout of a chart with a custom palette is restored in certain cases.
  • SetSeriesLabel throws the "Value cannot be null" message.
  • The NullRefferenceException occurs when adding annotations to XRChart in the BoundDataChanged event handler.
  • The stackoverflow exception occurs when the XYDiagram.DiagramToPoint method is called in the XRChartControl.CustomDrawSeriesPoint event handler.
  • The XtraChart Series with empty ValueDataMembers causes an issue in v17.1+.


  • It's impossible to remove DiagramImage's padding.
  • Property attributes are not taken into account when CustomGetEditableItemProperties is raised for the second time.

XtraEditors Library

  • A value disappears from RepositoryItemTreeListLookUpEdit on losing focus if the ValueMember is empty.
  • BreadCrumdEdit - A foreground color is not applied to a node's text when the BreadCrumbMode property is set to Select.
  • CheckEdit - The check glyph isn't aligned to Top when GlyphVAlignment is set to Top with the multi-lined caption.
  • ContextButtons - The AppearanceNormal.ForeColor property doesn't change a button's color when AllowGlyphSkinning is enabled.
  • Form borders are shown when the form is hidden and the FormBorderEffect property is set to Glow.
  • PopupGalleryEdit - Setting the EditValue property to null does not clear a selected value.
  • ProgressBarControl - A progress color looks similar to a selected row background color in the Office 2016 Dark and Visual Studio 2013 Dark skin paint schemes.
  • RepositoryItemTimeSpanEdit uses a different DisplayFormat in GridView than in standalone mode.
  • TabFormControl - A tooltip is not displayed when a particular item is hovered.
  • TextEdit - The NumericMaskLogic.RefineInput method accesses the first character of the NumberFormatInfo.CurrencyGroupSeparator property even if its value is empty.
  • The AccessibleName property is not taken into account by TextEdit if the PasswordChar is set.

XtraGrid Suite

  • A view cannot be removed by pressing the Delete key in a grid designer.
  • CheckedComboBoxEdit - The Format exception occurs if a string is entered and the editor is populated using Enum.
  • CSV Export Options - The QuoteStringsWithSeparators option doesn't work.
  • Data-Aware Export - Excel's row and column limit is in effect on exporting to CSV.
  • ExcelFilter - Support parsing the Empty value filter from the Is Null filter.
  • Excel-Inspired Filter Dropdown is not shown in Spanish.
  • Grid - A master expand button is in an incorrect state after scrolling.
  • Grid - ArgumentNullException is thrown when opening the Excel Filter Popup for the second time and the 'Not Equal' operator is used.
  • Grid - Cannot scroll horizontally using the middle mouse button when ColumnAutoWidth is enabled.
  • Grid AutoFilterRow - The MinDate value appears in a DateEdit cell when clearing the filter value using Backspace.
  • GridControl - Incorrect display format for the GridStringId.MenuFooterMinFormat and GridStringId.MenuFooterMaxFormat localization strings in the pt-BR language.
  • GridControl - Rows of partially visible Detail Views are duplicated after the RefreshData method is called.
  • GridControl - The "Show Auto Filter Row" menu item is shown when the Embedded mode is used.
  • GridControl - The current AutoFilterRow criteria is not saved in the layout.
  • GridControl - The Preview Data button is not shown in the grid designer's Layout section.
  • GridControl isn't updated when the underlying source implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and the in-place editor is RadioGroup.
  • GridView - Auto Filter Row is not populated with filter values after restorying a layout if a grid does not have a data source at this moment.
  • GridView - Focus is moved to a previously focused row after calling the BindingSource.ResetBindings method and cancelling a filter criterion of AutoFilter.
  • GridView - InvalidCastException is thrown when showing an Excel filter popup window if RepositoryItemLookUpEdit is assigned to a column and the GridView.OptionsFilter.ColumnFilterPopupMaxRecordsCount property is set to 0.
  • GridView - Values are shown in incorrect cells for a short moment when updating data in a background thread.
  • Office365UI doesn't allow selecting a row if only one row exists.
  • Popup Menu paints white for a short time on showing when a dark skin is used.
  • ProgressBar ignores the GridView.CustomColumnDisplayText event.
  • PropertyGrid - The scroll position is not updated after hiding rows.
  • Rapidly opening and closing a form with a WinExplorerView causes an unhandled NullReferenceException.
  • RowAutoHeight ignores the UserCellPadding value.
  • The XlsExportOptionsEx.CustomizeCell event does not allow changing the display format of summaries and cell appearance simultaneously.
  • TileView - Default settings of the obsolete TileView.AppearanceGroupText property are serialized after the designer's code is re-generated if a non-default language is set for a parent form.
  • TileView - Graphical artifacts appear when using a view as a detail view.
  • WinExplorerView - Images are updated every time GridControl is resized in Content mode.
  • WinExplorerView - Tiles' tooltips are always shown with the OptionsView.Style property set to Tiles no matter whether Description's column text is fully visible or not.
  • WinExplorerView does not display data correctly when it is used as a detail view.
  • XtraGrid - Issues with caching cell information in the CustomDrawCell event.
  • XtraGrid - No RepositoryItemDateEdit is used in AutoFilterRow for a date column when AllowAutoFilterConditionChange = DefaultBoolean.False.

XtraLayout Suite

  • LayoutControl - Changing tooltip options does not update the LayoutControl.IsModified property.
  • LayoutControl - NullReferenceException is thrown on disposing of the control at design time.
  • LayoutControl uses another color when WizardControl is in AeroWizard mode.


  • System.InvalidCastException is thrown when printing MapControl.
  • Unhandled exception occurs when modifying the MapPolygon point coordinates in certain situations.

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • A lot of time is required to restore a layout if the OLAP data source is used and the AutoExpandGroups Property is enabled.
  • OLAP - The Out Of Memory error when updating the Pivot Grid layout when a large hierarchy is displayed.
  • PivotGrid - Running Totals on two fields show incorrect values in server mode.
  • Scrollbars are rendered incorrectly after the control is resized in certain cases.
  • Vertical Scrolling is very slow if a lot of data is displayed.

XtraPrinting Library

  • DOCX Export - Provide the capability to export floating pictures.
  • Print Dialog - An application crashes after the "Preferences" button is clicked if no printers are installed on the machine.
  • ReportPrintTool - SavePrinterSettings doesn't save the SaveToFile and FileName options.
  • ReportPrintTool - SavePrinterSettings shouldn't save the PrintFileName if it's invalid.
  • The PrintableComponentLink.ExportToXlsx method generates an invalid output file.

XtraReports Suite

  • A drop-down list for the SortBySummaryInfo.Field property is empty in the XRPivotGrid control designer.
  • Chart Wizard - The "Specified Method Is Not Supported" exception is thrown when modifying the chart in certain cases.
  • Document Viewer - The ParametersRequestValueChanged event occurs when a parameter editor value isn't changed.
  • DocumentViewer - The parameters panel cannot be displayed if the CreateDocument method is called with a true argument.
  • Export to DOCX - The first report page is repeated in the resulting file.
  • Export to PDF - IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when a page contains a link to a page that is not exported.
  • Only scrollbars of one DocumentViewer control are visible if several DocumentViewers are placed into SplitContainerControl and each SplitContainerControl is placed into a separate page of TabControl.
  • Report Designer - A typo in the Russian localization.
  • Report Designer - The label size is not always set as expected.
  • Report Designer - ToolboxItem.OnComponentsCreated is not called in version 17.1.
  • The XRPictureBox control does not copy to the clipboard.
  • There is no drop-down list for the SortBySummaryInfo.FieldName property in the MS Visual Studio property grid.
  • Visual Studio Report Designer - The 'Add Report DataSource' smart-tag option is truncated on a high-DPI monitor.
  • XRTableCell - A merged cell cannot be resized by the displayed resize grip.
  • XRTableOfContents - Navigation works incorrectly after changing document page margins.
  • XtraReport  - Borders of a table cell with row span greater than 1 are displayed only on the first page.
  • XtraReports requires the DevExpress.Charts.v17.1.Core.dll and DevExpress.XtraCharts.v17.1.dll assemblies at runtime.


  • A comment becomes not editable if its content is completely deleted.
  • Changes made for the TableCellBorder.LineThickness, TableCellBorder.LineColor and TableCellBorder.LineStyle properties in the "Modify Style" dialog don't affect the style.
  • Exceptions are thrown when a specific report document is exported to a DOCX file.
  • Hyperlinks aren't imported if the DocumentCapabilities.Fields option is set to Disabled.
  • IndexOutOfRangeException occurs on an attempt to load a specific file.
  • MHT document content consisting of a "base64" encoded string and regular text cannot be loaded into RichEditControl.
  • NullReferenceException is raised after deleting a text and executing the Redo operation with a custom ISyntaxHighlight service is implemented.
  • Reviewing Pane - Displayed comments are not correctly synchronized with document comments.
  • RichEditControl doesn't apply a custom separator specified with the "\d" switch of the TOC field.
  • The "Borders and Shading" dialog layout is broken when the German culture is used.
  • The entire line is highlighted with the custom syntax highlighting service when the end position of the last token isn't added to the positions collection.
  • The white color is applied to the paragraph background when the "No Color" button of the Paragraph Shading editor is clicked for a paragraph located in a table cell.

XtraScheduler Suite

  • 17.1 - Usability - Content of the new Flyout tooltip cannot be customized at runtime.
  • An incorrect appointment is selected for editing in the Edit Appointment Form when the form is invoked by double clicking a corresponding record in the Agenda view.
  • More Buttons are not repainted when the SchedulerControl DayView content is scrolled using a vertical scrollbar's thumb.
  • Non worktime cells are indistinguishable in the Office 2016 Black skin.
  • ResourcesTree displays resources that are not visible in SchedulerControl.
  • The Appointment Flyout isn't shown if the IsMdiContainer property is set to true for the scheduler's parent container.


  • A corrupted document is generated after importing data and changing the document appearance using the Workbook API.
  • A corrupted document produced after copy a Pivot Table from another workbook.
  • A document containing pivot tables generated by the SpreadsheetControl becomes corrupted if the View.DataCaption property value was set to String.Empty.
  • ASPxSpreadsheet - An .xlsx file is corrupted after changes made to ASPxSpreadsheet are applied.
  • Cell content is lost on executing Clear Content for cells that contain a hyperlink.
  • Clipboard data is cleared while moving with the mouse over SpreadsheetControl scrollbars.
  • Execution of the FindCommand results in creating and showing an additional "Find & Replace" form instance even if this form has already been shown.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown in the Visual Studio 2015 designer on an attempt to close a form containing SpreadsheetControl.
  • NullReferenceException on an attempt to close a form containing SpreadsheetControl after changing selection using FillHandle.
  • SpreadsheetControl does not display dashed borders properly after copying a range.
  • SpreadsheetControl loses cell content when the Document.History.IsEnabled property is set to False.
  • StackOverflowException when calling the SaveDocument method within the CellValueChanged event handler.
  • The AutoFilter.Columns collection is empty if a filter is applied in UI.
  • The LookUpEdit.Properties.Columns and LookUpEdit.Properties.Columns1 property values are serialized on the ConditionalFormattingRulesManager, GenericFilter, PivotTableTop10Filter, and Top10Filter forms.
  • The Range.CopyFrom method does not copy formatting of worksheet cells which do not contain values.
  • TouchUI mode - Layout is calculated inccorectly in SpreadsheetControl's dialogs.
  • Usability - There is no way to specify the greater than or equal rule in the New Conditional Formatting Rule dialog.

XtraTreeList Suite

  • NullReferenceException is thrown on setting ActiveFilterString in TreeList.
  • TreeList - A checked state is not updated for a focused node.
  • TreeList - Format rules do not take a custom display text into account if the TreeListColumn.FilterMode property is set to DisplayText.
  • TreeList - HideException is thrown when closing an active editor.
  • TreeList - KeyNotFoundException is thrown when calling the TreeList.Nodes.Clear method.
  • TreeList - NullReferenceException is thrown when setting the Enabled property to false if the ForceInitialize method was not called before assigning a data source.
  • TreeList - NullReferenceException is thrown when unchecking items in the Excel filter popup.
  • TreeList - The NullReferenceException occurs on calling the RefreshDataSource method when the LockReloadNodes method is used.
  • TreeList - The NullReferenceException occurs when the AutoFilterCondition property is set in unbound mode.
  • XtraTreeList - Calling RefreshDataSource in the DragDrop event handler causes an exception.

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • PropertyGridControl - Cannot select a key in the Keys editor's drop down.
  • PropertyGridControl - Rows are drawn incorrectly after resizing.
  • The size of the drop-down window is incorrectly calculated for rows of the DateTime type.
  • VGridControl - Cell content is not visible when a horizontal scrollbar is hidden.
  • XtraVerticalGrid does not send correct MSAA / UIAutomation Focus events for Screen Reader Accessibility.