Released: Jul 18, 2024
Updates in 24.1.4
All WPF products
- Export to DOCX - Content may unexpectedly move to a new page in SingleFile export mode.
- Localization Editor in the End-User Report Designer for WinForms throws the Null Reference exception if there is a Swift Plot Chart in a report.
- Report parameter's lookup clears Null values for Nullable parameters (SqlDataSource).
- SqlDataSource - WHERE clause is incorrectly generated for a NULL parameter value.
- XRLabel - Space disappears before markup tags when the text is horizontally aligned to the right.
- XtraReport - Export fails with embedded in HTML JPEG images.
Assembly Deployment Tool
- The Assembly Deployment Tool doesn't add the DevExpress.Xpf.ThemesLW assembly to the resulting list.
DXCharts for WPF
- Heatmap for WPF - Cell color may be calculated incorrectly for values with more than 9 decimal places.
DXDocking for WPF
- DocumentGroup is not removed after dropping its last item onto the center hint of this group and ShowContentWhenDragging is set to false.
DXEditors for WPF
- AutoSuggestEdit's item cannot be selected by a click on the popup item's text when the DisplayMember is not declared and text highlighting is enabled.
- RangeControl doesn't switch the view type from days to months when a small range is switched to a large one.
- ShowPasswordButton doesn't work on touch devices.
- Subscribing to the PagerControl's PageIndexChanged event causes an exception.
DXGrid and DXTreeList for WPF
- GridControl with KeepViewportOnDataUpdate set to True throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException when a child node is deleted.
- Subscribing to the PagerControl's PageIndexChanged event causes an exception.
- The focused and selected scrollbar annotations are low-contrast in Win 11 Dark theme.
- TreeListView ignores checkbox states from ViewModel when AllowRecursiveNodeChecking is enabled.
DXLayoutControl for WPF
- ArgumentNullException occurs if a LayoutControl contains a LayoutItem without size and a popup is shown.
DXPivotGrid for WPF
- PivotGridControl throws InvalidOperationException when an asynchronous method is called if the asynchronous mode is disabled and batch updates are enabled.
DXRibbon for WPF
- BackstageView shows rounded corners in a maximized ThemedWindow in Win11 themes.
DXRichEdit for WPF
- A paragraph's style is not applied to its new content when protection and TrackChanges are enabled.
- Characters with negative spacing are incorrectly rendered in a textbox.
- Section Break is not deleted when the "Track Changes" feature is enabled.
- The ArgumentException occurs when a document with an incorrect UnitType parameter is loaded.
- Caret has an incorrect position when it points to Japanese symbols.
- Watermark quality in an exported PDF document is worse in v23.2.4+.
- RichEditControl displays the cursor in an incorrect position in table cells when Tab and Shift+Tab keys are used for navigation.
- RichEditControl does not render a shape with a line.
- RichEditDocumentServer hangs on an attempt to append a document with previously deleted fields.
- Word Processing Document API - The \h switch is ignored in the SEQ field.
DXSpreadsheet for WPF
- An application hangs if you use the Replace All option with empty "Find What" and "Replace With" fields.
- An attempt to copy a formula via the drag action leads to a KeyNotFoundException.
- SpreadsheetControl does not have API to determine the moment when a new Defined Name is added, deleted, or edited.
Navigation Controls for WPF
- AccordionControl ignores an item's IsExpanded state when the AllowVirtualization property is set to "True".
NuGet Packages
- WPF NuGet packages contain the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers package in v24.1.
PDF Viewer for WPF
- PDF Viewer for WPF incorrectly renders an interactive combo box field in a specific PDF file.
- PDF Viewer for WPF throws a Null Reference exception when a specific PDF file is opened.
- Annotation tooltips are not shown for an inactive window.
- Broken or unsupported links embedded in a document are not handled properly.
Themes and Theme Designer
- BackstageView shows rounded corners in a maximized ThemedWindow in Win11 themes.
- The "Cannot locate resource" exception occurs when the "th-TH" culture is used.
- The focus rectangle in the Win11Dark theme has the wrong color.
- The focused and selected scrollbar annotations are low-contrast in Win 11 Dark theme.
Windows Modern UI for WPF
- Heatmap for WPF - Cell color may be calculated incorrectly for values with more than 9 decimal places.
Windows and Utility Controls for WPF
- Save button does not work in the DXSaveFileDialog when the folder path is explicitly pasted to the address field.
- The "Cannot locate resource" exception occurs when the "th-TH" culture is used.
- ThemedWindow doesn't choose images from the icon file depending on the OS DPI settings.