Released: Sep 20, 2024
Updates in 24.1.6
All WPF products
- WPF End-User Designer Query Builder - Query Parameters window does not validate parameter lengths.
- End User Report Designer for WPF - TextFitMode is not enabled when setting AutoWidth to "False".
- End-User Report Designer for WPF - Invalid SQL query crashes the application.
- Export To PDF - Intra-document link annotations in accessible documents cannot be configured.
- Printing - Borders disappear after calling Graphics transformation methods.
- XRPictureBox - DXFontRepository fonts are not used for SVG rendering.
- XRRichText - DOCX with column breaks is not rendered correctly.
DXCharts for WPF
- ChartControl incorrectly draws series points if a legend's horizontal position is changed from "outside" to "inside".
DXDocking for WPF
- DockLayoutManager does not allow selecting a panel added to the DocumentGroup's ItemsSource via the Insert method.
- DockLayoutManager throws NullReferenceException if the mouse pointer is over the tab of a AutoHideGroup panel that is being hidden.
- TabbedGroup displays duplicated tabs if data items are created asynchronously.
DXEditors for WPF
- ComboBoxEdit's null text is not displayed consistently with CheckedTokenComboBoxStyleSettings.
DXGantt for WPF
- GanttControl's print preview causes an exception.
DXGrid and DXTreeList for WPF
- Edit Entire Row's overlay doesn't respond to changes in the GridControl.LayoutTransform property after the Edit Entire Row element is shown.
- GridControl doesn't copy and paste summary cells after the copy operation is executed once and GridControl's layout is saved and restored.
- GridControl with TreeListView throws NullReferenceException when the AllowFilterEditorAggregateOperands property is not set to No.
- The Auto Filter Row's clear button isn't visible in a focused cell if lightweight themes are used.
DXPropertyGrid for WPF
- Tokens disappear in edit mode when ComboBoxEditSettings with TokenComboBoxStyleSettings are defined in PropertyGridControl.
DXRibbon for WPF
- NullReferenceException occurs in the RibbonGalleryBarItemLinkControlAutomationPeer.GetNameCore method.
DXRichEdit for WPF
- NullReferenceException occurs in the RibbonGalleryBarItemLinkControlAutomationPeer.GetNameCore method.
- The "Capitalize Each Word" command doesn't capitalize a word when TrackChanges is enabled.
- Application freezes on editing text in Rich Editor if its visibility property is bound to a data source field.
DXScheduler for WPF
- Memory leaks occur if AppointmentItem's data model implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
MVVM Framework
- Memory leaks occur if AppointmentItem's data model implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
Themes and Theme Designer
- End-User Report Designer for WPF - Table rows in the Preview Results dialog are partially visible in Windows 11 themes.
Windows and Utility Controls for WPF
- StepProgressBar has visual side effects with its outer borders when the ItemsSource collection is changed.