MDG Technology

MDG Technologies encapsulate a logical collection of resources (such as UML patterns and profiles) that pertain to a specific technology or modeling domain. These are 'pluggable' resources for Enterprise Architect that reside either in a physical directory or URL. Users may create their own MDG Technologies with the aid of Profile Helpers, which guide you through the process of creating a UML profile, associated toolboxes and new diagram types. Furthermore, users can take advantage of MDG Technologies that are packaged with the Enterprise Architect installer, such as ArchiMate and Mind Mapping. Free plug-in technologies that support such activities as CORBA code engineering and BPMN model validation are also available. In addition, licensed solutions for systems modeling (SysML), Distributed Data Services (DDS) and other modeling domains are available. Sparx Systems supports industry-standard architectural frameworks to facilitate enterprise modeling. Framework implementations in Enterprise Architect are based on the UML and its related specifications, which maximizes architectural rigor and allows users to exchange enterprise model information using standards such as XMI. Supported architectural frameworks include; The Zachman Framework, DoDAF, MODAF, UPDM, TOGAF and more.

Model Driven Generation (MDG) Technology

  • Zachman Framework Technology - Sparx Systems' new MDG Technology underpins the organizational viewpoints and structures of the Zachman Framework with great depth, breadth and modeling integrity. Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect models are based on the UML 2.5 standard, with extensions for requirements modeling, testing, project management, mind mapping, and much more.
  • TOGAF Technology - Sparx Systems equips Enterprise Architect users with a model-based...

Aktuelle Neuigkeiten

Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1625)
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1625)
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Verbessert das Verhalten beim Einfügen eines Dokuments in einen Chat, ein Journal oder eine Diskussion.
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1624)
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1624)
February 2, 2023Neue Version
Integriert die Unterstützung für Sonderzeichen in Elementnamen beim Generieren von HTML-Berichten hinzu.
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1623)
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1623)
January 18, 2023Neue Version
Enthält Verbesserungen für die Diagrammerstellung, die Benutzeroberfläche, das Code-Engineering, die Automatisierung und die Skripterstellung.
Enterprise Architect 14.1 (Build 1429)
Enterprise Architect 14.1 (Build 1429)
March 11, 2019Neue Version
Veröffentlichen Sie das Paket, da das Profil das aktuelle Paket jetzt unabhängig von dem Ort exportiert, an dem es ausgewählt wurde.
Enterprise Architect 14.1 (Build 1428)
Enterprise Architect 14.1 (Build 1428)
February 22, 2019Neue Version
Veröffentlichen Sie das Paket als UML-Profil, das jetzt in allen Ausgaben verfügbar ist.
MDG Technology v14 (Build 1422)
MDG Technology v14 (Build 1422)
June 15, 2018Neue Version
Die Aktualisierung beinhaltet Verbesserungen und Fehlerkorrekturen.

Preise ab: $ 109.76

One software license is required per user. MDG Technology products require Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect. MDG Products do not require a subscription renewal. Provided you have an up to date...

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