MDG Integration

The MDG Integration for Microsoft Office is designed to integrate with different products within the Microsoft Office suite. It allows you to upgrade your documents and spreadsheets into Enterprise Architect, providing a rich modeling experience utilizing UML 2.5, SysML and BPMN among many other technologies. The Visual Studio integration allows developers to navigate the UML model directly within Visual Studio, perform MDA transformations to fast-track development, generate high quality rich text and web based reports, and the integration for Eclipse seamlessly integrates Enterprise Architect and UML 2.5 into the Eclipse environment, providing users with the ability to navigate and refine the development model.

Model Integration for Microsoft Office - Leverage Office Documentation in Enterprise Architect.
The MDG Integration for Microsoft Office is an extension to Enterprise Architect which enriches your documents and spreadsheets with tools for UML, SysML, BPMN and many other modeling notations.

Key Tools for Integrating Visio, Word, Excel and PowerPoint

  • Import requirements, uses cases and more from Word and Excel.
  • Import process diagrams from Visio into structued BPMN.
  • Synchronize model changes back...

Aktuelle Neuigkeiten

Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1625)
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1625)
March 2, 2023Neue Version
Verbessert das Verhalten beim Einfügen eines Dokuments in einen Chat, ein Journal oder eine Diskussion.
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1624)
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1624)
February 2, 2023Neue Version
Integriert die Unterstützung für Sonderzeichen in Elementnamen beim Generieren von HTML-Berichten hinzu.
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1623)
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1623)
January 18, 2023Neue Version
Enthält Verbesserungen für die Diagrammerstellung, die Benutzeroberfläche, das Code-Engineering, die Automatisierung und die Skripterstellung.
Enterprise Architect 14.1 (Build 1429)
Enterprise Architect 14.1 (Build 1429)
March 11, 2019Neue Version
Veröffentlichen Sie das Paket, da das Profil das aktuelle Paket jetzt unabhängig von dem Ort exportiert, an dem es ausgewählt wurde.
Enterprise Architect 14.1 (Build 1428)
Enterprise Architect 14.1 (Build 1428)
February 22, 2019Neue Version
Veröffentlichen Sie das Paket als UML-Profil, das jetzt in allen Ausgaben verfügbar ist.
MDG Integration v14 (Build 1422)
MDG Integration v14 (Build 1422)
June 15, 2018Neue Version
Die Aktualisierung beinhaltet Verbesserungen und Fehlerkorrekturen.

Preise ab: $ 151.90

One software license is required per user. MDG Integration products require Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect. MDG Products do not require a subscription renewal. Provided you have an up to date...

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