MDG Integration Preise

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MDG Integration for Visual Studio

For customers that own Enterprise Architect Desktop, Professional or Corporate Edition.

1 User Standard License

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: MDGVSINTUnsere Artikelnummer #: CS-513023-1522087

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 151.90 In den Einkaufswagen

One user license is required per user. The Standard (Fixed) Perpetual License is registered directly to a user's computer and is not removed until the user needs to change computers. 1 license can be registered to both a work and laptop machine if both machines are solely used by the same user.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verification, you will be sent an email containing registration key details and a download link.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • MDG Integration for Visual Studio Registration Key plus User Account and download instructions

MDG Integration for Visual Studio - Floating

For customers that own Enterprise Architect Desktop, Professional or Corporate Edition.

1 User Floating License

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: MDGVSINTFLOATUnsere Artikelnummer #: CS-513023-1522088

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 208.74 In den Einkaufswagen

One Floating user license is required for each concurrent user. Floating licenses are managed using a Keystore Server. The keys are entered into the server, which users then connect to and lease out license keys as needed. Once the user disconnects (shuts down Enterprise Architect), the key is automatically returned to the keystore ready for the next user. Floating licenses can be used offsite if you manually set the key to stay on a computer for a set amount of time.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verification, you will be sent an email containing registration key details and a download link.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • MDG Integration for Visual Studio Registration Key plus User Account and download instructions

MDG Integration for Microsoft Office

For customers that own Enterprise Architect Desktop, Professional, Corporate, Business and Softtware Engineering, or Systems Engineering Edition.

1 User Standard License

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: MDGOFFICEUnsere Artikelnummer #: CS-513023-1522089

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 151.90 In den Einkaufswagen

One user license is required per user. The Standard (Fixed) Perpetual License is registered directly to a user's computer and is not removed until the user needs to change computers. 1 license can be registered to both a work and laptop machine if both machines are solely used by the same user.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verification, you will be sent an email containing registration key details and a download link.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • MDG Integration for Microsoft Office Registration Key plus User Account and download instructions

MDG Integration for Microsoft Office - Floating

For customers that own Enterprise Architect Desktop, Professional, Corporate, Business and Softtware Engineering, or Systems Engineering Edition.

1 User Floating License

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: MDGOFFICEFLOATUnsere Artikelnummer #: CS-513023-1522090

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 208.74 In den Einkaufswagen

One Floating user license is required for each concurrent user. Floating licenses are managed using a Keystore Server. The keys are entered into the server, which users then connect to and lease out license keys as needed. Once the user disconnects (shuts down Enterprise Architect), the key is automatically returned to the keystore ready for the next user. Floating licenses can be used offsite if you manually set the key to stay on a computer for a set amount of time.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verification, you will be sent an email containing registration key details and a download link.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • MDG Integration for Microsoft Office Registration Key plus User Account and download instructions

MDG Integration for Eclipse

For customers that own Enterprise Architect Desktop, Professional or Corporate Edition.

1 User Standard License

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: MDGECLINTUnsere Artikelnummer #: CS-513023-1522091

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 151.90 In den Einkaufswagen

One user license is required per user. The Standard (Fixed) Perpetual License is registered directly to a user's computer and is not removed until the user needs to change computers. 1 license can be registered to both a work and laptop machine if both machines are solely used by the same user.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verification, you will be sent an email containing registration key details and a download link.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • MDG Integration for Eclipse Registration Key plus User Account and download instructions

MDG Integration for Eclipse - Floating

For customers that own Enterprise Architect Desktop, Professional or Corporate Edition.

1 User Floating License

Hersteller Artikelnummer #: MDGECLINTFLOATUnsere Artikelnummer #: CS-513023-1522092

Lizenzierung & Lieferung $ 208.74 In den Einkaufswagen

One Floating user license is required for each concurrent user. Floating licenses are managed using a Keystore Server. The keys are entered into the server, which users then connect to and lease out license keys as needed. Once the user disconnects (shuts down Enterprise Architect), the key is automatically returned to the keystore ready for the next user. Floating licenses can be used offsite if you manually set the key to stay on a computer for a set amount of time.

Die Lizenzbedingungen des Produkts erfordern, dass wir Ihre Berechtigung vor Auslieferung prüfen.

After verification, you will be sent an email containing registration key details and a download link.

Lieferung per E-Mail:
  • MDG Integration for Eclipse Registration Key plus User Account and download instructions

MDG Integration Lizenzierung

One software license is required per user.
MDG Integration products require Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

MDG Products do not require a subscription renewal. Provided you have an up to date Enterprise Architect Subscription you will be able to use the latest version of your MDG extension.

Floating License
Floating licenses are suitable for companies who wish to automate the management of Enterprise Architect registration keys, because they can be administered in a single, centralized repository. Sparx Systems Keystore Service provides the repository and administrative software to manage floating licenses.
The floating licenses service also supports off-site usage by allocating a key for a fixed period defined by an administrator.

You will need a floating license for each concurrent user.
For example if you have a team of 10 users but only require 5 users to use Enterprise Architect at any one time then you would need to purchase 5 Floating Licenses.
