Enterprise Architect Ultimate Edition

Enterprise Architect is a collaborative modeling, design and management platform based on UML 2.5 and related standards. Agile, intuitive and extensible with fully integrated, powerful domain specific high-end features at a fraction of the cost of many competitors. An enterprise wide solution for visualizing, analyzing, modeling, testing and maintaining a wide range of systems, software, processes and architectures. Team based, with a proven track record and 380,000+ users worldwide; Enterprise Architect is the scalable, standards compliant toolset that is perfect for your next project. For power users and those working across multiple domains, the Ultimate Edition offers the complete Enterprise Architect experience. With deep support for Business Modeling, Software Engineering and Systems development, seamlessly integrated into a single development environment, you and your team can always remain in touch and in control of even the most complex and exacting projects.

Executable UML models, SysML, BPEL and more
The Ultimate Edition lets you drill down to the lowest levels of systems design and construction, with SysML, executable code generation for standard and hardware description languages. Business users can leverage BPEL, the Rules Composer and executable UML - in addition to all the advanced features that come with other editions of Enterprise Architect. Software developers can integrate their Eclipse and Visual Studio projects with their UML models and...

Aktuelle Neuigkeiten

Beschleunigen Sie die Projektinitiierung und -durchführung
Beschleunigen Sie die Projektinitiierung und -durchführung
September 27, 2024Product Update
Enterprise Architect 17.0 integriert spezialisierte modellbasierte Perspektiven, die APM, BCM und TPM beschleunigen.
Machen Sie die Systemmodellierung mit Barrierefreiheitsfunktionen inklusiver
Machen Sie die Systemmodellierung mit Barrierefreiheitsfunktionen inklusiver
October 3, 2023Product Update
Enterprise Architect v16.1 Build 1628 führt eine Reihe von Verbesserungen der Zugänglichkeit ein, die es Benutzern mit Sehbehinderungen erleichtern, Enterprise Architect zum Modellieren, Entwerfen und Implementieren komplexer Systeme zu verwenden.
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1628)
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1628)
September 27, 2023Neue Version
Verbessert die Zugänglichkeit durch eine bessere Unterstützung für Designs mit hohem Kontrast unter Windows.
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1627)
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1627)
July 13, 2023Neue Version
Verbessert das Basisvergleichsverhalten für QEA-Modelle.
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1626)
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1626)
June 16, 2023Neue Version
Verbessert die zeitbewusste Modellierung, Simulation und den Import/Export von Modellen.
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1625)
Enterprise Architect v16.1 (Build 1625)
March 2, 2023Neue Version
Verbessert das Verhalten beim Einfügen eines Dokuments in einen Chat, ein Journal oder eine Diskussion.

Preise ab: $ 735.00

One software license is required per user. Available in a number of editions Enterprise Architect is ideal for a wide range of projects, team sizes and target platforms. Professional Edition - Starter...

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Operating System for Deployment
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Mac OS X

Aktuelle Auszeichnungen
