MadCap Doc-To-Help

You only need to author a single set of content and MadCap Doc-To-Help will automatically publish many types of output. You can write in Doc-to-Help's content editor or using Microsoft Word and you can also import documents you already have.

MadCap Doc-to-Help Features

  • Write in Microsoft Word - Doc-To-Help offers the support for Word authors. Rather than forcing you to convert Word documents to a different format, a toolbar is installed in Word to bring all of Doc-To-Help’s features to your editing interface.
  • Widgets Give Your Content Interactivity and Consistency - Doc-To-Help's editor now includes Content Widgets. They are a very easy way to add consistency and interactivity to your online outputs. All you need to do is insert a...

Dernières nouvelles

MadCap Doc-To-Help 6
MadCap Doc-To-Help 6
August 20, 2019Nouvelle Version
Prend en charge Microsoft Word 2019 et SharePoint 2016.
MadCap Doc-To-Help 5
MadCap Doc-To-Help 5
September 13, 2017Nouvelle Version
Accédez au menu de fonctions de Doc-To-Help directement depuis Microsoft Word.
MadCap Doc-To-Help 4
MadCap Doc-To-Help 4
September 14, 2016Nouvelle Version
Nouveaux modes complémentaires dynamiques Word pour les modèles, ainsi que de tout nouveaux modèles pour créer directement du contenu.
Doc-To-Help 3 released
Doc-To-Help 3 released
November 2, 2015Édition
New version improves Word authoring, workflow and multi-channel publishing.
Doc-To-Help adds SharePoint 2013 support
Doc-To-Help adds SharePoint 2013 support
March 19, 2014Édition
Use SharePoint 2013 for content management, review management and version history.
ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2013 v2 released
ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 2013 v2 released
December 16, 2013Édition
New version adds pre-styled content widgets.

Prix à partir de : $ 1,027.04

Licenses are per user per seat. Anyone that uses Doc-To-Help to create and compile projects needs to have a license. The outputs you build (print materials, web content, application help) can be...

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MadCap Software
En tant que distributeurs officiels et autorisés, ComponentSource vous fournit directement des licences légitimes à partir de MadCap Software.
Operating System for Deployment
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 8
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Vista

Prix récents


Revues clients

Évaluation moyenne : 5 (1)

5 sur 5 étoiles

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3 étoile
2 étoile
1 étoile

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