HarePoint Password Change for Microsoft SharePoint
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HarePoint사에서 공개
2012년 부터 ComponentSource에서 판매중
HarePoint Password Change for SharePoint allows end-users to change their own passwords in a SharePoint site and notify users when their passwords are about to expire. It's a well-known and problematic issue in SharePoint: changing the password for a specified user without the site administrator's assistance. HarePoint Password Change for Microsoft SharePoint 2013, 2010, 2007, WSS 3.0 allows end-users to change their own password in a SharePoint site and notifies users when their password is about to expire. Simply add the web part to your SharePoint intranet or extranet portal and let authorized users easily manage their own passwords.
HarePoint Password Change Product features:
After installing HarePoint Password Change for SharePoint, a new option will be available in the users' main dropdown menu. Additionally you can add the SharePoint Password Change web part and Password Expiration web part to any SharePoint site. The password expiration e-mail notifications are disabled by default, but you can enable them and further configure the behavior of notifications in the SharePoint Password Change settings page. You can find it under the Site Collection Administration section of the Site Settings.
The password management logging feature allows IT administrators to easily analyze password change behavior. The log file stores all password changes and change attempts and can be downloaded for deep analysis.