Highcharts Maps
웹 및 모바일 프로젝트에 대화형의 모바일-최적화 차트 및 지도를 추가합니다.
Highsoft사에서 공개
2017년 부터 ComponentSource에서 판매중
Highcharts Maps (formerly Highmaps) is based on Highcharts, an SVG-based, multi-platform charting library that has been actively developed since 2009. It makes it easy to add interactive, mobile-optimized charts and maps to your web and mobile projects.
이미지 1/25
Highcharts Maps offers a standards-based way for generating schematic maps in web based projects. It extends the user-friendly Highcharts JavaScript API and allows web developers to build interactive maps to display sales, election results or any other information linked to geography.
Highcharts Maps Features:
Extensive Map Collection
Highsoft provides a collection of hundreds of maps for your convenience, all optimized for fast download and rendering with Highmaps (see below the list of the...