Oxygen Feedback 라이센스

Oxygen Feedback에 대한 라이선스 요구 사항을 논의하여야 하는 경우, 당사의 Syncro Soft 라이선스 전문가에게 문의하여 주시기 바랍니다.

Timed Subscription License
Your rights to use the software are limited to the subscription period indicated on your order. After the expiration of your subscription, you must stop using the software or renew your subscription. License to install and use the Software on one (1) Feedback Server solely for your internal business purpose. Support & Maintenance Pack (SMP) is included. When your subscription ends, the Support & Maintenance Pack (SMP) will also be terminated.

  Starter Team Business Corporate
Site Configurations 1 3 20 Custom
Moderators 2 Staff Members 4 Staff Members Unlimited Unlimited

라이선스 계약서