TeeChart Standard VCL/FMX

TeeChart Standard VCL allows you to create 2D, 3D orthogonal and pseudo-3D charts for your VCL applications. TeeChart Standard VCL features include export to picture, print and print preview window, decision cube compatibility, gradients and more. TeeChart Standard VCL includes standard series styles like Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Fast-Line, Point, Horizontal bar and Gantt series style. TeeChart Standard VCL features are a subset of the features found on TeeChart Pro VCL.

TeeChart Standard VCL/FMX Features

Main Features

  • Chart control with headers, footers, 5 axes, legend, walls, 3D, paging.
  • Full 100% Delphi Source Code optional available.
  • TeeChart Expert Wizard. (VCL Only)
  • All updates and new releases in subscription period.
  • Subscription period support via managed customer forums.

Chart types

  • Standard: Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Point, Horizontal Bar.
  • Arrow, Bubble, Fast-Line, Gantt, Horizontal-Line, Horizontal-Area, Shape series.

Mathematical functions

  • Standard: Add...

Últimas Notícias

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Os produtos Steema VCL adicionam suporte ao RAD Studio 12.2
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Crie aplicativos de visualização de dados no RAD Studio 12 com o Steema Software
Crie aplicativos de visualização de dados no RAD Studio 12 com o Steema Software
November 17, 2023Publisher Update
As últimas versões do TeeGrid e TeeChart VCL adicionam total compatibilidade com Embarcadero RAD Studio 12 Athens (Delphi e C++Builder).
TeeChart VCL/FMX v2023
TeeChart VCL/FMX v2023
March 7, 2023Nova versão
Adiciona suporte para RAD Studio 11.3 Alexandria.
TeeChart VCL/FMX v2022.36.220929
TeeChart VCL/FMX v2022.36.220929
October 3, 2022Nova versão
Adiciona suporte para Embarcadero RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Update 2.
TeeChart Standard VCL/FMX v2022.35.220329
TeeChart Standard VCL/FMX v2022.35.220329
April 1, 2022Nova versão
Adiciona suporte para Embarcadero RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Update 1.
TeeChart Standard VCL/FMX v2021.33.210915
TeeChart Standard VCL/FMX v2021.33.210915
September 20, 2021Nova versão
Adiciona suporte para Embarcadero RAD Studio 11 Alexandria.

Preços a partir de: $ 106.82

One software license is required per developer. One Year Subscription with access to all minor and major updates during the subscription period is included with all developer licenses. Web Server...

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Component Type
  • VCL

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