One Source for Cross-PlatformCreate one multi-platform project using Embarcadero's RAD Studio and by using the same TeeChart component you can reach Windows, Linux, iOS, Android and macOS.

Surface ChartA Surface Series that offers plots of 3 dimensional data.

ActivityGaugeThe Activity Gauge offer the means to compare task goals (100%) and current status (percentage shown by each task band).

EqualizerSeriesThe Equalizer Series uses DegradeInterval and DegradeStep to vary the speed that the top point brings itself in line with the Bar value if the Bar value changes over time.

Multiple PiesExample of several Pie series within a Chart.

3D Cylinder ChartCylindrical shapes are fully customizable with colour palette, Transparency, gradients, 360º rotation, etc to visualize data.

WeatherThe Ternary Series may be used to relate up to five variables. It is particularly interesting as a means to show demographic tendencies or the sensitive relationship between differing dimensions. In this example the Chart shows the relationship between the dimensions of weather and soil constitution in the growth of plant mass.

DemographicsStacked Bar chart used to represent labour market data for specific time.

Polar ChartSample Polar Chart showing the relationship between two data series. Polar Chart appearance can be customized using Transparency, labels position, background Gradient, smoothing function. Polar charts are used to present data in scientific and mathematic applications.

MarketingCampaigns performance represented with vertical Bar and Donut Chart types.

GeographicalGeographical data plotted over regions or countries. You can create maps of the world, continents and countries and customize them using color palette, text and value properties as well as format.

3D Surface ChartSurface plot after customization. Includes many properties to enhance the surface chart; color palette, border, pattern, null values, wire-frame, dots, surface sides, marks, gradients, inverted axes, etc.

Financial MACD ChartSample financial chart created using the MACD function (Moving Average Convergence Divergence).

World Map 3DTeeChart World maps can now be rendered in 3D (VCL: GDI, GDI+, OpenGL and Firemonkey: all platforms).

SalesPlotting sales data over time on basic Line Chart.

Multiple Areas ChartSample 2D Area Chart with three data sets displaying trend changes over the time combined with a Pie Series.

Cylinder ChartCylinder Chart is a Bar chart that use cylinder shape to show data. Example of Cylinder Chart including a grid with Series data values.

Interpolating Line SeriesThis shot shows 2D Line Series and a vertical mouse-follower. Using a simple linear interpolation formula it's now possible to calculate y=y(x) for arbitrary x value.

Series RegionThe Series Region Tool fills an area under the series curve.

Smith ChartInherits most common properties with Polar and Circled ancestor series. Each point is defined with Resistance and Reactance values.

Financial A.D.X ChartTeeChart offers many indicators specifically designed to track financial data. This is a sample of the A.D.X ( Average Directional Change ) function on Chart. Uses a OHLC ( Candle ) series as datasource and plots 3 lines: DMI+ , ADX and DMI-.

DataGrid Chart ToolCombination 2D Bar and Area Chart displaying a Datagrid with Series data values. The Datagrid is a Chart tool independant of Series Type.

Magnify Chart ToolCombination Area, Vertical Bar and Line Chart . This shot specifies a particular region of interest in data which is displayed in the magnified view.

WeatherRose Series is a combination of a polar chart and a histogram. It plots the frequency or percentage of occurrences data shows up at a particular angle or direction.

3D Pie ChartEach pie or donut series slice can be displayed using different heights according to the data values.

Bubble ChartDisplaying a Bubble Chart using semi- transparent circular elements to represent data.

Basic Subtract FunctionThe Subtract function uses more than one series as data source. It calculates for each point the difference between the last and first series.

RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo Support

TeeChartVCL Areas

TeeChartVCL Polar

TeeChartVCL Gauge

RAD Studio 10 Seattle Support

TeeChartVCL Line Interpolate

Trend, CurveFitting, Statistical and Financial FunctionsTeeChart provides an excellent selection of financial data series types and financial indicators like MACD, OHLC Compression, Bollinger Bands, Quality SPC and many more

Series and SubSeries Selection Each of the 62 Series types offers several subtypes that can be selected to save configuration time

TeeChart GaugesSeveral new Gauge types now included with TeeChart to bring life to your Dashboard applications

TeeChart Mapping TeeChart includes 14 selectable maps from around the World and supports the open shp map format for your custom maps

3D Series TypesTeeChart offers several fully rotable 3D data visualisers with optional OpenGL rendering

TeeChart TagCloudSeries type that you could use to intuitively Chart word hits at your site