DevExtreme 19.1.7

改进了数据网格、UI 和数据可视化控件。
10月 21, 2019


All HTML JS products

  • Toolbar - The menu button is disabled after an upgrade to version 19.1.6 in a certain scenario

DevExtreme Core

  • Button template is not rendered if the widget is conditionally displayed using v-if / v-else

DevExtreme Data Grid

  • CustomStore.load doesn't contain the "select" parameter after certain queries
  • "Undefined" exception when removing column grouping and any column template references a complex object in the data row
  • "Cannot read property 'call' of undefined" error occurs when searching with searchPanel when an unbound lookup-column exists
  • A long validation message is cut off in form editing mode
  • Cannot expand an adaptive row if the virtual scrolling mode is applied
  • Filter row loses focus after filtering
  • FilterPanel displays an empty string when filtering a Lookup column with the "Is eny of" condition
  • It is impossible to collapse a band column's item in a column chooser if its allowHiding option is set to false
  • It is impossible to select an item in the select element inside a cell template in Edge
  • Lookup column doesn't load if dataSource is undefined on page load
  • Mater-Detail - Multiple dx-datagrid-focus-overlay elements are rendered in the detail grid
  • RowFilter doesn't work on rebinding data to the grid
  • The columns.filterValue option is ignored if State Storing is enabled
  • The E1046 error occurs after a column is moved from the group panel when a Custom Store with a specified 'key' is used and allowColumnReordering is enabled
  • The Enter key does not work for DateBox
  • The focused row background is not rendered
  • The onFocusedRowChanged event is not raised when the focusedRowEnabled option is enabled in code
  • The onFocusedRowChanging event is not raised when a column with selection check boxes is clicked
  • The size of a column separator stays the same when a container size is changed in a certain scenario
  • Validation state is unexpectedly cleared when setCellValue is used along with a custom validation rule in a column
  • DataGrid displays extra borders when a row is focused
  • DataGrid doesn't allow state resetting if a page was not reloaded
  • DataGrid exports columns with the offset if the allowExporting option is set to false for a column under a band column
  • DataGrid in DropDownBox displays the "Cannot read property 'rowIndex' of undefined" error when Tab is pressed
  • DataGrid shows focus on cells where editing was canceled
  • DataGrid's navigateTo method doesn't behave as expected when used in virtual scrolling mode

DevExtreme Data Visualization

  • Axis X labels are incorrectly aligned after switching the Rotated property
  • Chart - Scrolling does not work smoothly on touch-enabled devices
  • Chart - Showing and hiding series change the visual range
  • Chart - The constant line is rendered incorrectly after the upgrade to version 19.1.5 in a certain scenario
  • Chart doesn't show a tooltip if a label is hovered
  • RangeSelector - The onValueChanged event handler doesn't have the 'event' parameter
  • The "Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'getSubStringLength' on 'SVGTextContentElement'" error occurs on resizing a browser window when charts are rotated

DevExtreme Html Editor

  • Placeholder is black in the dark theme
  • The "Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop 'formatName' " error occurs for certain toolbar items

DevExtreme Pivot Grid

  • Fields are not scrolled when virtual scrolling is enabled and there is no data

DevExtreme Scheduler

  • After resizing an appointment the start/end date/time is not correctly snapped onto the target cell
  • crossScrollingEnabled corrupts horizontal layout
  • Start and End date cannot be the same
  • The "TypeError: this._contentReadyAction is not a function" error occurs on an attempt to open the edit appointment popup for the second time in a certain scenario
  • The Timeline View header with a multi interval count greater than 1 is displayed incorrectly
  • The UI is not refreshed when appointmentUpdating is canceled for a recurrent appointment
  • Scheduler doesn't display an appointment in timelineWeek if is starts after endDay
  • Scheduler passes incorrect values for startDate and endDate to CustomStore.load if groupByDate is true
  • Scheduler: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'index' of undefined under certain conditions

DevExtreme Tree List

  • DataGrid and TreeList - Escape key is not working for row editing in IE 11.356
  • The store.push method doesn't work if the type is 'insert'

DevExtreme UI Widgets

  • DxTextBox - A Form value is not updated when using ngModel with a mask
  • Button template is not rendered if the widget is conditionally displayed using v-if / v-else
  • ColorBox doesn't allow to display a clear button
  • Custom textEditor buttons' icons have incorrect vertical alignment in the Material theme
  • DataGrid - The Enter key does not work for DateBox
  • DataGrid in DropDownBox displays the "Cannot read property 'rowIndex' of undefined" error when Tab is pressed
  • DateBox - An error occurs when the right arrow is pressed when the editor has the "time" type
  • DateBox has an incorrect value when pickerType is not native
  • DropDownButton - Items disappear if the disabled property is changed
  • dxNumberBox - Inconsistent behavior with thousand separator input
  • FilterBuilder - Hierarchical fields are not working
  • FilterBuilder - The lookup field selection does not work when displayExpr is specified as a custom function
  • Form - Switch is incorrectly aligned in the Material theme if the label.location property is set to "left"
  • Form - The resetValues method doesn't clear all validation errors in ValidationSummary
  • Form - ValidationSummary shows no errors if a validation rule was added to a form's item at runtime
  • List - Focus works for disabled items in a certain scenario
  • List - Reordering is not working when items are grouped and some groups are collapsed
  • Popup - Content with "contentEditable=false" is not scrolled
  • Popup - The widget opens without animation for the first time if the visible option is set for dxi-toolbar-item
  • RadioGroup - Radio buttons placed into the template are selected after clicking the parent radio button
  • SelectBox - The first click on the button in the field template does not work when focus is set in the textbox
  • SelectBox - The widget doesn't display items in a drop-down window if a user types search text and moves focus away from the widget before search is completed
  • SelectBox - The widget doesn't load the next page if its value is changed with the Down arrow button and the drop-down element is opened
  • TagBox - Keyboard Support - The 'Alt + ↓' and 'Alt + ↑' key combinations don't work
  • TagBox - The "TypeError: Failed to execute 'getComputedStyle' on 'Window'" error occurs on an attempt to change some options in ngAfterViewInit
  • TagBox - The widget cuts a long text string to the left on typing
  • TextArea - The scrollbar is missing when autoResizeEnabled is true and maxHeight is set
  • TextArea doesn't allow page scrolling on mobile devices
  • TextBox - A modified value is not updated in the editor with mask/maskRules when an end user enters more characters than allowed
  • TextBox - Tapping the clear button triggers the "valueChanged" event
  • TextBox - The onInput callback is not raised if the mask option is set
  • TextBox - The onValueChanged event doesn't fire under certain conditions if a mask is set
  • TextBox - The 'reset' method doesn't reset the 'value' option to an empty string if the 'mask' option is not empty
  • TextBox' value is not updated when extra signs are typed using a mask
  • The 'required' validation rule unexpectedly fails in certain scenarios
  • Toolbar - Internal components ignore the "disabled" property if a parent component is disabled
  • TreeView - The "*" symbol is used in built-in CSS selectors
  • Unable to type in dxTextBox in IE

DevExtreme Complete

用于响应式 Web 开发的 JavaScript 组件套件。


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