DevExtreme 19.2.6

1月 31, 2020


All Angular products

  • dx-report-viewer - Zoom in/out gestures do not work in an Angular application when Mobile Mode is used
  • Scheduler shows incorrect information in a recurrent appointment tooltip
  • Web Report Designer - Updating reportUrl on the client results in the "Cannot call methods on resizable prior to initialization" error

All HTML JS, React and Vue products

  • Scheduler shows incorrect information in a recurrent appointment tooltip

DevExtreme Core

  • DevExtreme Vue - The "Cannot find namespace 'VueType'" compilation error occurs in the typescript starting with version 19.2.5
  • DevExtreme Vue Demos do not work in IE 11
  • DevExtreme Widgets - 'This page uses the non standard property “zoom”' warning and "Downloadable font: gasp: Changed the version number to 1" error occur in Firefox 71.0
  • Themes - Color Swatches - A style conflict with the Font Awesome library
  • Vue Router does not work with Drawer

DevExtreme Data Grid

  • Summary cell is misaligned when native scrolling is enabled and fixed columns are used
  • A blue border is shown when a cell is clicked several times
  • A group row position is changed if other group rows were expanded and a user scrolled a table
  •  row with invalid values disappears after pressing the Save button twice when recalculateWhileEditing is True
  • A validation error disappears when a new portion of data is loaded during scrolling
  • A wrong cursor icon on a group header when row dragging is enabled
  • Column headers are not aligned with cells if the grid is placed inside ScrollView and showScrollbar is set to 'always'
  • DateBox does not update a cell via keyboard
  • Drag and drop does not work correctly when some rows are hidden
  • Edit form sets focus to the last editor automatically when an editor value is changed under certain conditions
  • Grouping and sorting with remote operations would not paginate items
  • Incorrect Select / Deselect value when the number of columns is greater than 30
  • Infinite scrolling incorrectly works if max-height of the widget container is set to a non-integer number of pixels
  • It is impossible to remove header column focus
  • It is possible to bypass data editing restrictions under certain conditions
  • Row removal is not possible when compound keys are complex (e.g. "keyName.keySubname")
  • Rows cannot be removed if refreshMode is set to repaint and the recalculateWhileEditing option is enabled
  • The "Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" error occurs on an attempt to sort large grouped data
  • The calculateSortValue option does not work when dynamically generated columns share the same callback function
  • The Cell edit mode - The widget doesn't delete a row on clicking the Delete button if any cell was focused
  • The clearFilter method does not clear the filter row when it is not applied via the ApplyFilter button in applyFilter = "onClick" mode
  • The detail view cannot be expanded after switching to the edit mode
  • The filter row editor loses its focus when a filter is applied and the filter panel is visible
  • The grouped row value is not formatted in the exported document when the remoteOperations option is enabled
  • The key field has an incorrect value in onFocusedRowChanged
  • The last button in the command column is trimmed
  • The last button is hidden in the command column when a page is zoomed in
  • The onEditorPreparing event fires twice for each column if the state store is enabled
  • The widget cannot complete remote filtering under certain conditions
  • The widget doesn't show the E1037 error
  • The widget shifts cells when a cell template is used
  • DataGrid brings the focused row to the middle of the view port when any column is fixed
  • DataGrid doesn't execute a click action if a button in a custom command column uses a template
  • DataGrid executes the onSelectionChanged event handler with empty selection when the grid is destroyed
  • DataGrid is scrolled to the first row on a click when virtual scrolling, a fixed column, and a focused row are enabled
  • DataGrid throws the "Cannot read property 'getRowIndexOffset' of undefined" error during editing when keyboard navigation is disabled
  • DataGrid/Form - The "Cannot read property 'resetOption' of undefined" error occurs in an Angular project after upgrading to v19.2.5
  • PivotGrid - Export to Excel does not apply currency format when localization is used

DevExtreme Data Visualization

  • The "TypeError: Cannot read property 'scheduleHiding' of null" error occurs after navigation
  • The "W2002 - The production series cannot be drawn because the arg data field is missing" warning occurs when the widget instance is destroyed

DevExtreme Diagram

  • An error occurs on an attempt to use the DxDiagram control in an Angular application
  • The "Node layout is already registered " error occurs when using a data source with two-way edges

DevExtreme File Management

  • FileUploader for Angular - The progress value is not correct when a file is uploaded in chunks
  • JavaScript File Uploader - A full path is sent to the server when uploading in Internet Explorer and Edge

DevExtreme Pivot Grid

  • Content overflows the specified height if the field panel has too many fields
  • Export to Excel does not apply currency format when localization is used
  • Row header text breaks under the expand icon after the latest Chrome update
  • The "Cannot read property 'filterType' of undefined" error occurs when filtering values by using Field Chooser
  • PivotGrid raises the "Uncaught TypeError: l.selector is not a function" error when ApplyChangesMode is OnDemand and data is large

DevExtreme Scheduler

  • "Unable to get property 'recurrenceRule' of undefined or null reference" error occurs when creating an appointment
  • A new appointment is created on editing one appointment in the series
  • A template returns the same data in appointmentData and targetedAppointmentData in the collector
  • An appointments collector doesn't hide on the 'More' button click for the second time
  • Appointments have an incorrect ending date time when it includes a date where daylight saving time changes
  • Cells in resources and tables are misaligned when the resource caption is too long in the timeline view
  • Scrolling does not display properly when there are many items in resources
  • The 'Cannot read property 'bind' of undefined' error occurs on an attempt to switch to the Agenda view if grouping is changed dynamically
  • The Cell Overflow Indicator does not take an appointment's disabled option into account
  • he widget can't drag an appointment to the All Day panel under certain conditions
  • Scheduler doesn't display an appointment in timelineWeek if is starts after endDay
  • Scheduler doesn't show appointments after filtering and switching views if data from an API is used
  • Scheduler generates recurrent events on unexpected days in certain cases
  • Scheduler: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'index' of undefined under certain conditions

DevExtreme Tools

  • Theme Builder does not take into account widgets selected in the Export options
  • ThemeBuilder - The "Save As Color Swatch" check box works incorrectly when the "Copy To CSS" button is used

DevExtreme Tree List

  • Drag and drop - The rowDragging.onRemove event is not called when dragging to an external component
  • The widget doesn't update expanded and selected row keys in the local storage
  • TreeList crashes a browser when a widget is filtered and nodes are dropped inside a root node
  • TreeList does not show a newly added node in 'fullBranch' filtering mode when a filter is applied
  • TreeList doesn't display changes performed via the dataSource option if repaintChangesOnly is true

DevExtreme UI Widgets

  • Accordion - An icon-only button is incorrectly styled inside a title template
  • Chart - Axis labels are exported incorrectly if axis properties are changed at runtime
  • DataGrid/Form - The "Cannot read property 'resetOption' of undefined" error occurs in an Angular project after upgrading to v19.2.5
  • DateBox - The disabledDates function is called for dates that are out of the [min; max] range
  • DateBox throws the "Cannot read property 'length' of null" error when a short month display format is used
  • DropDownButton - The wrapItemText option is not synchronized with dxList
  • DropDownButton doesn't display a value in certain cases if its items and selectedKey options are changed dynamically
  • DropDownButton selects items in a drop-down part when "useSelectMode": "false" in Angular
  • Form - A form group without a caption displays an unnecessary extra space
  • Form - FormData is not reset after a partial update
  • Form - The Ctrl+Enter key combintation results in incorrect validation when using validationEngine with onEditorEnterKey
  • Form - The first tab is removed slowly when a certain group contains many tabs
  • Form - Validation messages are incorrectly positioned when material themes are used
  • List - Reordering does not work when items change
  • List - The Clear button is displayed incorrectly in Material themes
  • Lookup - Items in the Material theme are cut-off in certain scenarios
  • Lookup - The value is not displayed when the item collection is updated at runtime
  • Lookup displays 1,5 items when a search bar and a cancel button are displayed in the Material theme
  • Material theme - The editor's clear button has no right padding
  • NumberBox - The widget incorrectly rounds up a decimal value if the Format option is set
  • Popup - FullScreen mode - Buttons in the bottom toolbar are not always visible on iOS/Safari when the browser has multiple tabs and an end user flips the device's orientation
  • Popup - Vue - Content is rendered in the BODY section if it is loaded asynchronously in a template
  • SelectBox - Drop-down items are not reset when searchEnabled and acceptCustomValue are true
  • SelectBox - Mask behavior is broken in TextBox declared within fieldTemplate
  • SelectBox - The e.event parameter is undefined in ValueChanged when changing a value using the arrow keys
  • SelectBox sends multiple requests when clearing search text
  • SpeedDialAction - The onClick event doesn't work on iOS
  • TagBox - Typing in search box and switching browser tabs delete text in the search box while keeping filtered results
  • Toolbar - Item location cannot be updated at runtime

DevExtreme Complete

用于响应式 Web 开发的 JavaScript 组件套件。


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