DevExtreme 20.2.4

12月 7, 2020


All Angular products

  • LoadIndicator is not shown after toggling the showIndicator option.
  • SelectBox - Dynamically loading items with length equal to pageSize will make it load for the next page.

All ASP.NET Core products

  • Dashboard for Microsoft ASP.NET Core and DevExtreme ASP.NET Core project - A JavaScript error occurs when a parameter is added.
  • ListSourceDataController selects empty data when CriteriaOperator contains duplicate subexpressions along with the Concat function or the In operator in certain scenarios.
  • LoadIndicator is not shown after toggling the showIndicator option.
  • Popover - The Shading overlay has an incorrect position under certain conditions.
  • SelectBox - Dynamically loading items with length equal to pageSize will make it load for the next page.

All ASP.NET MVC products

  • LoadIndicator is not shown after toggling the showIndicator option.
  • SelectBox - Dynamically loading items with length equal to pageSize will make it load for the next page.

All HTML JS products

  • LoadIndicator is not shown after toggling the showIndicator option.
  • ScrollView - scrollTo() method does not take into account scrollbar dimension in Firefox.
  • SelectBox - Dynamically loading items with length equal to pageSize will make it load for the next page.

All React products

  • Form - Arbitrary code between SimpleItem tags breaks the item.
  • LoadIndicator is not shown after toggling the showIndicator option.
  • SelectBox - Dynamically loading items with length equal to pageSize will make it load for the next page.

All Vue products

  • DevExtreme Vue components - A router-link is not available inside templates in Vue 3.
  • LoadIndicator is not shown after toggling the showIndicator option.
  • SelectBox - Dynamically loading items with length equal to pageSize will make it load for the next page.

DevExtreme Charts & Gauges

  • Chart - A custom marker template is misplaced for a short time when the React component is loaded.
  • Chart - Changing the type of the value axis in dxChart does not work correctly with data binding.
  • Chart - Chart series aren't displayed if one of them is bound to objects with zero values.
  • Chart - The "Series 1" name is displayed for a series with the "0" name.
  • Chart - Tooltip with contentRender is not shown on the first load when the showTooltip function is called in the Drawn event handler.

DevExtreme CLI

  • It is impossible to customize size variables in scss.

DevExtreme Data Grid

  • DataGrid - "E1059 - All column names must be different" error doesn't indicate non-unique names.
  • DataGrid - A custom Angular component is not disposed in a certain scenario when it contains the grid.
  • DataGrid - A toolbar is re-initialized at the start of editing after the upgrade to v20.2.3.
  • DataGrid - A validation frame is not updated if the repaintChangesOnly option is enabled in Cell editing mode.
  • DataGrid - An async/custom rule's validationCallback function doesn't contain row data in v20.2.3.
  • DataGrid - An error is thrown when a demo copied to CodePen is exported to PDF.
  • DataGrid - Cell Editing - The deleteRow method doesn't work after adding a new record.
  • DataGrid - Command Column Customization demo - The clone command button does not work for Vue.
  • DataGrid - Extra master-detail grid validation tooltips are displayed on using focusedRowEnabled and allowUpdating.
  • DataGrid - It is impossible to focus out on empty content.
  • DataGrid - It's impossible to reset a focused row by setting the focusedRowKey option to null.
  • DataGrid - Lookup columns have incorrect width of the drop-down part in the Material theme.
  • DataGrid - onRowDblClick is triggered when the details grid's add new row button is clicked.
  • DataGrid - Page index becomes -1 when one enters ++0 or --0 in the input box.
  • DataGrid - validationCallback is not called during editing if keys are composite.
  • DataGrid displays gray rectangles after removing multiple rows if rowRenderingMode is 'virtual'.
  • DataGrid doesn't allow clicking a custom button in any place.
  • DataGrid scrolls back to the focused row on scrolling in infinite mode when preloadEnabled is set to true.
  • DataGrid validation tooltips do not display correctly when placed in a Form template and when Material Themes are used.
  • FilterBuilder does not apply a lookup value in browse mode when the data source for the lookup column is set as function.
  • TreeList/DataGrid - Batch Editing - A newly added node/row disappears after scrolling when virtual row rendering mode is enabled.

DevExtreme Data Sources

  • It's impossible to define the filterToLower option in ODataSourceBuilder.

DevExtreme Diagram

  • DevExtreme Diagram for MVC - The Zoom Level item is shown incorrectly after the toolbar customization.
  • Diagram - The "layered" auto layout algorithm gives incorrect results for a certain data source.
  • Diagram for ASP.NET Core - A page is incorrectly scrolled on moving a shape.
  • Diagram for Vue - Shapes are shifted relative to grid cells on zooming.
  • The updateUI parameter of the RequestEditOperation event always returns true when a user is about to delete an individual shape or connector.

DevExtreme Dialogs & Notifications

  • A popup is not displayed in the center of a page when the browser is in full screen mode and vertical scrolling is enabled.
  • LoadPanel - LoadPanel is not correctly positioned when 'of' is 'html'.

DevExtreme Editors & Validation

  • DateBox - MouseWheel throws the "Cannot read property '0' of undefined" error under certain conditions.
  • DateBox displays a validation message on showing a correct date after choosing an incorrect date in the drop down.
  • DropDownBox - Demos stopped working after update to v20.2.
  • FilterBuilder - The EditorComponent throws the "this.props.setValue is not a function" error.
  • Format - The slider rounds up values with more than five decimal places.
  • List - Two items are selected after a new item is added to the collection in single selection mode if the repaintChangesOnly option is enabled.
  • Lookup - Undefined event type on the onValueChanged event when using the keyboard to select an item.
  • NumberBox with the "#,##0.00'0'" and similar formats returns incorrect values.
  • RadioGroup - A console error appears when option method is called twice.
  • SelectBox - The event parameter is not null in the onValueChanged event handler when a user removes a value using the keyboard.
  • TagBox - The e.event argument is undefined in onValueChanged if the value is changed by a user.
  • TagBox allows dragging its drop-down part in v19.2+.
  • TagBox queries the data source on selecting an item in the drop down.
  • TextBox throws an exception when it has a specific name.
  • Toolbar - The drop-down button is not rendered in the SelectBox editor when it is specified in a toolbar item's fieldTemplate.

DevExtreme File Management

  • DevExtreme FileManager - The "SwitchView" toggle calculates wrong navigation page width when control is inside an iframe.
  • File Manager for ASP.NET Core - The file list does not show a large uploaded file after uploading is complete.
  • FileManager for Angular - The "this._contentReadyAction is not a function" error is thrown after a data source is updated.
  • FileManager for ASP.NET Core - A custom error message specified in FileSystemException is not available on the client side.
  • FileUploader for DevExtreme - The label specified via the labelText property is not displayed in Microsoft IE11.

DevExtreme Form

  • DataGrid validation tooltips do not display correctly when placed in a Form template and when Material Themes are used.
  • Form - Label alignment of SimpleItems is broken when there's a GroupItem.
  • Scheduler - AppointmentForm - An error is thrown on setting several item options.

DevExtreme Gantt

  • Gantt - It is not possible to disable or hide the "Resources" editor in the "Task Details" dialog.
  • Gantt - The end date is set to an incorrect value when a user drags a task in a certain scenario.
  • Gantt for ASP.NET Core - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown on running a local copy of ASP.NET Core Gantt demo.
  • Gantt for JavaScript - Position of tooltips is incorrect when Gantt is in a container.
  • Gantt for JavaScript - The height of a widget is not adjusted based on its content.
  • Gantt for JavaScript - The key argument is missing in the taskMoving and taskUpdating events.
  • Gantt for JavaScript in a Drawer is rendered incorrectly if a panel is collapsed.
  • Gantt for JavaScript- It is not possible to cancel showing a tooltip for a task.
  • Gantt for MVC - The date format is different in columns and in the task tooltip.
  • Gantt for React - A certain date is displayed twice in the UTC -5 Time Zone.

DevExtreme HTML Editor

  • HTML Editor - The Clear Formatting button is disabled when the formatted text is selected.
  • HTML Editor - Empty rows are removed when the output format is changed.
  • HTML Editor - The interactive demo in documentation does not work in v.20.2.

DevExtreme Layout & Navigation

  • Drawer - Drawer's content is not visible when a widget is located in the Popup.
  • SpeedDialAction - An incorrect onClick handler is called after toggling visibility.

DevExtreme Layout & Navigation

  • Drawer - The following warning appears when compiling with Ivy: 'Unable to fully load '' for source-map flattening: Unexpected token o in JSON'.
  • Drawer - The panel is not shown after it is hidden.
  • Drawer disappears after page refreshing when the component is collapsed.
  • DropDownButton dropDownOptions.width behavior is not consistent with another dropdown editors.
  • List - Two items are selected after a new item is added to the collection in single selection mode if the repaintChangesOnly option is enabled.
  • Toolbar - The drop-down button is not rendered in the SelectBox editor when it is specified in a toolbar item's fieldTemplate.

DevExtreme Maps

  • VectorMap - Exception "Maximum call stack size exceeded" occurs when exporting with large layers.dataSource.

DevExtreme Pivot Grid

  • PivotGrid - A scroll position is reset when an item is dragged and dropped between field chooser lists.
  • PivotGrid - Fields captions overflow cells if Material Compact is used.
  • PivotGrid always displays "Expand All" and "Collapse All" items after changing allowExpandAll using the React State.

DevExtreme Project Templates and Wizards

  • DevExtreme Scaffolding does not work when the project has model classes with the same names and with different arguments.
  • InvalidCastException is thrown for a TimeSpan property in the generated ASP.NET Controller template.

DevExtreme Scheduler

  • An appointment has an incorrect size after it is moved or resized when the dx-scheduler-cell-sizes option is applied.
  • Scheduler - Appointments are displayed incorrectly and are not editable when working with knockout data binding.
  • Scheduler - "Cannot read property 'items' of undefined" error is thrown on editing/adding appointments.
  • Scheduler - Appointments that are dragged from an appointment collector are displayed behind the List.
  • Scheduler - Default properties persist in the appointmentData after changing the -Expr option value.
  • Scheduler - E1032 error occurs when extending appointments by dragging.
  • Scheduler - Rendering is slow on switching views when dataCellComponent is specified.
  • Scheduler - Shade is not properly applied in the Week and Timeline Week views.
  • Scheduler - The "E1032 - Unknown start date in an appointment" error occurs on resizing an appointment.
  • Scheduler - The Agenda view renders appointments in wrong date cells.
  • Scheduler - The CurrentTimeIndicator element is displayed at an incorrect position in the Timeline Week view.
  • Scheduler - The editing form is displayed as disabled if the appointment has the disabled property set to false in Knockout.
  • Scheduler - The month view has an incorrect height on Apple Macs.
  • Scheduler displays an incorrect time in the appointment edit form after dragging a new item if `timeZone` is defined.
  • Scheduler passes the original appointment key on editing an appointment of a recurring series.
  • View switching tabs have incorrect height when Scheduler is defined within TabPanel.

DevExtreme ThemeBuilder

  • Theme Builder - It's impossible to change the border radius.
  • Theme Builder - An Unclosed string error is thrown on creating a custom scheme.
  • Theme Builder - The Import Bootstrap Variables option doesn't work on uploading Bootstrap 4 `variables.scss`.

DevExtreme Themes & Utils

  • DataGrid validation tooltips do not display correctly when placed in a Form template and when Material Themes are used.
  • Format - Decimal number type is rounded off when there are at least 10 decimal places.
  • The @keyframes CSS rules in DevExtreme theme stylesheets are missing the "dx-" prefix.
  • Themes - Editor inputs are wrapped in black borders.

DevExtreme Tree List

  • TreeList - Batch Editing - New nodes can be focused after scrolling in certain cases.
  • TreeList/DataGrid - Batch Editing - A newly added node/row disappears after scrolling when virtual row rendering mode is enabled.

MVC CardView

  • CardView for Web Forms - Borders are not fully rendered when VerticalScrollableHeight is greater than a Card height (Material and Office365 themes).
  • GridView, CardView, TreeList - Publish the AutoUpdatePosition property in all popup settings.

MVC Data Editors

  • ComboBox - Accessibility - The "aria-describedby" attribute is not read by JAWS as expected.
  • MVC GridView - Built-in Validation - Editors in the edit form are incorrectly validated if GridView is wrapped into BeginForm.
  • TokenBox - New items are not loaded on scrolling when TokenBox is bound in Server Mode.

MVC Diagram

  • The updateUI parameter of the RequestEditOperation event always returns true when a user is about to delete an individual shape or connector.

MVC Gantt

  • Gantt - It is not possible to disable or hide the "Resources" editor in the "Task Details" dialog.

MVC GridView

  • GridView - Unnecessary indent cells are rendered in the error row if editing mode is PopupEditForm.
  • GridView for MVC - The CheckBox column editor is not properly aligned in inline editing mode.
  • GridView, CardView, TreeList - Publish the AutoUpdatePosition property in all popup settings.
  • MVC GridView - Built-in Validation - Editors in the edit form are incorrectly validated if GridView is wrapped into BeginForm.


  • HTML Editor - Placeholders inside a link are replaced by span elements.
  • HTML Editor - The cursor moves outside a table after the table is inserted in Microsoft IE 11.
  • HTML Editor - The GetHtml method returns elements with the 'background-color' style when a user enters multi-line text after changing the Design View background color.

MVC Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Extensions

  • FileManager - The name editor is shown in an incorrect place if the default Name column is hidden and EnableMultiSelect="true".

MVC Report

  • ASPxQueryBuilder - The Filter Dialog adds a placeholder for a second parameter for the unary IsNullOrEmpty function.
  • End-User Report Designer - Drilling through the structure of a hierarchical data source in the Field List window results in a memory leak/causes a huge memory consumption.
  • MVC Dashboard - It is impossible to customize Globalize format if Reporting scripts are registered before Dashboard scripts.
  • MVC Reporting - The client-side AddParameterType method throws "Uncaught TypeError: DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.Data.Parameter.typeValues is undefined".
  • PageFooter band produces an empty page at the beginning of a document in case XRSubreport with the GenerateOwnPages option is located in the ReportHeader band.
  • The client-side GetPropertyInfo method throws the "DevExpress.Reporting.Designer.Utils.controlsFactory.getPropertyInfo is not a function" exception after upgrading to v20.2.
  • Web Document Viewer - The "The document is not found." error may occur after a while when previewing a merged report.
  • Web Report Designer - "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'serialize' of null" error occurs when opening a designer in Preview mode if the report was opened by a reportUrl.
  • Web Report Designer - BackImage property is not available for the XRChart control.
  • Web Report Designer - Client-side SaveNewReport method causes the "Cannot read property 'setNewData' of undefined" error after upgrade to 20.2.
  • Web Report Designer - Intersecting controls are not highlighted.

MVC RichEdit

  • Rich Text Editor - ArgumentException is raised when reloading a document with many fields if SqlOfficeStateProvider is used.
  • RichEdit for MVC - Range permissions don't work correctly with numbered lists.

MVC Scheduler

  • Scheduler - A built-in Date Navigator does not highlight dates with appointments after changing a visible interval on mobile devices.
  • Scheduler for Web Forms, Bootstrap - The "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute" exception is thrown on processing callback requests if the FetchAppointments event is handled.

MVC Spreadsheet

  • It takes 10 seconds to delete a row in the MVC Spreadsheet.
  • Spreadsheet - Conditional Formatting Rules containing custom formulas are not re-calculated on printing a document.
  • Spreadsheet for MVC - An error occurs on opening the "Data Validation" dialog in the "Custom In-place Editor" demo.
  • Spreadsheet for MVC - The client-side SelectionChanged event doesn't fire on switching between sheets that have the same active cells.
  • Spreadsheet for Web - The "Formula Validation Failed" error occurs while selecting cells for "<" and ">" conditions in the IF formula.

MVC TreeList

  • GridView, CardView, TreeList - Publish the AutoUpdatePosition property in all popup settings.

NuGet Packages

  • The structure of NuGet Packages with language abbreviations is incorrect.

Project Templates

  • DevExpress Template Gallery - Item Templates from the Microsoft .NET Framework installation are visible and cause errors in ASP.NET Core projects.

Rich Text Editor for ASP.NET Core

  • Rich Edit for ASP.NET Core - It is not possible to re-select an option from the Table Style Options list.
  • Rich Edit for ASP.NET Core - The "Colorful" table styles are not colorful.
  • Rich Text Editor for ASP.NET Core - It is not possible to select all cells in a table when it occupies several pages.
  • Rich Edit for Angular - Tables in certain documents have columns with an incorrect width.
  • Rich Edit for ASP.NET Core - "ASPxRichEditStringId.Tabs_Leader" and "ASPxRichEditStringId.Alignment" are not in effect in the German localization.
  • Rich Edit for ASP.NET Core - A certain document is drawn incorrectly.
  • Rich Edit for ASP.NET Core - Insert Merge Field dialog - It is not possible to insert a merge field on a double click on an item.
  • Rich Edit for ASP.NET Core - The "Cannot read property 'clone' of undefined" script error occurs on adding an image's description in the createFloating method's callback function.
  • Rich Edit for ASP.NET Core - The “Keep Lines Together” option is visible in a dialog.
  • Rich Edit for ASP.NET Core - The Print Dialog shows that it is necessary to use two pages to print a blank document.
  • Rich Edit for Core - Virtual keyboard is not shown on Apple iOS.

XtraReports Suite

  • ASPxQueryBuilder - Еhe Filter Dialog adds a placeholder for a second parameter for the unary IsNullOrEmpty function.
  • ASPxWebDocumentViewer - A report with a label in the margin band is not rendered in the print preview (a CachedReportSourceWeb issue).
  • ASPxWebDocumentViewer - The intermediate "The document is not found" error occurs in the Web Farm environment.
  • Export to DOCX - Viewing exported XtraReport copies in Google Docs is not possible due to a broken layout.
  • Export to Image - XRLine is drawn thicker in the Linux Docker environment.
  • HTML5 Document Viewer - Printing stopped working in the Google Chrome browser of version 87+.
  • PageFooter band produces an empty page at the beginning of a document in case XRSubreport with the GenerateOwnPages option is located in the ReportHeader band.
  • Reporting in Linux - Label text is cut off at a page break.
  • Web Document Viewer - The "The document is not found." error may occur after a while when previewing a merged report.
  • Web Report Designer - "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'serialize' of null" error occurs when opening a designer in Preview mode if the report was opened by a reportUrl.
  • Web Report Designer - BackImage property is not available for the XRChart control.
  • Web Report Designer - Client-side SaveNewReport method causes the "Cannot read property 'setNewData' of undefined" error after upgrade to 20.2.
  • Web Report Designer - Copying/pasting custom controls causes an unhandled exception after upgrading to 20.1.
  • Web Reporting - SetAvailableCultures throws Uncaught TypeError: Unable to process binding "dxReportDesigner: function(){return $data }".

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