DevExtreme Complete 22.2

添加一套响应式 UI 模板以及对数据可视化和数据透视网格的改进。
12月 9, 2022


UI Template Gallery

  • Extended the capabilities of the DevExtreme component library with a set of responsive UI templates. These ready-to-use UI “blocks” will allow you to focus efforts on application logic and minimize energy spent on app/UI design.

Data Visualization

  • Range Bar Chart - Minimum Bar Size - You can now use the new minBarSize property to specify minimum size for bars displayed in the Range Bar Charts.
  • Data Visualization Components - Adapt to Container Resize - The Chart, Gauge, and Map controls now automatically adapt to changes in container.
  • VectorMap - Control Panel Customization - The following options allow you to display/hide the Pan Control and Zoom Bar: panVisible and zoomVisible.

Pivot Grid

  • Export Field Panel Headers to Microsoft Excel - You can now include field panel headers in an exported worksheet. The following field header export-related options are now available:
    • exportColumnFieldHeaders.
    • exportDataFieldHeaders.
    • exportFilterFieldHeaders.
    • exportRowFieldHeaders.
  • Field Chooser - Encode HTML - Added new encodeHtml property which allows you to process HTML tags as plain text or apply them to header filter values.

UI Components

  • CSS Styles Enchancements - The following components are now rendered more consistently under different use-case conditions (applies to both the Generic and Material themes):
    • Button.
    • Calendar.
    • Toolbar.
    • DateBox.
    • Scheduler.
    • FieldSet.
    • List.
  • Validation Message Position - Added new validationMessagePosition option which specifies the position of a validation message relative to the editor's input region. Available settings include: 'bottom' (default), 'top', 'left', and 'right'.
  • Show/Hide API Enhancements - The cancel parameter for onShowing/onHiding events now supports the Promise type. This allows you to execute asynchronous actions before components are displayed/hidden. This enhancement is available in the following UI components:
    • Popup.
    • Popover.
    • Tooltip.
    • Toast.
    • LoadPanel.
    • The show/hide methods now return a Promise object, which is resolved once the operation is complete. This Promise is rejected if the operation was cancelled.
  • Slider & Range Slider - Value Change Mode - The Slider and Range Slider components now include a valueChangeMode option. This option specifies when a slider's value is changed. Available modes include:
    • The value changes when the user releases the slider handle.
    • The value changes immediately whenever the user moves the slider handle.
  • Toolbar Adaptability - Multiline Mode - The Toolbar can now wrap across multiple lines when it is wider than its container. Use the multiline property to enable multiline mode.
  • Accordion - Title Templates for Individual Items - You can now define title templates for individual items. Use the titleTemplate property as requirements dictate.
  • CheckBox - Cycle Through Three State - Extended the functionality of the CheckBox component. Users can now toggle between all three states by clicking a box (cycling from unchecked to checked and then to an indeterminate state). Use the enableThreeStateBehavior option to enable this mode.
  • Calendar - Week Numbers - The Calendar component can now display week numbers. Use the showWeekNumbers property to enable this option. The Calendar automatically sets the first week of the year based on culture (locale). The weekNumberRule property has been added to specify the rule used to determine the first week of the year. Available rules include auto, first day, first four days, and full week.
  • SelectBox and TagBox - Submit Custom Items on Loss of Focus - Enhanced the default behavior of the SelectBox and TagBox components. These components create custom items when the user presses the Enter key or when the component loses focus. And you can assign a DOM event to the customItemCreateEvent property to change the default behavior as needed.
  • Form - Custom Label Template - Form labels can now display images and support content formatting. Use the label.template property to define a custom template.
  • Popup and Popover - Overflow Menu in Toolbar - Toolbars within the Popup and Popover components can now display an overflow menu. Use the following API to customize the menu and toolbar items:
    • cssClass.
    • locateInMenu.
    • menuItemTemplate.
    • showText.
  • DateBox - Customize Today Button Text - You can now rename the Today button (which appears in 'date' and 'datetime' modes). The new todayButtonText property specifies the text for the button.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012/2013 Deprecation

  • Support for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 has been deprecated. The demo apps now target Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 (.NET Framework 4.7.2 targeting pack is available in Visual Studio 2017, 2019, and 2022). Demo app changes do not affect .NET Framework customers in any manner - the product assemblies will continue to target .NET Framework 4.5.2 in this release cycle.

Installation & NuGet

  • The Unified Component Installer now includes an option to install localized resources for certain languages (DE, ES, JA). These resources will not be installed by default - you can install them at your discretion. Note: localized resources may be incomplete. Navigate to Localization Service to download community sourced localization for other languages.
Data Visualization example

DevExtreme Complete

用于响应式 Web 开发的 JavaScript 组件套件。


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