DevExpress BI Dashboard

Create and distribute royalty-free decision support systems and effortlessly share business intelligence (BI) across your entire enterprise. Use the intuitive Dashboard Designer alongside the Dashboard Viewer and embed fully-configurable dashboards into WinForms, WPF, Blazor, Web Forms, ASP.NET Core, Angular, React, Vue apps.

Desktop or Web & Mobile

  • The WinForms and WPF Dashboard components allow you to embed a royalty-free Dashboard Viewer or End-User Dashboard Designer directly into your desktop application (includes a read-to-go, elegant Office-inspired Ribbon interface with comprehensive customization options).
  • The ASP.NET Web Forms, MVC, ASP.NET Core, Blazor, client-side Angular/Vue/React Dashboard components allow you to deploy an all-in-one solution and switch between Viewer and Designer modes directly on...


用 DevExpress 更快地构建 .NET 9 应用程序
用 DevExpress 更快地构建 .NET 9 应用程序
December 13, 2024Product Update
DevExpress 24.2 版本添加对 .NET 9 的完整支持,使开发人员能够利用最新的功能和性能改进。
June 25, 2024Product Update
DevExpress BI Dashboard 24.1 通过根据父选择动态过滤相关参数来简化用户交互。
DevExpress 包含 .NET 8 的强大功能
DevExpress 包含 .NET 8 的强大功能
December 15, 2023Publisher Update
DevExpress V23.2.3 版本添加对 .NET 8 的完整支持,使开发人员能够更轻松地构建功能丰富的现代应用程序。
DevExpress BI Dashboard 23.1.6
DevExpress BI Dashboard 23.1.6
October 20, 2023新版本
改进了 ASP.NET Core、Angular 和 Blazor 的仪表板。
DevExpress BI Dashboard 23.1.5
DevExpress BI Dashboard 23.1.5
September 5, 2023新版本
DevExpress BI Dashboard 23.1.4
DevExpress BI Dashboard 23.1.4
July 24, 2023新版本
改进了 Angular、ASP.NET Core 和 Blazor 的仪表板。
One software license is required per developer。 You may install the product on more than one machine as long as each developer has their own license。 This allows you to install it on your work, home...

DevExpress BI Dashboard亦以___提供


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作为官方和授权的代理商,ComponentSource 为你提供DevExpress的正版授权。
Component Type
  • ASP.NET WebForms
  • ASP.NET Core
  • .NET WinForms
  • .NET Class
  • .NET Core
  • .NET WPF
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • Angular
  • React
  • Vue.js
  • Blazor Components

