Devolutions Server 价格

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所有的授权选项 (58)
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Devolutions Server 2024.x - Standard Support - New Timed License - 1 Year Subscription

Subscription must be renewed to continue to use the software. Requires Remote Desktop Manager or Password Vault Manager Licenses.

Team Edition (Up to 15 Users) 1 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-SBE-N1敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284346

授权与交付方式 $ 489.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The TeamEdition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 15 users. It also includes 5 Client Access Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Enterprise Edition (Up to 50 Users) 1 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CORP-N1敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284347

授权与交付方式 $ 1,959.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The Enterprise Edition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 50 users and it includes 5 Client Access Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Platinum Edition (Unlimited Users) 1 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-PLAT-N1


1 Devolutions Launcher Single User 1 Year Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DCL-S1-N1敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284393

授权与交付方式 $ 195.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The Devolutions Launcher License, is a user subscription allowing users to securely launch remote sessions directly from their web browser. Devolutions Launcer requires you already own Devolutions Password Server (DPS) Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Launcher Serial Number

Workspace - 1 Client Access License (CAL) 1 Year Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CAL-N1敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284345

授权与交付方式 $ 48.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The CAL, or Client Access License, is a user subscription allowing you to connect directly to the Devolutions Password Server through Devolutions web application. Please note that only password management is currently available with the web-based Devolutions Password Server application.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Devolutions Server 2024.x - Standard Support - New Timed License - 3 Years Subscription

Subscription must be renewed to continue to use the software. Requires Remote Desktop Manager or Password Vault Manager Licenses.

Team Edition (Up to 15 Users) 3 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-SBE-N3敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284350

授权与交付方式 $ 1,322.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The TeamEdition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 15 users. It also includes 5 Client Access Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Enterprise Edition (Up to 50 Users) 3 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CORP-N3敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284351

授权与交付方式 $ 5,291.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The Enterprise Edition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 50 users and it includes 5 Client Access Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Platinum Edition (Unlimited Users) 3 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-PLAT-N3


1 Devolutions Launcher Single User 3 Year Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DCL-S1-N3敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284394

授权与交付方式 $ 529.17 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The Devolutions Launcher License, is a user subscription allowing users to securely launch remote sessions directly from their web browser. Devolutions Launcer requires you already own Devolutions Password Server (DPS) Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Launcher Serial Number

Workspace - 1 Client Access License (CAL) 3 Year Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CAL-N3敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284349

授权与交付方式 $ 132.29 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The CAL, or Client Access License, is a user subscription allowing you to connect directly to the Devolutions Password Server through Devolutions web application. Please note that only password management is currently available with the web-based Devolutions Password Server application.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Devolutions Server 2024.x - Standard Support - Timed License Renewal - 1 Year Subscription

Subscription must be renewed to continue to use the software. Requires Remote Desktop Manager or Password Vault Manager Licenses.

Team Edition (Up to 15 Users) 1 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-SBE-R1敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284354

授权与交付方式 $ 489.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The TeamEdition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 15 users. It also includes 5 Client Access Licenses.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Enterprise Edition (Up to 50 Users) 1 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CORP-R1敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284355

授权与交付方式 $ 1,959.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The Enterprise Edition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 50 users and it includes 5 Client Access Licenses.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Platinum Edition (Unlimited Users) 1 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-PLAT-R1


Workspace - 1 Client Access License (CAL) 1 Year Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CAL-R1敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284353

授权与交付方式 $ 48.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The CAL, or Client Access License, is a user subscription allowing you to connect directly to the Devolutions Password Server through Devolutions web application. Please note that only password management is currently available with the web-based Devolutions Password Server application.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Devolutions Server 2024.x - Standard Support - Timed License Renewal - 3 Years Subscription

Subscription must be renewed to continue to use the software. Requires Remote Desktop Manager or Password Vault Manager Licenses.

Team Edition (Up to 15 Users) 3 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-SBE-R3敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284358

授权与交付方式 $ 1,322.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The TeamEdition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 15 users. It also includes 5 Client Access Licenses.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Enterprise Edition (Up to 50 Users) 3 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CORP-R3敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284359

授权与交付方式 $ 5,291.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The Enterprise Edition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 50 users and it includes 5 Client Access Licenses.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Platinum Edition (Unlimited Users) 3 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-PLAT-R3


Workspace - 1 Client Access License (CAL) 3 Year Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CAL-R3敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284357

授权与交付方式 $ 132.29 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The CAL, or Client Access License, is a user subscription allowing you to connect directly to the Devolutions Password Server through Devolutions web application. Please note that only password management is currently available with the web-based Devolutions Password Server application.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Devolutions Server 2024.x - Extended Support - New Timed License - 1 Year Subscription

Subscription must be renewed to continue to use the software. Requires Remote Desktop Manager or Password Vault Manager Licenses.

Team Edition (Up to 15 Users) 1 Year Server Subscription (Min Qty: 3)

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-SBE-N1+SUP-EXT敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284362

授权与交付方式 $ 587.99 加入购物车最低订购数: 3

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The TeamEdition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 15 users. It also includes 5 Client Access Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Enterprise Edition (Up to 50 Users) 1 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CORP-N1+SUP-EXT敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284363

授权与交付方式 $ 2,351.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The Enterprise Edition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 50 users and it includes 5 Client Access Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Platinum Edition (Unlimited Users) 1 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-PLAT-N1+SUP-EXT


1 Devolutions Launcher Single User 1 Year Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DCL-S1-N1+SUP-EXT敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284395

授权与交付方式 $ 234.02 加入购物车最低订购数: 8

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The Devolutions Launcher License, is a user subscription allowing users to securely launch remote sessions directly from their web browser. Devolutions Launcer requires you already own Devolutions Password Server (DPS) Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Launcher Serial Number

Workspace - 1 Client Access License (CAL) 1 Year Subscription (Min Qty: 21)

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CAL-N1+SUP-EXT敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284361

授权与交付方式 $ 58.79 加入购物车最低订购数: 21

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The CAL, or Client Access License, is a user subscription allowing you to connect directly to the Devolutions Password Server through Devolutions web application. Please note that only password management is currently available with the web-based Devolutions Password Server application.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Devolutions Server 2024.x - Extended Support - New Timed License - 3 Years Subscription

Subscription must be renewed to continue to use the software. Requires Remote Desktop Manager or Password Vault Manager Licenses.

Team Edition (Up to 15 Users) 3 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-SBE-N3+SUP-EXT敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284366

授权与交付方式 $ 1,587.59 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The TeamEdition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 15 users. It also includes 5 Client Access Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Enterprise Edition (Up to 50 Users) 3 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CORP-N3+SUP-EXT敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284367

授权与交付方式 $ 6,350.39 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The Enterprise Edition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 50 users and it includes 5 Client Access Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Platinum Edition (Unlimited Users) 3 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-PLAT-N3+SUP-EXT


1 Devolutions Launcher Single User 3 Year Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DCL-S1-N3+SUP-EXT敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284396

授权与交付方式 $ 635.00 加入购物车最低订购数: 3

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The Devolutions Launcher License, is a user subscription allowing users to securely launch remote sessions directly from their web browser. Devolutions Launcer requires you already own Devolutions Password Server (DPS) Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Launcher Serial Number

Workspace - 1 Client Access License (CAL) 3 Year Subscription (Min Qty: 8)

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CAL-N3+SUP-EXT敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284365

授权与交付方式 $ 158.75 加入购物车最低订购数: 8

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The CAL, or Client Access License, is a user subscription allowing you to connect directly to the Devolutions Password Server through Devolutions web application. Please note that only password management is currently available with the web-based Devolutions Password Server application.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Devolutions Server 2024.x - Extended Support - Timed License Renewal - 1 Year Subscription

Subscription must be renewed to continue to use the software. Requires Remote Desktop Manager or Password Vault Manager Licenses.

Team Edition (Up to 15 Users) 1 Year Server Subscription Renewal (Min Qty: 3)

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-SBE-R1+SUP-EXT敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284370

授权与交付方式 $ 587.99 加入购物车最低订购数: 3

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The TeamEdition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 15 users. It also includes 5 Client Access Licenses.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Enterprise Edition (Up to 50 Users) 1 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CORP-R1+SUP-EXT敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284371

授权与交付方式 $ 2,351.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The Enterprise Edition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 50 users and it includes 5 Client Access Licenses.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Platinum Edition (Unlimited Users) 1 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-PLAT-R1+SUP-EXT


Workspace - 1 Client Access License (CAL) 1 Year Subscription Renewal (Min Qty: 21)

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CAL-R1+SUP-EXT敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284369

授权与交付方式 $ 58.79 加入购物车最低订购数: 21

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The CAL, or Client Access License, is a user subscription allowing you to connect directly to the Devolutions Password Server through Devolutions web application. Please note that only password management is currently available with the web-based Devolutions Password Server application.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Devolutions Server 2024.x - Extended Support - Timed License Renewal - 3 Years Subscription

Subscription must be renewed to continue to use the software. Requires Remote Desktop Manager or Password Vault Manager Licenses.

Team Edition (Up to 15 Users) 3 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-SBE-R3+SUP-EXT敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284374

授权与交付方式 $ 1,587.59 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The TeamEdition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 15 users. It also includes 5 Client Access Licenses.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Enterprise Edition (Up to 50 Users) 3 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CORP-R3+SUP-EXT敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284375

授权与交付方式 $ 6,350.39 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The Enterprise Edition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 50 users and it includes 5 Client Access Licenses.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Platinum Edition (Unlimited Users) 3 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-PLAT-R3+SUP-EXT


Workspace - 1 Client Access License (CAL) 3 Year Subscription Renewal (Min Qty: 8)

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CAL-R3+SUP-EXT敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284373

授权与交付方式 $ 158.75 加入购物车最低订购数: 8

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The CAL, or Client Access License, is a user subscription allowing you to connect directly to the Devolutions Password Server through Devolutions web application. Please note that only password management is currently available with the web-based Devolutions Password Server application.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Devolutions Server 2024.x - Premium Support - New Timed License - 1 Year Subscription

Subscription must be renewed to continue to use the software. Requires Remote Desktop Manager or Password Vault Manager Licenses.

Team Edition (Up to 15 Users) 1 Year Server Subscription (Min Qty: 3)

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-SBE-N1+SUP-PRE敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284378

授权与交付方式 $ 612.49 加入购物车最低订购数: 3

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The TeamEdition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 15 users. It also includes 5 Client Access Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Enterprise Edition (Up to 50 Users) 1 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CORP-N1+SUP-PRE敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284379

授权与交付方式 $ 2,449.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The Enterprise Edition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 50 users and it includes 5 Client Access Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Platinum Edition (Unlimited Users) 1 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-PRE-N1+SUP-PRE


1 Devolutions Launcher Single User 1 Year Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DCL-S1-N1+SUP-PRE敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284397

授权与交付方式 $ 244.98 加入购物车最低订购数: 9

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The Devolutions Launcher License, is a user subscription allowing users to securely launch remote sessions directly from their web browser. Devolutions Launcer requires you already own Devolutions Password Server (DPS) Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Launcher Serial Number

Workspace - 1 Client Access License (CAL) 1 Year Subscription (Min Qty: 21)

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CAL-N1+SUP-PRE敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284377

授权与交付方式 $ 61.24 加入购物车最低订购数: 21

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The CAL, or Client Access License, is a user subscription allowing you to connect directly to the Devolutions Password Server through Devolutions web application. Please note that only password management is currently available with the web-based Devolutions Password Server application.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Devolutions Server 2024.x - Premium Support - New Timed License - 3 Years Subscription

Subscription must be renewed to continue to use the software. Requires Remote Desktop Manager or Password Vault Manager Licenses.

Team Edition (Up to 15 Users) 3 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-SBE-N3+SUP-PRE敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284382

授权与交付方式 $ 1,653.74 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The TeamEdition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 15 users. It also includes 5 Client Access Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Enterprise Edition (Up to 50 Users) 3 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CORP-N3+SUP-PRE敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284383

授权与交付方式 $ 6,614.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The Enterprise Edition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 50 users and it includes 5 Client Access Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Platinum Edition (Unlimited Users) 3 Year Server Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-PRE-N3+SUP-PRE


1 Devolutions Launcher Single User 3 Year Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DCL-S1-N3+SUP-PRE敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284398

授权与交付方式 $ 661.46 加入购物车最低订购数: 4

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The Devolutions Launcher License, is a user subscription allowing users to securely launch remote sessions directly from their web browser. Devolutions Launcer requires you already own Devolutions Password Server (DPS) Licenses.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Launcher Serial Number

Workspace - 1 Client Access License (CAL) 3 Year Subscription (Min Qty: 8)

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CAL-N3+SUP-PRE敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284381

授权与交付方式 $ 165.37 加入购物车最低订购数: 8

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The CAL, or Client Access License, is a user subscription allowing you to connect directly to the Devolutions Password Server through Devolutions web application. Please note that only password management is currently available with the web-based Devolutions Password Server application.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Serial Number

Devolutions Server 2024.x - Premium Support - Timed License Renewal - 1 Year Subscription

Subscription must be renewed to continue to use the software. Requires Remote Desktop Manager or Password Vault Manager Licenses.

Team Edition (Up to 15 Users) 1 Year Server Subscription Renewal (Min Qty: 3)

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-SBE-R1+SUP-PRE敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284386

授权与交付方式 $ 612.49 加入购物车最低订购数: 3

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The TeamEdition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 15 users. It also includes 5 Client Access Licenses.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Enterprise Edition (Up to 50 Users) 1 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CORP-R1+SUP-PRE敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284387

授权与交付方式 $ 2,449.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The Enterprise Edition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 50 users and it includes 5 Client Access Licenses.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Platinum Edition (Unlimited Users) 1 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-PRE-R1+SUP-PRE


Workspace - 1 Client Access License (CAL) 1 Year Subscription Renewal (Min Qty: 21)

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CAL-R1+SUP-PRE敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284385

授权与交付方式 $ 61.24 加入购物车最低订购数: 21

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year. The CAL, or Client Access License, is a user subscription allowing you to connect directly to the Devolutions Password Server through Devolutions web application. Please note that only password management is currently available with the web-based Devolutions Password Server application.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Devolutions Server 2024.x - Premium Support - Timed License Renewal - 3 Years Subscription

Subscription must be renewed to continue to use the software. Requires Remote Desktop Manager or Password Vault Manager Licenses.

Team Edition (Up to 15 Users) 3 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-SBE-R3+SUP-PRE敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284390

授权与交付方式 $ 1,653.74 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The TeamEdition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 15 users. It also includes 5 Client Access Licenses.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Enterprise Edition (Up to 50 Users) 3 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CORP-R3+SUP-PRE敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284391

授权与交付方式 $ 6,614.99 加入购物车

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The Enterprise Edition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 50 users and it includes 5 Client Access Licenses.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Platinum Edition (Unlimited Users) 3 Year Server Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-PRE-R3+SUP-PRE


Workspace - 1 Client Access License (CAL) 3 Year Subscription Renewal (Min Qty: 8)

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-CAL-R3+SUP-PRE敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1284389

授权与交付方式 $ 165.37 加入购物车最低订购数: 8

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. This License is for three (3) years and has to be renewed every three (3) years. The CAL, or Client Access License, is a user subscription allowing you to connect directly to the Devolutions Password Server through Devolutions web application. Please note that only password management is currently available with the web-based Devolutions Password Server application.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions Server Renewal Serial Number

Devolutions Modules

Subscription must be renewed to continue to use the software.

1 User License - Devolutions DVLS Gateway Module - 1 Year Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-GAT1敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1392664

授权与交付方式 $ 97.99 加入购物车

Devolutions DVLS Gateway Module is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions DVLS Gateway Module

1 User License - Privileged Access Management Module - 1 Year Subscription

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-PAM1敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1392665

授权与交付方式 $ 97.99 加入购物车

Privileged Access Management Module is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year.

After successfully placing your order your details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the software will be generated for you. The serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Privileged Access Management Module

1 User License - Devolutions DVLS Gateway Module - 1 Year Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-GAT1敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1536540

授权与交付方式 $ 97.99 加入购物车

Devolutions DVLS Gateway Module is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Devolutions DVLS Gateway Module

1 User License - Privileged Access Management Module - 1 Year Subscription Renewal

原厂厂家的产品编号: DVLS-PAM1敝公司的产品编号: CS-553922-1536541

授权与交付方式 $ 97.99 加入购物车

Privileged Access Management Module is subscription-based. This License is for one (1) year and has to be renewed every year.


After your entitlement to the renewal has been successfully verified, your order details will be automatically registered with the publisher and a serial number to unlock the latest version of the software will be generated for you. The new serial number and download instructions will be sent to you by email.

  • Privileged Access Management Module

Devolutions Server 许可

Devolutions Password Server is subscription-based. You can subscribe for one (1) year or three (3) years at a time. It has to be renewed every year depending on your subscription plan.

Devolutions Password Server does not include any client licenses of Remote Desktop Manger or Password Vault. However, if you wish to use Devolutions Password Server web-based solution to manage passwords only, there are 5 CALs (Client Access Licenses) included in the Team and Enterprise Server subscriptions.

The CAL, or Client Access License, is a user subscription allowing you to connect directly to the Devolutions Password Server through the web application. Please note that only password management is currently available with the web-based Devolutions Password Server application.

The Team Edition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Password Server for up to 15 users. It also includes 5 Client Access Licenses.

The Enterprise Edition subscription allows you to create one instance of Devolutions Server for up to 50 users and it includes 5 Client Access Licenses.

The Platinum Edition subscription allows you to create unlimited instances of Devolutions Server for an unlimited number of users - Please contact us for a quote.

Standard Support Includes:

  • Normal priority support
  • 24/7 access to our forum and documentation
  • Online Forum Support
  • Email Support
  • Live Chat Support

Extended Support Includes:

  • High priority support
  • 24/7 access to our forum and documentation
  • Online Forum Support
  • Email Support
  • Live Chat Support
  • Phone Support

Premium Support Includes:

  • Highest priority support
  • 24/7 access to our forum and documentation
  • Online Forum Support
  • Email Support
  • Live Chat Support
  • Phone Support
  • 24/7 Email & Online Forum support
  • 24/7 VIP access to Customer Portal
  • VIP dedicated direct Slack or Teams Channel
  • Dedicated Customer Success Manager
  • Consulting, security guidance and training (6h / year)
  • Support Entitlement

Please note: Extended Support and Premium Support is only available with transactions of USD $1,000 and more (The minimum quantity will be added to your cart to meet this requirement).
