DevExpress WinForms 20.2.4

Released: Dec 3, 2020

20.2.4 中的更新


All WinForms products

  • Data Library - The CriteriaOperator.ToString method returns a result that is incompatible with the Parse method if an operator contains a PositiveInfinity or NegativeInfinity value.
  • Editors don't increase their size in Touch UI mode in modern SVG skins on high DPI screens.
  • ListSourceDataController selects empty data when CriteriaOperator contains duplicate subexpressions along with the Concat function or the In operator in certain scenarios.
  • Serialization - The "isnull" and "isnkey" parameters are case dependent.
  • SvgImageCollection - The Edit Collection editor is displayed outside visible boundaries of screens.
  • TreeList - Built-in checkboxes and expand/collapse buttons are not scaled in the Flat style.

MVVM Framework

  • A memory leak occurs on using the MVVMContextCommandFluentAPI.After() method.

PDF Viewer

  • PdfViewer shows the splash screen on control initialization.
  • Rendering - A page with an unknown command in the command stream cannot be rendered.
  • Rendering - CFF fonts that contain the 'Format 2' charset cannot be rendered.
  • Rendering - It's impossible to print a document if it contains fill geometry whose transformation matrix has a determinant close to zero.
  • Rendering - Metrics for non-embedded fonts are obtained incorrectly.

WinForms Demos

  • Demo Clinic Dental - Calendar Error when clicking on the image of the floating panel.

XtraBars Suite

  • A document caption is not updated when it is set in the QueryControl event handler.
  • AdornerUIManager - NullReferenceException is thrown when the parent UserControl is disposed of.
  • BarItems in ToolbarForm do not refresh their state after modifying properties.
  • DockManager - The Dock command is not shown in DockPanel's context menu.
  • DockManager - An exception occurs if auto hidden Panels are pinned on expanding.
  • DockManager - The size of the panel header in Auto-Hidden mode is incorrect.
  • DocumentManager - A document can be closed via the taskbar thumbnail when the AllowClose property is set to false.
  • DocumentManager - Loading indicator appearance changed after upgrade to 20.1.
  • FluentDesignForm - The form header's colorized area has incorrect boundaries in RTL mode.
  • Gallery Control - NullReferenceException occurs when the control is right-clicked at design time.
  • GalleryControl - An item's image disappears on dragging the item.
  • Inspect.exe does not recognize BarButtonItem's drop-down button.
  • NavigationFrame buttons are incorrectly painted in the designer when the Microsoft Office 2010 Black theme is used.
  • Overlay Form's animation is slow on big resolutions.
  • PopupMenu is shown and immediately closed when BarManager is created in code.
  • RibbonControl - Win App UI Recorder cannot recognize items of the BarSubItem element.
  • RibbonForm's Text is duplicated each time the designer is opened.
  • SchedulerControl - ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception is thrown when ActiveView is changed to YearView and the LimitInterval property is set to a maximum value.
  • StandaloneBarDockControl - The AutoSize function does not work when the UseWholeRow option is enabled.
  • SvgImage - Lines without the stroke attribute are drawn with the black color.
  • TabbedView - Background of the floating dock window does not change on changing a skin.
  • TabForm - Controls on inactive pages are incorrectly scaled in high-DPI environment.
  • The Tools label in BarManager's Customization form is shown incorrectly in the Dutch culture.
  • TileNavPane - The TileNavElement.TileImage property does not allow Svg images.
  • Tile's "Properties" property is visible on the events tab in the VS Property Grid.
  • Tooltips are not displayed for BarItems placed into GalleryDropDown.
  • WidgetView - A document's control is not shown when this document is restored.
  • WindowsUI search panel - String reference not set to an instance of a String.
  • XtraTabbedMdiManager - The control box buttons of tab headers are painted incorrectly.
  • XtraTabbedMdiManager - The floating form is displayed incorrectly when detaching the last tab and HeaderLocation = Left.

XtraCharts Suite

  • An unhandled error (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) occurs in PaneLayout = Grid mode when hiding panes at runtime.
  • An unhandled exception is thrown on panning an empty pane with a touch gesture.
  • Export to SVG - Waterfall Series is displayed with misaligned connecting lines.
  • Hit Testing - A Constant Line element cannot be determined when the ConstantLine.RuntimeMoving property is set to True.
  • Incorrect FilterString in a XRChart control with a data filter after updating a report.
  • Layout Serialization - ChartControl incorrectly loads point arguments depending on certain culture settings.
  • Polar area series displays borders although they are disabled in certain cases.
  • Some chart strings are not translated.
  • The CalcHitInfo method crashes after a hotfix is installed.
  • Unable to obtain view icon/image for certain ViewTypes (3D Spline Area, 3D Full-Stacked Spline Area and 3D Stacked Spline Area).
  • WinForms Dashboard - Hand cursor is too small on 200 DPI.


  • An error occurs during DirectX rendering when DiagramControl loads a document.
  • Connectors that aren't connected to any shape are resized incorrectly.
  • Diagram connectors in the tree layout are misaligned when ConnectorsSeparationMode is set to AllLines.
  • InvalidOperationException is thrown in DiagramControl after copying all items and pasting them into a new diagram.
  • The ConvertIdToCommandString method throws an exception in certain cases.
  • The Toolbox element for DiagramControl searches and filters items with a delay.

XtraEditors Library

  • AdornerUIManager - NullReferenceException is thrown when the parent UserControl is disposed of.
  • AdvancedEditMode cannot be used when an editor is located in LayoutControl.
  • AdvancedModeOptions label is not localizable.
  • ArgumentNullException when setting an editor mask in GridView.ShownEditorError upon upgrading to v20.2.
  • Bar Code Control with the Data Matrix symbology - Add API methods to obtain effective Data Matrix size.
  • BarManager - The Sub & Popup Menus designer works incorrectly.
  • DateEdit - AdvancedMode - Editor selects an incorrect value after opening a popup.
  • DateEdit - The e.NewValue event parameter has the DateTimeMaskValueEnvelope type in the EditValueChanging event handler.
  • DateEdit's displayed text isn't cleared when EditValue is set to Null and WindowsFormsSettings.UseAdvancedTextEdit is enabled.
  • DockManager - The Dock command is not shown in DockPanel's context menu.
  • DocumentManger - Width of Tabs is incorrect in the latest hotfix of v20.1.8.
  • DropDownButton - The arrow does not use a skin background when the DropDownArrowStyle property is set to Show.
  • Fluent Design Form - BarEditItem cannot display a *.gif image in QAT.
  • GridLookupEdit - NullReferenceException is thrown when a form is closed in the EditValueChanged event handler.
  • GridLookUpEdit - Popup isn't displayed when a value is pasted using the Ctrl+V key combination.
  • GroupControl - The CustomButtonClick event fires for the disabled button.
  • ImageListBoxControl - It's impossible to specify searchable columns using the RepositoryItemSearchControl.SearchByMembers property.
  • ListBoxControl - The QueryIsSearchColumn event of a bound SearchControl editor does not fire during search.
  • Mask in SearchControl removes previously entered characters and throws NullReferenceException on an attempt to delete all text.
  • Masks do not work starting with v.20.2.
  • MemoEdit - The CalcAutoHeight method returns -1 when the AdvancedTextEdit mode is used.
  • MemoEdit - The InvalidOperationException is thrown when LabelAppearance is used.
  • MemoEdit - The SelectionStart property returns a wrong index if the cursor is not in the first line and AdvancedTextEdit mode is used.
  • MemoEdit - There is no way to focus the last line using the mouse or the arrow down.
  • MRUEdit - The Delete button is missing in PerMonitorV2 mode.
  • NavigationFrame buttons are incorrectly painted in the designer when the Office 2010 Black theme is used.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown in RepositoryItemTokenEdit on adding tokens at runtime.
  • NullText is not displayed in LookupEdit in advanced edit mode when AutoSuggest is used.
  • Page selectors (dots) in SvgSkinPaletteSelector are too small to be used on touch devices.
  • Performance degradation can be observed when using specific skins in the latest hotfix of v20.1.8.
  • PrintableComponentLink throws NullReferenceException if DisplayFormat of a column is set.
  • SearchLookUpEdit does not show its label in Advanced mode.
  • Setting EditValue on a BarEditItem does not work on a manually merged ribbon on the 3rd or deeper ribbon.
  • SuperTip - An SVG image is scaled incorrectly on using PerMonitorDpiAware.
  • SVG Images - ArgumentException is thrown on using images with small scaling values of the transform property.
  • TablePanel doesn't take into account the SvgImageBox control's MinimumSize.
  • TextEdit - A label doesn't change its color when the ReadOnly property is changed at runtime.
  • TextEdit - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown on typing text after an editor value is cleared.
  • TextEdit - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when canceling the previous value in the EditValueChanging event handler.
  • TextEdit - Changing a font in code does not work when the AdvancedTextEdit mode is enabled.
  • TextEdit - Ctrl+shift shortcut does not work with the AdvancedTextEdit mode.
  • TextEdit - EditValue is set to DbNull after text is cleared when UseAdvancedMode is enabled.
  • TextEdit - The caret is incorrectly positioned when text is centered and the AdvancedTextEdit mode is used.
  • TextEdit - The control is not updated in the designer after enabling the UseAdvancedMode property.
  • TextEdit - The Ctrl + Backspace shortcut doesn't work when using AdvancedMode.
  • TextEdit - The culture set at the mask level is not applied.
  • TextEdit - The LabelAppearance property is ignored when UseDirectXPaint is enabled.
  • TextEdit - The MaxLength property is ignored when the UseAdvancedMode option is enabled.
  • TextEdit - The Shift + Left Click shortcut doesn't work when AdvancedMode is applied.
  • TextEdit - The TabStop property does not work when the Advanced mode is enabled.
  • TextEdit - There is no way to customize appearance of Label text in Advanced Mode.
  • TextEdit does not show NullText in Advanced mode.
  • TextEdit overlaps other LayoutControlItems when a label is shown in advanced mode.
  • TextEdit with Advanced Mode - The first character typed with the Shift key is selected and replaced with the next typed character.
  • The DateTimeAdvancingCaret mask is ignored in v20.2.3.
  • The DropDownButton image has an incorrect position in the text area in RightToLeft mode.
  • The NullReferenceException occurs when an SVG image has a "use" tag.
  • The Text property contains the previous value in the EditValueChanged event handler when WindowsFormsSettings.UseAdvancedTextEdit is enabled and TextEdit and ButtonEdit have a mask.
  • TimeEdit(Advanced Mode) - It's impossible to change an edit value using editor buttons.
  • TimeSpanEdit - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when clearing the editor value and the AllowNullInput option is enabled.
  • TimeSpanEdit - Incorrect values are displayed in popup when MinValue and MaxValue are set, hh:mm mask is applied and a big value is assigned to the TimeSpan property.
  • TimeSpanEdit - Setting MaskSettings.InputMode to Restricted doesn't limit the largest mask part value.
  • TimeSpanEdit - The popup form does not take the TouchUIMinuteIncrement property value into account.
  • TokenEdit - The "InvalidPropertyPathException: 'Can't find property 'Description'' error occurs when the EditMode property is set to Manual.
  • TrackBarControl - Labels are not visible enough in dark skins and palettes.
  • TreeListLookUpEdit - NullReferenceException in UpdateMaskBoxPropertiesCore when UseAdvancedTextEdit is enabled.
  • XtraForm - Form size is enlarged on reopening the form designer if the Form.ControlBox option is disabled.
  • XtraInputBox - An image from HtmlImages is not painted.
  • XtraTabControl does not respond when page selection is canceled and the AllowTransition property is set to True.

XtraGrid Suite

  • A previous cell value is displayed when a row loses focus if the DirectX acceleration is enabled.
  • A search in CustomizationForm does not hide extra items when the UseAdvancedCustomizationForm feature is enabled in XAF.
  • BandedGridView - There is no way to access a hidden band at design time.
  • DevExpress controls disappear if the application is left open for a long time.
  • GridControl - New Customization Form doesn't take ColumnPanelRowHeight into account.
  • GridView - An application freezes on restoring a layout.
  • GridView - Applied filter is reset when changing column visibility in Column Chooser.
  • GridView - CheckBox is not clipped and is drawn in the next column when column width is smaller than CheckBox width.
  • GridView - CustomizationForm does not scale correctly when dragged to another monitor.
  • GridView - Expression editor generates duplicated fields if the DataColumn.Caption property is used for columns in a bound DataTable.
  • GridView - FindPanel has an incorrect background color when the Metropolis skin is used.
  • GridView - Rows are not redrawn in v20.2.3.20328 of DevExpressNETComponentsSetup.
  • GridView - Text selection is not visible when EnableAppearanceFocusedCell is set to false and UseAdvancedTextEdit is set to true.
  • GridView - The HotTrackedRow appearance is not applied when using the dark Basic skin.
  • GridView's PrintPreview doesn't display group rows separators when AllowPartialGroups is set to True.
  • InvalidProgramException is thrown in DevExpress.Utils.Drawing.ControlPaintHelper.XPaintEventArgs after installing DevExpress v20.2.3-ctp Microsoft .NET 5.
  • LayoutView - The CardMinSize property value is not taken into account in the view designer.
  • Logical operators in RTL are not flipped.
  • Only the focused row is exported when CheckBoxSelectorField is used.
  • PrintableComponentLink - NullReferenceException is thrown when the DisplayFormat.FormatType property of a column is set to Custom.
  • PrintableComponentLink throws NullReferenceException if DisplayFormat of a column is set.
  • The "Expand" button is not visible for GridView GroupRow when the Bezier skin is applied.
  • The Find Panel color doesn't match the Group Control color when Find Panel is located in Group Header.
  • TileView - A group in the Kanban board is scrolled when a large tile is clicked.
  • TileView - A group scrollbar overlaps tiles in Kanban mode.
  • TileView - Scrollbar position in Kanban mode is incorrect when dragging an application between screens.
  • TileView - The focused tile is changed despite the value of the Allow parameter in the BeforeLeaveRow event.
  • TileView - The TileViewInfoCore.VisibleItems property is not accessible due to its protection level.
  • WinExplorerViewHitInfo.ItemInfo.Row.RowHandle returns an incorrect value when Cursor hovers over the empty space in a group.
  • XtraGrid - How to customize the Appearance of the "blue line" when AllowPartialGroups is enabled.
  • XtraGrid - How to customize the height of the "blue line" when AllowPartialGroups is enabled.
  • XtraGrid - Multiple rows can be highlighted on scrolling when the DirectX hardware is enabled.

XtraLayout Suite

  • An unhandled designer exception is thrown on editing TablePanel.
  • AppearanceItemCaptionDisabled does not take the settings of AppearanceItemCaption into account.
  • AppearanceItemCaptionDisabled is used when a SplashForm with the ParentFormState.Locked parameter is displayed.
  • It's impossible to change the minimum size calculation mode for a layout control item.
  • LayoutControl doesn't always reflect changes immediately when the Padding property is reset.
  • LayoutView - The application looses focus after renaming an item in the Customization Form.
  • RangeControl cannot be resized in LayoutControl.
  • StackPanel - Control settings are not available in a successor of the control's parent form.
  • TextEdit overlaps other LayoutControlItems when a label is shown in advanced mode.
  • The LayoutControl.RestoreLayoutFromXML method ignores the XtraForm.LookAndFeel.TouchUIMode property value.


  • MbTilesDataProvider - Tiles are rendered with artifacts in certain situations.

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • NullReferenceException is thrown on editing pivot pre-filter criteria in XtraReport.
  • Performance degradation when iterating through fields and changing their Summary type in a cycle.
  • Pivot Grid - Incompatible collapsed state upon changing the data processing engine.
  • PivotGridControl incorrectly applies conditional formatting rules with Expressions in certain cases.

XtraPrinting Library

  • PrintableComponentLink - A previously assigned component cannot be disposed of as its reference is kept by the link.
  • PrintableComponentLink throws NullReferenceException if DisplayFormat of a column is set.
  • Text underlining is rendered incorrectly in the print document displayed in DocumentViewer if this document was merged from multiple RichEditDocumentServers' documents.

XtraReports Suite

  • A PDF file loaded into an XRPdfContent control has wrong orientation in a merged report.
  • ASP.NET Reporting - The "System.InvalidOperationException: Image not found in the document storage." exception is thrown on an attempt to view a report with images obtained by URL.
  • Bar Code Control with the Data Matrix symbology - Add API methods to obtain effective Data Matrix size.
  • Conversion Tool does not convert a Tablix control and formulas with the RTrim and UCase functions from an RDLC report.
  • Data Source Wizard cannot find an object if a project contains a linked JSON file.
  • Document Viewer - InvalidOperationException with the "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute" message may be thrown in the TryGetEditingField method.
  • DocumentViewer - Not all the assemblies that are required for this control are added to the project's References list when this control is dropped to the form.
  • Editing Fields stop working in a merged report in case its PrintOnEmptyDataSource property was disabled.
  • End-User Report Designer - DXResourceDirectory domain property is not used for resolving relative ImageUrls.
  • End-User Report Designer - The tooltip message for Field List nodes does not separate information sections with new lines.
  • Export to DOCX - System.InvalidOperationException is thrown on exporting a nested table that is located in the second or subsequent row in the beginning of a table cell.
  • Export to DOCX - Viewing exported XtraReport copies in Google Docs is not possible due to a broken layout.
  • Export to Image - XRLine is drawn thicker in the Linux Docker environment.
  • GroupHeaderBand - The WholeGroup condition is not satisfied when the footer's GroupUnion is WithLastDetail.
  • Incorrect FilterString in a XRChart control with a data filter after updating a report.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown on editing pivot pre-filter criteria in XtraReport.
  • PageFooter band produces an empty page at the beginning of a document in case XRSubreport with the GenerateOwnPages option is located in the ReportHeader band.
  • Properties set in the constructor cannot be changed in a localized report.
  • Reporting - The DisplayName and Bookmark properties take the Name value at design time but this results in no value taken at runtime.
  • Reporting in Linux - Label text is cut off at a page break.
  • Saving a master report layout to XML produces wrong subreport output if the master report has localization.
  • Text is truncated on applying certain fonts if the XRLabel.AutoWidht option is enabled.
  • The BeforePrint event is raised twice after calling the ExportToPdf method.
  • The DevExpress.XtraReports.Import.RepxConverter.LoadReport method is marked private.
  • The Object Data Source wizard fails to collect assemblies/types for the Visual Studio report designer.
  • The PageSetup form in the Right-to-left mode has an incorrect layout.
  • WinForms Dashboard - It is impossible to edit the Join rule in the federation data source.
  • XRCrossTabCell.Text expression cannot be edited in End-User Report Designer.
  • XRShape - Borders are drawn incorrectly after changing the LineWidth property.
  • XRTable - A table row height is increased after a cell is removed at runtime after an upgrade to v20.2.
  • XtraReport - CrossTab Report does not save the text values of some labels.


  • ActiveX controls are lost when a document is saved.
  • Document Layout - System.NullReferenceException is thrown on an attempt to delete the last page that contains only footnotes.
  • Editing - Microsoft Pinyin IME behaves incorrectly after opening the IME in RichEditControl and switching the input focus between two RichEditControls.
  • Export to DOC - Table borders are lost after exporting a document.
  • Export to HTML - The DevExpress.Office.Utils.OfficeImage.Uri property returns an empty string in the IUriProviderService.CreateImageUri method.
  • Export to RTF - NullReferenceException is thrown on obtaining the RtfText property value after loading a specific document.
  • Fields - NullReferenceException on an attempt to update the formula field.
  • High DPI - Images are scaled after importing/pasting HTML content where image size is set in pixels.
  • Import from DOCX - NullReferenceException on an attempt to load a specific document after installing a hotfix.
  • Multithreading - ArgumentException is thrown on opening multiple forms with RichEditControl.
  • RepositoryItemRichTextEdit crashes with NullReferenceException on attempts to format a floating table that exceeds the editor's client area.
  • Shapes - Cropped images in specific documents are processed incorrectly.
  • Tables - RichEditControl incorrectly calculates table column width if the column has cells merged vertically and the merged cells have different width.
  • UI - Layout of the 'Customize Outline Numbered List' form is incorrect if a non-default font and localization are applied.
  • UI - The "Customize Bulleted List" dialog does not apply a custom bullet symbol.

XtraScheduler Suite

  • DateNavigationBar overlaps some items when SchedulerControl is resized.
  • Demo Clinic Dental - Calendar Error when clicking on the image of the floating panel.
  • InvalidCastException occurs on setting GanttView.ResourceHeight.
  • Non-all day weekly/monthly/yearly recurring events are created at the wrong time when SchedulerStorage.TimeZoneId is set to a non-UTC time zone.
  • RecurrenceForm - The error is displayed when setting the end date to today.
  • Resources in Scheduler aren't hidden when searching is performed via the FindPanel in ResourcesTree.
  • ResourcesTree - Resources are not synchronized in certain skins (Office 2019 White, etc.).
  • SchedulerControl - ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception is thrown when ActiveView is changed to YearView and the LimitInterval property is set to a maximum value.
  • SchedulerControl - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when scrolling TimeLineView.
  • SchedulerControl - NullReferenceException is thrown on invoking the labels menu populated from a data source.
  • SchedulerControl - There is no way to cancel the drop operation in the AppointmentDrop event when using the OccurrenceCalculator class with the TimeRegion object.
  • The "End by Date" option generates an incorrect number of occurrences when SchedulerStorage.TimeZoneID is set to a non-default zone.
  • The AppointmentChanged event does not fire for a custom field when data is synchronized.
  • TimelineView - The resource scrollbar position changes when the view is scrolled to show an appointment.
  • XtraSchedulerReport - Appointment is not printed if its label color is empty.


  • KeyNotFoundException is thrown on an attempt to remove a particular array formula.
  • Microsoft Excel displays an error in an attempt to paste a cell with a comment copied in SpreadsheetControl.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown on an attempt to move a cell outside the visible boundaries of SpreadsheetControl.
  • Spreadsheet - Conditional Formatting Rules containing custom formulas are not re-calculated on printing a document.
  • System.IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when hiding all rows in a worksheet.
  • The macro certificate is lost after resaving an XLSM document containing a signed macro.
  • Usability - There is no API to obtain the local number format.
  • Usability - There is no public API to retrieve names of selected worksheets.

XtraTreeList Suite

  • All nodes are expanded when the EntireBranch filter mode is used.
  • Custom filtering works incorrectly after an upgrade to v20.1.7.
  • TreeList - A row height can be less than the minimum value when the application uses a small font size and the RowHeight property is specified.
  • TreeList - An ArgumentOutOfRange exception is thrown when re-setting the DataSource of the TreeList with the NewItemRow positioned on the bottom.
  • TreeList - Only nodes that are currently visible are dragged when InsertNodesInSelectionOrder is disabled.
  • TreeList - The vertical scrollbar is not scrolled to the bottom if the TopVisibleNodeIndex property is set to the last node and the CalcNodeHeight event is used.
  • TreeList - TreeListOptionsCustomization.AllowColumnMoving does not disable CustomizationForm.
  • TreeList - Two items are displayed after a drag-and-drop operation.
  • TreeList - ValidateNode isn't raised when a new node is added via NewItemRow.
  • TreeList doesn't reflect changes made in the underlying data source in VirtualMode.


  • Usability - There is no capability to determine the screen location and boundaries of a tree map item.

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • PropertyGridControl - Control applies the PasswordPropertyText attribute to all properties.
  • PropertyGridControl - Row appearance settings are not in effect in a printed document.
  • PropertyGridControl doesn't display an error if a custom UIType editor is used and the Required attribute is assigned to the target field.
  • VGridControl - A tooltip is not shown when it is set by the row's ToolTip property.
  • VGridControl - Captions of newly added rows in the Customization Form are truncated.
  • VGridControl - Error tooltips are displayed in grid cells though these tooltips do not relate to the active editor.