FusionCharts XT

用于动态 web 应用程序的 JavaScript (HTML5) 企业级图表和图形。


价格从: $ 77.42


Please note that FusionCharts new licenses are available as part of FusionCharts Suite

FusionCharts Suite is available as an Annual and Perpetual licenses.

FusionCharts XT 关于

用于动态 web 应用程序的 JavaScript (HTML5) 企业级图表和图形。

FusionCharts XT is an industry leading JavaScript charting component. Leveraging the power of JavaScript (HTML5), FusionCharts XT functions seamlessly on PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones and a majority of other mobile devices. It is a perfect addition to your reports, dashboards, surveys, monitors and analytics. Its comprehensive range of chart types with smart reporting capabilities, animations and interactivity are bound to make your apps look stunning and power-packed. It works with both JSON & XML data, and can integrate with any server-side technology (ASP.NET, PHP, Python, Java, Ruby on Rails etc.) and database you use. With the extensive documentation and readymade demos it offers, you will need just 15 minutes to create your first chart. FusionCharts XT is the trusted charting component of over 21,000 customers, including a majority of Fortune 500 companies, and 450,000 developers in over 118 countries.

Advantages of Using FusionCharts XT:
Using FusionCharts XT, you can quickly and easily render delightful charts for your end users.

The same delight across devices, browsers and platforms
PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones or Android devices, FusionCharts XT brings the same delight to all of them. It works with all your web and mobile applications that are rendered within a browser, including even IE6. Who says the web is fragmented?

The industry's most comprehensive charting library with over 90 chart types
Why use a column chart when a Bubble chart is what you need? Incorrect chart types lead to incorrect analysis, which in turn lead to incorrect business decisions. Your users deserve better. FusionCharts XT brings you over 45 chart types right from the basic Column, Line, and Pie charts to the more advanced Bubble, Pareto and Zoom Line Charts.

Rich interactivity, powerful reporting, happy users
Tooltips, clickable legend keys, easy drill-down, effortless zooming and scrolling, one-click chart export and print gives your users all the capabilities they expect from a modern-day business app.

Charts in both 2D and 3D
Depending on your users' taste, you can either go glam with 3D charts or stay simple yet elegant with the 2D charts.

Choose a data format that suits you -- JSON or XML
FusionCharts XT supports both JSON and XML data formats. So when you are integrating the charts with other JavaScript frameworks, JSON is an ideal choice. And when you are working with server-side business applications, XML becomes more convenient with its verbose nature.

Automated export to JPG, PNG and PDF
Creating an information portal or business monitoring dashboard? Surely your users would like to export the charts for their presentations or emails. Enable export to JPG, PNG and PDF programmatically, or through user interaction.

Native integration with jQuery
Using the new FusionCharts jQuery plugin, you can use the jQuery syntax to build the charts. Add a chart anywhere within a web page, change the chart type, update and retrieve chart data, update functional and cosmetic settings and much more.

Chart Types Supported by FusionCharts XT:

Single Series Charts

  • Column 2D
  • Column 3D
  • Line 2D
  • Area 2D
  • Bar 2D
  • Bar 3D
  • Pie 2D
  • Pie 3D
  • Doughnut 2D
  • Doughnut 3D
  • Pareto 2D
  • Pareto 3D

Multi-series Charts

  • Multi-series Column 2D
  • Multi-series Column 3D
  • Multi-series Line 2D
  • Multi-series Bar 2D
  • Multi-series Bar 3D
  • Overlapped Column 2D
  • Overlapped Bar 2D
  • Multi-series Area 2D
  • Marimekko
  • Zoom Line
  • Zoom Line DY

Stacked Charts

  • Stacked Column 2D
  • Stacked Column 3D
  • Stacked Bar 2D
  • Stacked Bar 3D
  • Stacked Area 2D
  • Multi-series Stacked  Bar 2D
  • Multi-series Stacked Column 2D

Combination Charts

  • Multi-series 2D Single Y Combination Chart (Column + Line + Area)
  • Multi-series 3D Single Y Combination Chart (Column + Line + Area)
  • Multi-series Column 3D + Line - Single Y Axis
  • Stacked Column2D + Line single Y Axis
  • Stacked Column3D + Line single Y Axis
  • Stacked Area + Line Dual Y Axis
  • Multi-series 2D Dual Y Combination Chart (Column + Line + Area)
  • Multi-series 3D Dual Y Combination Chart (Column + Line + Area)
  • Multi-series Column 3D + Line - Dual Y Axis
  • Stacked Column 3D + Line Dual Y Axis
  • Multi-series Stacked Column 2D + Line Dual Y Axis

XY Plot Charts

  • Scatter Chart
  • Zoom Scatter Chart
  • Bubble Chart

Scroll Charts

  • Scroll Column 2D
  • Scroll Bar 2D
  • Scroll Line 2D
  • Scroll Area 2D
  • Scroll Stacked Column 2D
  • Scroll Stacked Bar 2D
  • Scroll Combination 2D (Single Y)
  • Scroll Combination 2D (Dual Y)
  • Scroll Multi-series Stacked Column 2D + Line Dual Y Axis
  • Scroll Multi-series Stacked Column 2D