IPWorks SSH Delphi Edition

IPWorks SSH allows developers to rapidly build SSH secured applications including secure file transfer, secure remote login, secure email, and more. IPWorks SSH includes full support for Secure Shell (SSH) and other security features like strong 3DES encryption, message integrity checking and secure secret key exchange. The included components are very easy to use, with a uniform, intuitive and extensible design.

IPWorks SSH is a suite of Secure Shell (SSH) enabled components for Internet development. Developers can build SSH secured apps using tools including a generic SSH component, Secure FTP (SFTP / SCP), SExec, SSHTunnel, etc.

  • Support for SSH version 2.0.
  • Security features include strong encryption algorithms such as AES GCM, ChaCha20-Poly1305, and many more. Message integrity checking, secure secret key exchange, and ECDH SSH key exchange algorithms.
  • Easy to use SSH-enabled components supporting...


用 /n software 在 RAD Studio 12 Athens 中构建通信应用程序
用 /n software 在 RAD Studio 12 Athens 中构建通信应用程序
November 14, 2023Publisher Update
/n software 在其整个 Delphi 产品系列中添加对 RAD Studio 12 的支持。
IPWorks SSH 2022 (22.0.8669)
IPWorks SSH 2022 (22.0.8669)
October 2, 2023新版本
添加对新的通用哈希函数 MAC(UMAC)算法的支持。
IPWorks SSH 2022
IPWorks SSH 2022
October 19, 2022新版本
用新的高级密码和内部审核提高了 FIPS 合规性。
/n software 更新 SSH 版本
/n software 更新 SSH 版本
June 6, 2022新版本
IPWorks 产品现在包括对 SHA-256 公钥算法的支持。
IPWorks SSH Delphi Edition 2020 (20.0.8162)
IPWorks SSH Delphi Edition 2020 (20.0.8162)
May 20, 2022新版本
添加对 Embarcadero Delphi 11.1 的支持以及对 SHA-256 公钥算法的支持。
IPWorks SSH Delphi Edition 2020 (20.0.7930)
IPWorks SSH Delphi Edition 2020 (20.0.7930)
September 22, 2021新版本
添加对 Embarcadero Delphi 11 Alexandria 的支持。

价格从: $ 767.04

Developer License - A non-assignable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, worldwide right and license for the number of Developer(s) indicated in the Order Form to install the Software on any number of...

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作为官方和授权的代理商,ComponentSource 为你提供/n software的正版授权。
Component Type
  • Native Delphi VCL Components

