List & Label Professional Reporting Edition

List & Label is a reporting solution for all major development platforms, providing a powerful reporting engine, a flexible API and a feature-rich report designer. Just a few lines of code are needed to embed List & Label in your desktop, web or cloud application. It allows the users of your app or yourself to easily create, view, export and print customized reports with endless possibilities like subreports, simple lists, multi-tables, crosstabs, charts, gauges, maps, shapefiles and much more. As one of the most comprehensive report generators on the market, List & Label offers an unprecedented level of flexibility in regards to supported programming languages, data sources and export formats and saves you up to 50% development time.

List & Label is performant, flexible and easy to use.

Klaus Mueller, Lear Corporation, Germany

List & Label Professional Reporting Edition
List & Label is available in three editions: Standard, Professional and Enterprise. The Professional Edition is based on an annual subscription which includes service packs and maintenance with access to major version updates. Direct manufacturer support is provided for free via forum, phone or support portal including remote support. Compare the Professional with the Standard or Enterprise Edition in detail here.


  • Seamless integration...


October 18, 2024Product Update
List & Label 30 将向下钻取功能添加到网络报表设计器,从而在报表中为用户按需提供额外内容。
August 2, 2024Product Update
List & Label 29.003 添加高级缓存机制,以减少服务器负载并使数据密集型操作更快、响应更迅速。
用 RAD Studio 12.1 构建 VCL 报表应用程序
用 RAD Studio 12.1 构建 VCL 报表应用程序
April 30, 2024Product Update
List & Label 29.002 允许开发人员使用最新的 RAD Studio 版本设计具有强大报表功能的 VCL 应用程序。
List & Label 29 - Professional Reporting Edition
List & Label 29 - Professional Reporting Edition
October 20, 2023新版本
List & Label 29 - Standard Reporting Edition
List & Label 29 - Standard Reporting Edition
October 20, 2023新版本
List & Label 28.003
List & Label 28.003
June 16, 2023新版本
在 Web 报表设计器中添加新的图表类型,并添加对 Embarcadero RAD Studio 11.3 的支持。

价格从: $ 1,440.72

List & Label is a license for one developer: Individual, non-transferable, for one developer for installation on one computer or alternately for use on one notebook。 Discounts are available for...

List & Label Professional Reporting Edition亦以___提供


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  • . NET WinForms
  • .NET 类
  • ActiveX OCX
  • DLL
  • VCL

