/n software Red Carpet Subscription
由以下开发商制作:/n software
Includes Updates, Upgrades, New Products and Online and Email Technical Support for 1 Year
One Developer, Multiple Workstations 原厂厂家的产品编号: ISUB-R敝公司的产品编号: CS-514600-1415740 |
授权与交付方式 | $ 1,919.04 | 加入购物车 |
The Developer License allows you to install the product on all your development machines provided that you have one license per developer. For example you could install on your computer at work and at home and also on your laptop as long as you are the only developer using the product. Run-time royalty free. The subscription only provides development licenses for EDI AS2, is does not provide production or deployment licenses. After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your Product Key and instructions on how to download your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours. 通过电子邮件交付:
One Developer, Multiple Workstations - Subscription Renewal 原厂厂家的产品编号: ISUB-RR |
咨询价格 |
Includes Updates, Upgrades, New Products, Unlimited Priority Telephone Support and Unlimited Priority email Support for 1 Year
One Developer, Multiple Workstations, Premium Support 原厂厂家的产品编号: ISUB-RP敝公司的产品编号: CS-514600-1498799 |
授权与交付方式 | $ 2,399.04 | 加入购物车 |
The Developer License allows you to install the product on all your development machines provided that you have one license per developer. For example you could install on your computer at work and at home and also on your laptop as long as you are the only developer using the product. Run-time royalty free. The subscription only provides development licenses for EDI AS2, is does not provide production or deployment licenses. After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your Product Key and instructions on how to download your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours. 通过电子邮件交付:
One Developer, Multiple Workstations, Premium Support - Subscription Renewal 原厂厂家的产品编号: ISUB-RPR |
咨询价格 |
Includes Updates, Upgrades, New Products and Online and Email Technical Support for 1 Year
Four Developers, Multiple Workstations 原厂厂家的产品编号: ISUB-RN敝公司的产品编号: CS-514600-1415755 |
授权与交付方式 | $ 5,759.04 | 加入购物车 |
The Developer License allows you to install the product on all your development machines provided that you have one license per developer. For example you could install on your computer at work and at home and also on your laptop as long as you are the only developer using the product. Run-time royalty free. The subscription only provides development licenses for EDI AS2, is does not provide production or deployment licenses. After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your Product Key and instructions on how to download your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours. 通过电子邮件交付:
Four Developers, Multiple Workstations - Subscription Renewal 原厂厂家的产品编号: ISUB-RNR |
咨询价格 |
Includes Updates, Upgrades, New Products, Unlimited Priority Telephone Support and Unlimited Priority email Support for 1 Year
Four Developers, Multiple Workstations, Premium Support 原厂厂家的产品编号: ISUB-RT敝公司的产品编号: CS-514600-1415757 |
授权与交付方式 | $ 7,679.04 | 加入购物车 |
The Developer License allows you to install the product on all your development machines provided that you have one license per developer. For example you could install on your computer at work and at home and also on your laptop as long as you are the only developer using the product. Run-time royalty free. The subscription only provides development licenses for EDI AS2, is does not provide production or deployment licenses. After your order has been processed, you will receive an email with your Product Key and instructions on how to download your software. Orders are usually processed on the same business day within a few hours. 通过电子邮件交付:
Four Developers, Multiple Workstations, Premium Support - Subscription Renewal 原厂厂家的产品编号: ISUB-RTR |
咨询价格 |
Includes Updates, Upgrades, New Products, Unlimited Priority Telephone Support and Unlimited Priority email Support for 1 Year
程序员License允许您在每位程序员拥有一个License的情况下在您所有的开发用机器上安装本产品。 例如,您可以安装在工作用电脑上,也可以安装在家里和手提电脑上,只要您是独享本产品使用权的程序员。
订阅只为EDI AS2提供开发License,而不提供生产或开发License。
现场License- 允许在一个实体建筑内为所有程序员提供一个License & One Premium Support/Media Contact
/n software Red Carpet Subscription 是永久许可证,包括 1 年订阅,允许您获取升级。 如果您选择不续订您的订阅,则保留继续使用您原始订阅期限内发布的最近版本软件的永久权利。
当/n software Red Carpet Subscription订阅过期时,您有权继续使用该软件,但将无权获取将来的任何更新或新版本。 可获得续订以保证持续访问。
可以 - ComponentSource 可以安排统一您的许可证期限,即使这些许可证最初不是通过我们购买的。 请致电我们或给我们发信息,讨论您的需求。
/n software产品提供有订阅和年度维护计划,为许可产品提供持续的升级和更新。 不在当前订阅或维护期限内的旧版本的常规升级不提供。
是的。 请联系我们,讨论您的需求。
高级支持作为年度订阅提供,包括无限制的优先级电子邮件和电话支持,涉及许可、安装、调试、协议问题、编程问题、环境问题以及产品的一般使用。 它还免费提供维护版本更新、获取其它未发布的演示以及有限源代码分析。 如需报价,请联系我们。
首次在计算机上安装产品时,安装程序将自动激活您的产品密钥。 如果自动激活失败,仍可以按照脱机激活说明激活产品。
Red Carpet Subscription包括对当前和以前版本的获取。 /n software不直接销售单个产品的旧版本,但如果需要,随着购买新许可证即可提供降级密钥。 以前的版本按“原样”提供,并且不会获得系统提供的有效支持。 请联系我们,讨论您的需求。
是的。 请使用许可证转让申请表。