ONLYOFFICE Docs Enterprise Edition with Moodle Connector

ONLYOFFICE Docs Enterprise Edition with Moodle Connector allows you to work on all kinds of Office documents within Moodle course structure, a Learning Platform or course management system (CMS). It includes ONLYOFFICE Docs which is a powerful online editor for text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Create complex documents, professional spreadsheets, and stunning presentations. Popular Office and document formats supported: docx, xlsx, pptx, odt, ods, odp, doc, xls, ppt, pdf, txt, rtf, html, epub, csv. Fully compatible with OOXML (Office Open XML) formats. Delight your users by enabling them to edit, share and collaborate on documents online, in-browser, within your own application. Differentiate your offering by re-branding and customizing this incredible editor.


  • Document editing - Multiple styling and formatting tools, objects, table of contents, bookmarks, mail merge, document comparison.
  • Spreadsheet editing - 400+ functions and formulas, table templates, named ranges, charts, equations, Sheet Views, macros.
  • Presentation editing - Wide selection of formatting tools, objects, and style options, transitions, Presenter mode.
  • Form filling - Create and co-edit fillable forms online, let other users fill them in, save forms as PDF files.
  • PDF editing...


October 28, 2024Product Update
ONLYOFFICE Docs v8.2 为循环引用和其它复杂的公式添加迭代计算,否则会产生错误。
用本机 PDF 编辑器直接编辑 PDF 文件中的文本
用本机 PDF 编辑器直接编辑 PDF 文件中的文本
July 3, 2024Product Update
ONLYOFFICE Docs v8.1 添加对使用功能丰富的本机 PDF 编辑器编辑文本的支持,确保更好的用户体验和无缝修改。
使用 DOCXF 模板创建可填写的 PDF 表单
使用 DOCXF 模板创建可填写的 PDF 表单
February 15, 2024Product Update
ONLYOFFICE Docs v8.0 用可以在桌面和移动应用程序中在线完成的自定义表单简化了您的工作流程。
允许用户直接在浏览器中编辑 PDF
允许用户直接在浏览器中编辑 PDF
November 3, 2023Product Update
ONLYOFFICE Docs v7.5 添加一个强大的 PDF 编辑器,使用户能够在 PDF 文档中注释、评论、绘制和填写表单,而无需离开您的应用程序。
ONLYOFFICE Docs v7.5.0
ONLYOFFICE Docs v7.5.0
October 19, 2023新版本
添加支持注释、表单填写、注释和绘图的新 PDF 编辑器。
ONLYOFFICE Docs v7.4.1
ONLYOFFICE Docs v7.4.1
August 1, 2023新版本

价格从: $ 1,470.00

Enterprise Edition Server License (Commercial License, for internal use only), Available on Windows Server/Linux。 ONLYOFFICE Docs with pro features, Mobile web editors, Desktop editors with access to...


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Integration Code Samples for:
  • .NET (C# MVC)
  • .NET (C#)
  • Java
  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • React
  • Angular
  • Vue