Rebex SSH Shell

Rebex SSH Shell component is an SSH shell, tunneling, telnet and ANSI terminal emulation library for .NET languages (such as C# or VB.NET). It makes it easy to execute commands on Unix/Windows SSH or telnet servers and to add terminal emulation capabilities to your applications. All popular SSH or telnet servers are supported.

Rebex SSH Shell Features

  • Execute SSH commands - Use the RunCommand method for executing simple commands. Use the powerful terminal scripting API if you need to script more complex terminal applications.
  • Scriptable headless terminal - Also known as virtual terminal. Great for applications that interact with SSH or telnet servers but don't need to display the actual terminal session. Use the screen scraping API for saving the screen content as an image, text file or HTML file.
  • Connect with SSH...


将先进的通信功能添加到您的 .NET 9 应用程序
将先进的通信功能添加到您的 .NET 9 应用程序
November 18, 2024Product Update
Rebex 7.0.9083 版本添加对 .NET 9 的支持,提供了针对最新 .NET 版本优化的先进的安全和通信功能。
增强了您 .NET 应用中的身份验证安全性
增强了您 .NET 应用中的身份验证安全性
February 26, 2024Product Update
Rebex 产品添加对组合密码和键盘交互身份验证的支持,从而添加了另一个安全级别。
用 .NET 8 创建 Internet 通信和安全应用
用 .NET 8 创建 Internet 通信和安全应用
November 23, 2023Publisher Update
Rebex 在其整个产品系列中添加面向 .NET 最新版本的新二进制文件。
Rebex Total Pack 7.0.8581
Rebex Total Pack 7.0.8581
July 4, 2023新版本
File Server(文件服务器)改进了客户端公钥身份验证过程。
Rebex Total Pack R6.13
Rebex Total Pack R6.13
June 8, 2023新版本
改进了加密、网络和 TLS 功能。
Rebex Total Pack R6.9
Rebex Total Pack R6.9
November 11, 2022新版本
添加一套新的针对 .NET 7 的二进制文件。

价格从: $ 685.02

A Developer License is licensed on per-developer basis。 You have to obtain a valid license for each person who writes code which directly uses the component。 A Company license licenses all developers...

Rebex SSH Shell亦以___提供


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作为官方和授权的代理商,ComponentSource 为你提供Rebex的正版授权。
Component Type
  • .NET 9.0/8.0/7.0/6.0/5.0
  • .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, 4.0-4.8.1
  • .NET Core 3.1
  • Mono 6.0 or higher
  • Xamarin.iOS 13.10 or later
  • Xamarin.Android 10.1 or later

