SharePoint Document and Item Reordering 关于

重新排序任何类型 SharePoint 列表中的列表项,从混乱中保存您的列表内容。

SharePoint Document & Item Reordering allows you to rearrange ranks for items in any SharePoint list. Not confined to just the link list, you can now reorder items in any type of list with ease. You can keep your list content organized by moving an item up or down, to the top or bottom, or directly to a specific position. List items can be organized differently in each view according to your preference. If the order of items in a view has been changed, the ranks in other views will not be influenced. Only one or two columns need to be displayed when rearranging the order of items. For instance, if the reorder is “Country Code” oriented then the items can be reordered solely based on the related column, thus making sorting easier and more efficient.