Space Cloud

Space Cloud provides a platform where team members can communicate, share information, and collaborate on projects. It removes the silos that are often inherent to organizations. Whether it’s developers, designers, management, or any other type of role, Space allows for people to be more productive and open up their full potential.

Space Cloud Features

Team Management - Everything your company needs to ensure open work and transparent collaboration: the teams, locations, member profiles, roles and permissions, calendars, meetings, vacations, and blogs - all in one place.

  • Home for teams - Find everything you need to know about the teams across your entire organization, including their subteams, members, and everybody’s roles. Get an overview of the projects that each team is working on, their scheduled meetings, and a feed...


从 Space 存储库跳转到相关代码
从 Space 存储库跳转到相关代码
January 26, 2024Product Update
Space Cloud 现在允许您浏览存储库、问题和代码审查,然后立即在您的 JetBrains IDE 中打开相应的代码。
用 Git 子树改进了代码协作工作流
用 Git 子树改进了代码协作工作流
November 24, 2023Product Update
在将其保留为单独存储库的同时,Space Cloud 有助于您管理依赖项并合并外部代码库。
Space Cloud - 2023 年 10 月版本
Space Cloud - 2023 年 10 月版本
October 6, 2023新版本
October 6, 2023Product Update
JetBrains 推出的 Space 新添专为您积极参与您项目的自由职业者或外包专家设计的协作者角色。
更新了 Space
更新了 Space
September 25, 2023新版本
Space 移动应用程序添加对代码审查和合并请求的支持。
更新了 Space Cloud
更新了 Space Cloud
September 20, 2023新版本
添加与 Jira Cloud 的集成。

价格从: $ 94.08

Team Annual License: Unlimited searchable messages, 20 applications or integrations - Refers to applications or integrations connected to your organization in Space, 4,000 Computation Credits per...


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Browser requirements
  • Safari
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Edge

