Stimulsoft Reports.PHP

Stimulsoft Reports.PHP is a reporting tool designed for creating reports using a client-server technology. The PHP script works on the server side and controls report generation. The JavaScript report engine works on the client side and provides a universal mechanism for report generation on almost any client.

Ready to solve problems - Stimulsoft Reports.PHP offers a comprehensive solution to build, modify and run reports on PHP sites. Reports can be displayed in an interactive and animated report viewer.

Ready to create reports - Fully featured standalone report designer is delivered as a part of Stimulsoft Reports.PHP. The Reports designer was created using JavaScript. This gives the opportunity to work on multiple platforms without compatibility issues. The Report Designer provides a great number...


June 21, 2024Product Update
Stimulsoft Reports.PHP 2024.3 超越了标准格式,可以选择导出为 CSV、JSON 和 XML 等数据友好选项。
设置与 Snowflake Storage 的数据连接
设置与 Snowflake Storage 的数据连接
January 16, 2024Product Update
Stimulsoft Reports 2024.1.1 添加允许用户连接 Snowflake 强大的云存储的新数据适配器。
Stimulsoft 2023.3.3
Stimulsoft 2023.3.3
August 30, 2023新版本
添加在将报表导出到 Microsoft Word 时对水印的支持。
Stimulsoft 2023.3.2
Stimulsoft 2023.3.2
August 17, 2023新版本
Stimulsoft Ultimate 2023.3.1
Stimulsoft Ultimate 2023.3.1
July 26, 2023新版本
添加智能指南功能、与 Laravel 的兼容性以及用来创建可填写 PDF 表单的新工具。
Stimulsoft 2023.2.1
Stimulsoft 2023.2.1
March 28, 2023新版本
为 WinForms 应用程序添加新的深色主题,以及改进后的水印设计支持。

价格从: $ 783.95

Single License - Enables one developer to use the product。 A developer is a person who has access to Stimulsoft assemblies and scripts and uses them in application development。 Additionally, a...

Stimulsoft Reports.PHP亦以___提供


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  • PHP 5.3 or higher

