
TextDynamic is a royalty free word processing and reporting control which can be embedded into applications to create text in code, to offer the end user WYSIWYG editing features and to convert document formats, such as RTF to HTML or RTF to PDF or DOCX to PDF. Unlike wRTF2PDF / TextDynamic Server it is a visual component, it displays a word processor inside your application to let the user edit the text.

What you can do with TextDynamic

  • Process RTF, ANSI, XML, UNICODE and/or HTML texts
  • Optionally read and write DocX format
  • new: DOCX reading and writing – included in TextDynamic “Standard”
  • new: Improved editor with improved table handling
  • Edit data base memo fields with simple or formatted text
  • Prepare and send e-mails using the interface IWPMapi.
  • Use complete word processing with page layout view, 100% WYSIWYG, header&footer, cascading style sheets (CSS)
  • Use integrated spell check – included...


TextDynamic V7.84
TextDynamic V7.84
March 22, 2023新版本
改进了编辑器、拼写检查和 PDF 引擎。
TextDynamic V7.83
TextDynamic V7.83
October 20, 2021新版本
改进了编辑器、对 DOCX 的支持和 PDF 引擎。
TextDynamic V7.62
TextDynamic V7.62
July 6, 2020新版本
PDF 引擎添加删除字段、书签和超链接的命令。
TextDynamic V7.51
TextDynamic V7.51
October 12, 2018新版本

价格从: $ 781.80

One software license is required per developer。 Run-time royalty free。 (The distribution license is included free - so long as all involved developers are licensed。)。 One Developer License - This...


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  • .NET WinForms
  • .NET 类
  • ActiveX OCX

