Big Faceless Report Generator Lizenzierung

Wenn Sie Ihre Lizenzanforderungen für Big Faceless Report Generator besprechen möchten, kontaktieren Sie bitte unsere Big Faceless Organization (BFO) Lizenzierungsspezialisten.

Production Environment (Internal Use): Perpetual license provided per server or machine when used by the company internally.

Production Environment (External Use): Annual subscription-based license for use by external customers.
Please contact us for pricing.

Non-Production: Annual subscription-based license for each server or machine in the non-production environment, excluding disaster recovery.

Licensing Example:
A customer is using the software for company employees with the PDF Library deployed to two production servers and one development server. Their customers also have access to a SaaS application running on one server. The customer would require:

  • x2 Production Server Licenses (perpetual, internal)
  • x1 Non-Production Server Licenses (annual subscription, internal)
  • x1 Production Server Licenses (annual subscription, external)
