wPDF is a PDF maker which is optimized for greater compatibility with most drawing commands commonly found in Windows applications. Used alone, with your own component or linked with WPTools, wPDF instantly creates PDF files. wPDF is compatible with WPTools, WPForm, QuickReport and HTMLView, to name just a few possibilities. This component provides you with a compatible 'canvas' property which you can use for direct drawing.


wPDF converts enhanced metafiles to PDF while preserving the vector and text information. This results in small PDF files which can be printed at high resolution, thus making wPDF superior to other solutions which convert embedded metafiles into bitmaps. wPDF supports the usual PDF features, including compression and 128 bit encryption and it was the first Delphi library to allow embedding of font subsets to reduce file size even further.


The code needed for to create a PDF file is...

Aktuelle Neuigkeiten

wPDF v5
wPDF v5
September 23, 2022Neue Version
Integriert die Unterstützung für GDI-Linienstile und verbessert die Logik für gedrehten Text.
wPDF v4.80
wPDF v4.80
October 8, 2021Neue Version
Integriert die Unterstützung für Embarcadero Delphi 11 Alexandria.
wPDF v4.78
wPDF v4.78
April 16, 2021Neue Version
Verbessert Symbolschriftarten und die 64-Bit-Unterstützung.
wPDF v4.71
wPDF v4.71
February 19, 2019Neue Version
Integriert die Unterstützung für RAD Studio 10.3 Rio.
wPDF v4.60.0
wPDF v4.60.0
November 26, 2018Neue Version
Verbessert die Baseline für bestimmte Schriftarten bei der Umwandlung in den Typ 3 und überprüft die Berechnung der Schrifthöhe.
wPDF V4.51
wPDF V4.51
May 30, 2018Neue Version
Verbessert die Baseline-Berechnung für Type3-Schriften.

Preise ab: $ 235.68

Standard Edition One software license is required per developer. This Edition can not be used for Internet based development. DCUs Edition One Software license is required per developer. DCUs to...

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Component Type
  • VCL

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