Eine PDF-Viewing-Komponente für Delphi und .NET.
Veröffentlicht von WPCubed
Wird von ComponentSource seit 2002 vertrieben
Preise ab: $ 252.46 Version: v5.x NEU Letzte Aktualisierung: Feb 2, 2025 (1)
wpViewPDF allows you to view PDF data that can be loaded from memory, file or stream. wpViewPDF has been developed as a Windows Class which makes it compatible with most Windows based development systems. wpViewPDF can be used to quickly display and print PDF files which were created with wPDF, wPDFControl or wRTF2PDF or with another library. It is directly embedded into your application. It supports ANSI text extraction and text find and highlight functionality.
The PDF (Portable Document Format) has been become extremely important. Today it is expected that an application is not only able to print its output, but also export it directly to PDF. With WPCubed's tools, based on the wPDF engine many applications nowadays create PDF output.
With WPViewPDF Standard you can also display PDFs in your Delphi and .NET based applications.
WPViewPDF makes it possible to create PDFs as universal print and preview documents which can be stored, sent by e-mail and...
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