Highcharts Dashboards

Highcharts Dashboards enables developers to focus on creating insightful and interactive dashboards that support decision-making, while handling the technical aspects of dashboard development. Seamlessly integrating with Highcharts data visualization libraries to enhance your dashboards, it includes built-in data synchronization, pre-made components, and user-friendly drag-and-drop editing for efficient design. Highcharts Dashboards takes care of the complex tasks, saving you valuable time.

Highcharts Dashboards Features

  • Integrates with Highcharts
    Highcharts Dashboards integrates seamlessly with all Highcharts data visualization libraries. Utilize all Highcharts charting methods and tools inside your components to supercharge your dashboard.
  • Time-saving Framework
    Don't waste time coding from scratch. Highcharts Dashboards does all the heavy lifting out of the box. Use the Highcharts framework to set up a functioning, responsive, accessible dashboard in minutes with minimal effort...

Ultime Notizie

Crea e personalizza il layout della tua dashboard
Crea e personalizza il layout della tua dashboard
April 15, 2024Product Update
Highcharts Dashboards 2.0 migliora la flessibilità di progettazione attraverso un nuovo stile CSS e opzioni di layout personalizzate, per un'esperienza utente più personalizzata.
Highcharts Dashboards rilasciato
Highcharts Dashboards rilasciato
September 21, 2023Nuovo prodotto
Crea dashboard approfondite e interattive che guidano il processo decisionale.

Prezzi da: $ 564.48

One software license is required per developer. Any and all developers working with the software will need a license. Highcharts Dashboards allows developers to enable the "Edit Mode" allowing end...

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Come distributori ufficiali e autorizzati, ComponentSource vi fornisce legittime licenze direttamente da Highsoft.
Component Type
  • JavaScript
  • Angular
  • AngularJS
  • React
  • Vue.js
  • Svelte

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