Highcharts Suite
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Pubblicato da Highsoft
Distribuito da ComponentSource dal 2017
Prezzi da: $ 950.60 Versione: v12.x NUOVO Aggiornato il: Dec 21, 2024 (3)
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Highcharts Suite includes Highcharts, Highcharts Gantt, Highstock and Highmaps. Highcharts allows you to create interactive charts easily for your web projects. Used by tens of thousands of developers and 72 out of the world's 100 largest companies, Highcharts is a simple yet highly flexible charting API. Highcharts Gantt lets you build interactive charts for allocating, coordinating, and displaying, tasks, events and resources along a timeline. Highstock lets you create stock or general timeline charts in pure JavaScript. Including sophisticated navigation options like a small navigator series, preset date ranges, date picker, scrolling and panning. Highmaps includes interactive map charts with drilldown and touch support. Build interactive maps to display sales, election results or any other information linked to geography. Perfect for standalone use or in dashboards in combination with Highcharts.
Highcharts Suite Features:
All the charting libraries work with any back-end database or server stack. Data can be given in any form, including CSV, JSON or loaded and updated live.
Wrappers for most popular languages, such as .Net, PHP, Python, R, and Java, as well as iOS, are available from Highcharts or their community.
Responsive across devices
Default responsiveness goes beyond fitting the chart to the dimensions of its container, but automatically finds an optimal placement for non-graph elements such as legends and headings.
With annotations, developers may describe charts or data points by drawing simple shapes and text anywhere on the canvas or tethered to specific data points. Placement and visibility of annotations intelligently respond to canvas/screen size.
Highcharts offers sophisticated accessibility support for visually impaired users, and users with keyboard navigation only, meeting and exceeding both Section 508 requirements and WCAG 2 guidelines.
Touch optimized
Touch-optimized charts allow for a native experience on mobile and touch screens. Single touch-drag for data inspection, multi-touch for zooming, and more.
Options are optional
In most cases, charts look and behave exactly as you need without any modifications. For anything else, a simple options-structure allows for deep customization.
Highcharts is also extendable and pluggable for experts seeking advanced animations and functionality.
Flexible styling
The elegant charts render crisp and clear at any resolution and are easily styled via JavaScript or CSS.
Dynamic - Live updates with fresh data
Numerous events supply hooks for programming against the charts, making it easy to demonstrate complex relationships between data with live, dynamic updates of data and customizable animations.
Data can be handed over to Highcharts in any form, even from a different site, and a callback function used to parse the data into an array.
BigData Ready
When you need to render thousands or millions of datapoints in the browser, Highcharts WebGL-powered Boost module delivers speed speed that leaves Plotly, dygraphs and other performance-focused charting libraries in the dust.
Export & Print
With the exporting module enabled, your users can export the chart to PNG, JPG, PDF or SVG format at the click of a button, or print the chart directly from the web page.
Customizable Timeline
Being built on the foundation of Highcharts.JS makes the Highcharts Gantt solution a peerless development tool for Gantt applications.Use it in combination with Highcharts to add a scatter series with images for custom markers for your tasks, or write custom event handlers to build your own planning tool on top of it. Or integrate the Navigator and Range Selector functionality from Highstock for unparalleled timeline management.
Intelligent scaling
While the Gantt applications of yesteryear may have been designed for a 800x600 desktop experience, today's clients range dramatically in size, shape and interactive interfaces. Highcharts Gantt is designed from ground up to intelligently adapt to various display sizes, supporting both touch, mouse and keyboard interaction. It doesn't just shrink the chart, but intelligently resizes and reorganizes navigation and chart elements based on available screen real-estate.
Extensive Map Collection
For your convenience, Highsoft provides a collection of hundreds of maps, all optimized for fast download and rendering with Highmaps.
Create your own maps
In essence, maps are just shapes defined by SVG. It is therefore easy to create custom maps, such as this regular map of a made-up place, or this irregular map of a real place.
Color Axis
For full control over the color layout of the Highmaps choropleth maps, a separate color axis is displayed inside the legend. It inherits most features from scalar axes in order to provide common options like min, max, logarithic scale and more.
Intuitive navigation & drilldown
Highmaps features all common ways of navigating, like plus/minus buttons, doubleclick to zoom, mousewheel zooming, multitouch and panning.
The drilldown module ensures smooth interaction between map areas on one layer, which zoom into a full map on the underlying layer.
Technical Indicators
highstock includes 20 popular technical indicators including SMA, MACD, CCI, RSI, Stochastic, Bollinger Bands, Pivot Points, PSAR, and Ichimoku Kinko Hyo. Developers may create their own custom indicators with minimal effort.
Intelligent Datagrouping
For data arrays of hundreds of thousands of points, it wouldn’t be very effective for the browser to calculate the translated position for each one and render them all on what is often a 800px wide canvas.
With Highstock’s built-in data grouping facility, data is blazingly fast grouped into optional groups like months or days, and displayed. When zooming in on smaller ranges, the grouping is redone and you can inspect the full resolution data.
Financial Data-friendly Navigation
While navigating a large dataset, perhaps hourly values over several years, it is important for the charting library to provide a quick way a to view a certain time range. Highstock provides a range selector where the user can zoom in on preselected time ranges like 1m, 1y or YTD, or manually add date ranges.
Furthermore, Highstock intelligently determines where to place the ticks so that they always mark the start of the month or the week, midnight and midday, the full hour etc.
Additionally, it is easy to add tooltip text with information on each point and series, or place event-markers and annotations directly related to interesting data-points.