Highcharts for Python 가격정보

Highcharts for Python에 대한 라이선스 요구 사항을 논의하여야 하는 경우, 당사의 Highsoft 라이선스 전문가에게 문의하여 주시기 바랍니다.

일반 제공 가격은 하기와 같습니다. 할인된 가격을 확인하려면 로그인 하시기 바랍니다.

모든 라이선스 (313)
표시 생략 | 상세 내용 비표시 |

Highcharts Core v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License + Advantage

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552213

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 776,500 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552214

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,532,000 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552381

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,532,000 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552215

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,829,100 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552382

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,829,100 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552216

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,099,100 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552217

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,168,400 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552383

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,168,400 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552218

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 5,419,600 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552384

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 5,419,600 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License + Advantage

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC-S + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552219

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,553,100 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552220

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,064,000 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552385

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,064,000 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552221

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 7,658,100 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552386

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 7,658,100 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC-S (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552222

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,198,200 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552223

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,336,800 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552387

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,336,800 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552224

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 10,839,200 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552388

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 10,839,200 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Maps v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License + Advantage

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552225

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,048,800 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552226

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,068,900 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-M + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552389

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,068,900 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552227

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 5,169,300 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-M + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552390

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 5,169,300 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC-M (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552228

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,484,500 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-M (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552229

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,928,300 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-M (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552391

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,928,300 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-M (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552230

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 7,316,600 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-M (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552392

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 7,316,600 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License + Advantage

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552231

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 931,900 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552232

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,838,800 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552393

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,838,800 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552233

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,594,100 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552394

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,594,100 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC-G (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552234

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,318,900 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-G (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552235

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,602,600 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-G (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552395

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,602,600 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-G (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552236

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 6,502,400 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-G (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552396

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 6,502,400 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License + Advantage

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC-S-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552237

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,825,400 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552238

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,600,900 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S-M + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552397

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,600,900 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552239

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 8,998,400 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S-M + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552398

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 8,998,400 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC-S-M (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552240

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,583,600 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S-M (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552241

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 5,096,600 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S-M (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552399

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 5,096,600 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S-M (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552242

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 12,736,200 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S-M (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552400

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 12,736,200 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License + Advantage

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC-S-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552243

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,708,400 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552244

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,370,800 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552401

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,370,800 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552245

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 8,423,200 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552402

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 8,423,200 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC-S-G (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552246

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,418,100 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S-G (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552247

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,771,000 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S-G (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552403

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,771,000 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S-G (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552248

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 11,922,000 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S-G (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552404

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 11,922,000 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License + Advantage

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552249

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,204,100 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552250

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,375,700 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-M-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552405

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,375,700 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552251

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 5,934,400 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-M-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552406

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 5,934,400 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC-M-G (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552252

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,704,300 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-M-G (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552253

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,362,500 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-M-G (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552407

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,362,500 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-M-G (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552254

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 8,399,400 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-M-G (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552408

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 8,399,400 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License + Advantage

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC-S-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552255

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,859,900 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552256

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,669,900 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S-M-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552409

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,669,900 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552257

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 9,169,000 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S-M-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552410

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 9,169,000 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IP-HC-S-M-G (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552258

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,632,400 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S-M-G (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552259

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 5,194,300 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: SP-HC-S-M-G (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552411

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 5,194,300 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S-M-G (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552260

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 12,977,700 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

개발사 제품 번호#: S+P-HC-S-M-G (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552412

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 12,977,700 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Perpetual License which offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License - Advantage Renewal

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552261

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 358,400 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552262

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 707,100 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552413

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 707,100 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552263

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,767,300 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552414

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,767,300 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552264

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 645,100 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552265

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,272,700 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552415

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,272,700 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552266

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,181,100 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552416

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,181,100 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License - Advantage Renewal

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC-S) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552267

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 716,800 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552268

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,414,200 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552417

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,414,200 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552269

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,534,500 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552418

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,534,500 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC-S) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552270

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,290,300 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552271

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,545,500 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552419

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,545,500 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552272

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 6,362,100 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552420

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 6,362,100 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Maps v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License - Advantage Renewal

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC-M) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552273

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 484,100 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-M) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552274

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 954,900 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-M) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552421

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 954,900 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-M) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552275

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,385,800 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-M) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552422

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,385,800 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC-M) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552276

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 871,300 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-M) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552277

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,718,800 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-M) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552423

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,718,800 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-M) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552278

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,294,500 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-M) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552424

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,294,500 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License - Advantage Renewal

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC-G) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552279

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 430,100 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-G) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552280

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 848,700 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-G) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552425

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 848,700 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-G) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552281

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,120,400 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-G) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552426

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,120,400 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC-G) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552282

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 774,200 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-G) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552283

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,527,600 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-G) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552427

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,527,600 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-G) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552284

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,816,600 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-G) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552428

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,816,600 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Gantt + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License - Advantage Renewal

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC-S-M) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552285

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 842,500 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-M) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552286

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,661,900 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-M) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552429

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,661,900 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-M) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552287

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,153,100 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-M) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552430

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,153,100 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC-S-M) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552288

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,516,500 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-M) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552289

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,991,500 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-M) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552431

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,991,500 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-M) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552290

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 7,475,600 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-M) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552432

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 7,475,600 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License - Advantage Renewal

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC-S-G) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552291

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 788,500 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-G) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552292

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,555,800 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-G) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552433

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,555,800 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-G) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552293

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,887,600 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-G) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552434

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,887,600 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC-S-G) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552294

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,419,300 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-G) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552295

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,800,400 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-G) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552435

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,800,400 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-G) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552296

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 6,997,700 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-G) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552436

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 6,997,700 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License - Advantage Renewal

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC-M-G) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552297

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 555,800 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-M-G) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552298

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,096,500 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-M-G) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552437

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,096,500 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-M-G) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552299

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,738,900 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-M-G) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552438

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,738,900 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC-M-G) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552300

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,000,400 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-M-G) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552301

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,973,600 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-M-G) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552439

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,973,600 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-M-G) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552302

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,930,100 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-M-G) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552440

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,930,100 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Perpetual License - Advantage Renewal

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC-S-M-G) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552303

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 858,400 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-M-G) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552304

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,693,800 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-M-G) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552441

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,693,800 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-M-G) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552305

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,231,900 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

1 year Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-M-G) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552442

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,231,900 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 12 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (IP-HC-S-M-G) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552306

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,545,100 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-M-G) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552307

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,048,800 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (SP-HC-S-M-G) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552443

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,048,800 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-M-G) (2YR) + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552308

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 7,617,300 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

2 years Advantage Renewal for 1 Additional Developer Seat for a Perpetual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-ADV (S+P-HC-S-M-G) (2YR) + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552444

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 7,617,300 장바구니에 담기

Advantage subscription renewal extends provision of new releases, and access to extended support offerings for 24 months.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • Confirmation of Advantage Renewal for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt + Python Integration.

Highcharts Core v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552333

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 337,500 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552334

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 669,200 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552445

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 669,200 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552335

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,664,300 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552446

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,664,300 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC-S + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552336

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 674,900 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552337

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,338,300 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552447

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,338,300 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552338

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,328,600 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552448

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,328,600 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Maps v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552339

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 456,300 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552340

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 903,100 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-M + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552449

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 903,100 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552341

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,247,200 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-M + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552450

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,247,200 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552342

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 404,600 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552343

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 803,400 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552451

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 803,400 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552344

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,997,900 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552452

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,997,900 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC-S-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552345

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 793,800 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552346

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,572,300 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S-M + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552453

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,572,300 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552347

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,911,500 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S-M + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552454

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,911,500 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC-S-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552348

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 742,000 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552349

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,472,600 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552455

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,472,600 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552350

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,662,200 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552456

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,662,200 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552351

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 523,500 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552352

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,037,300 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-M-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552457

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,037,300 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552353

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,580,800 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-M-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552458

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,580,800 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC-S-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552354

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 809,100 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552355

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,602,900 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S-M-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552459

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,602,900 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552356

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,986,300 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S-M-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552460

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,986,300 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully placing your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

Highcharts Core v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License Renewal

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552357

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 337,500 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552358

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 669,200 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552461

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 669,200 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552359

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,664,300 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552462

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,664,300 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License Renewal

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC-S + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552360

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 674,900 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552361

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,338,300 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552463

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,338,300 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552362

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,328,600 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552464

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,328,600 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Maps v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License Renewal

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552363

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 456,300 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552364

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 903,100 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-M + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552465

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 903,100 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552365

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,247,200 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-M + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552466

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,247,200 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License Renewal

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552366

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 404,600 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552367

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 803,400 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552467

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 803,400 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552368

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,997,900 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552468

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,997,900 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License Renewal

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC-S-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552369

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 793,800 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552370

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,572,300 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S-M + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552469

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,572,300 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S-M + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552371

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,911,500 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S-M + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552470

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,911,500 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License Renewal

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC-S-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552372

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 742,000 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552373

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,472,600 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552471

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,472,600 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552374

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,662,200 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552472

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,662,200 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License Renewal

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552375

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 523,500 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552376

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,037,300 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-M-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552473

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,037,300 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552377

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,580,800 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-M-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552474

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,580,800 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt v12.x + Highcharts Python Integration Annual License Renewal

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: IA-HC-S-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552378

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 809,100 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552379

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,602,900 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS License

개발사 제품 번호#: SA-HC-S-M-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552475

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,602,900 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S-M-G + HC-PY당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552380

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,986,300 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Additional Developer Seat for an Annual SaaS+ License

개발사 제품 번호#: S+A-HC-S-M-G + HC-PY (DEV)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552476

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,986,300 장바구니에 담기

This adds an additional developer seat to the Annual License which offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After successfully verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core v12.x Perpetual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552165

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 179,200 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552166

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 353,500 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552167

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 883,600 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552168

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 358,400 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552169

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 707,100 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552170

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,767,300 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core + Stock v12.x Perpetual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core + Stock.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC-S)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552171

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 358,400 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC-S)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552172

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 707,100 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC-S)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552173

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,767,300 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC-S (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552174

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 716,800 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC-S (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552175

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,414,200 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC-S (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552176

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,534,500 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core + Maps v12.x Perpetual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core + Maps.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC-M)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552177

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 242,000 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC-M)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552178

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 477,400 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC-M)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552179

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,192,900 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC-M (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552180

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 484,100 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC-M (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552181

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 954,900 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC-M (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552182

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,385,800 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core + Gantt v12.x Perpetual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core + Gantt.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552183

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 215,000 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552184

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 424,300 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552185

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,060,200 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC-G (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552186

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 430,100 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC-G (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552187

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 848,700 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC-G (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552188

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,120,400 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps v12.x Perpetual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC-S-M)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552189

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 421,200 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC-S-M)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552190

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 831,000 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC-S-M)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552191

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,076,500 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC-S-M (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552192

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 842,500 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC-S-M (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552193

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,661,900 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC-S-M (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552194

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,153,100 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt v12.x Perpetual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC-S-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552195

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 394,200 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC-S-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552196

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 777,900 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC-S-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552197

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,943,800 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC-S-G (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552198

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 788,500 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC-S-G (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552199

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,555,800 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC-S-G (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552200

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 3,887,600 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt v12.x Perpetual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC-M-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552201

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 277,900 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC-M-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552202

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 548,200 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC-M-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552203

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,369,500 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC-M-G (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552204

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 555,800 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC-M-G (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552205

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,096,500 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC-M-G (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552206

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,738,900 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt v12.x Perpetual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 1 year Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC-S-M-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552207

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 429,200 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 1 year Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC-S-M-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552208

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 846,900 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 1 year Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC-S-M-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552209

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 2,115,900 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. All new releases and Technical Support is included for the first 12 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual Internal License + 2 years Advantage

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IP-HC-S-M-G (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552210

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 858,400 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS License + 2 years Advantage

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SP-HC-S-M-G (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552211

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 1,693,800 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Perpetual SaaS+ License + 2 years Advantage

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+P-HC-S-M-G (2YR))당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552212

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 4,231,900 장바구니에 담기

The Perpetual License offers current Releases of the library for a one-time fee. New releases and Technical Support are included for 24 months. Upon expiration, access to new releases and Technical support are available for a fee.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core v12.x Annual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core.

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IA-HC)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552309

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 77,900 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SA-HC)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552310

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 154,400 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+A-HC)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552311

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 384,100 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core + Stock v12.x Annual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core + Stock.

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IA-HC-S)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552312

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 155,800 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SA-HC-S)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552313

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 308,800 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+A-HC-S)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552314

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 768,100 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core + Maps v12.x Annual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core + Maps.

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IA-HC-M)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552315

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 105,300 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SA-HC-M)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552316

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 208,400 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+A-HC-M)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552317

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 518,600 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core + Gantt v12.x Annual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core + Gantt.

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IA-HC-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552318

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 93,400 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SA-HC-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552319

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 185,400 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+A-HC-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552320

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 461,100 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Gantt Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps v12.x Annual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps.

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IA-HC-S-M)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552321

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 183,200 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SA-HC-S-M)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552322

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 362,800 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+A-HC-S-M)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552323

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 902,700 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt v12.x Annual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt.

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IA-HC-S-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552324

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 171,200 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SA-HC-S-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552325

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 339,800 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+A-HC-S-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552326

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 845,100 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Gantt Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt v12.x Annual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt.

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IA-HC-M-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552327

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 120,800 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SA-HC-M-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552328

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 239,400 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS+ License

Up to 5 SaaS and/or Web Applications (Total not to exceed 5).

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (S+A-HC-M-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552329

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 595,600 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS+ License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software in either:
a. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications, or;
b. Up to five (5) independent Web Applications, or;
c. Up to five (5) independent SaaS Applications and Web Applications as long as the total number of applications does not exceed five (5).

Subscription to a SaaS+ License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to use Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or Web Application which is hosted in any part by Licensee’s customer.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

Highcharts Python Integration Add-On for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt v12.x Annual License

Adding the Python Integration requires an active Advantage Plan for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt.

1 Developer Annual Internal License

For internal use only, if you need to display data outside of your company you will need a SaaS or SaaS+ License.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (IA-HC-S-M-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552330

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 186,700 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through an Internal License, Highsoft grants Licensee a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software:
i. on any number of private websites (including subdomains and intranet sites) for generation of generic content, and;
ii. on any number of Internal Applications.

A Web License authorizes Licensee to use the Licensed Software for internal purposes and extends to Licensee’s employees and contractors, but not to its clients or other Third Parties. The Web License does not include any right for Licensee to use the Licensed Software in a SaaS Application or a Web Application.

The condition that the right to use the Licensed Software under a Web License is limited to generation of generic content only, means that the content being included on websites must be the same (identical) for all users, and that Licensee shall not generate individually tailored content adapted to any user’s personal data or choices.

For more information please read the Highcharts License Agreement.

본 제품의 라이선스 발행을 위해서 고객님의 주문정보를 바탕으로 구매 대상 여부의 확인이 필요 합니다.

After verifying your order a license statement, terms and conditions and download instructions will be emailed to you.

이메일로 납품:
  • License ID, License Statement, Terms and Conditions, and Download Instructions for Highcharts Core + Stock + Maps + Gantt Python Integration.

1 Developer Annual SaaS License

One SaaS or One Web Application.

개발사 제품 번호#: HC-PY (SA-HC-S-M-G)당사 제품 번호#: CS-557916-1552331

라이선스 및 배송 ₩ 369,900 장바구니에 담기

The Annual License offers an annual subscription and permits use of all Releases and Technical Support for 1 Year. To continue to use the software you will need to renew your license.

Through a SaaS License, Highsoft grants Licensee such rights that are covered by a Web License with the addition of a non-exclusive, time-limited, non-reusable, worldwide right to install, reproduce, use and further develop Licensed Software as an integral part of either:
a. one (1) SaaS Application, or;
b. one (1) Web Application.

Licensed Software may only be incorporated into such SaaS Application or a Web Application that has been expressly identified by Licensee and approved by Highsoft in the License Statement. Licensee is allowed to make changes or further developments to the chosen SaaS Application or Web Application. The non-reusable character of the SaaS License means that Licensee is not allowed to change or replace the SaaS Application or Web Application with a separate SaaS Application or Web Application under the same License.

Subscription to a SaaS License does not authorize Licensee to distribute Licensed Software as an integral part of a Licensee’s own product through installation of such product on a server owned or operated by a Licensee customer. Nor does it authorize Licensee to us